Product documentation
Advanced Field Service - Entities

The entities mentioned in this topic are part of the Advanced Field Service managed solution. Note that both standard entities as well as custom entities are part of the solution.


Additional AFS Entities

The following custom entities are part of the solution.

Entity Description
Advanced Field Service Setting

Entity that stores specific parameters used by Advanced Field Service.

Agreement Coverage Term

Entity to specify the unique agreement coverage terms for an agreement.

Agreement Customer Asset

Entity that stores specific customer assets that are linked to an agreement.

Agreement Indexation Entity that stores agreement indexation records.
Agreement Indexation Month Entity to specify agreement indexation months and used for the bulk agreement indexation process.
Agreement SLA (deprecated)

Entity that links SLA’s to an agreement. Entity is deprecated and replaced by Agreement SLA Setup.

Agreement SLA Setup

Entity that links Case and Work Order SLA’s to an agreement.

Agreement Type

Entity to specify agreement types in order to characterize agreements.

Case Incident Type

Entity to specify case incident types that can be used in case to work order integration.

Cause Code

Entity to specify cause codes that can identify the root cause of a problem.

Complaint Code

Entity to specify complaint codes that can be used when identifying a problem.

Coverage Category

Entity to specify coverage categories that can be linked to products and services.

Coverage Term

Entity to specify the default coverage terms that can be automatically loaded in agreements.

Customer Asset Group

Entity to specify differentiation of customer asset families one level above customer asset types.

Customer Asset Property

Entity to specify the unique customer asset properties for a customer asset.

Customer Asset Status

Entity to specify customer asset statuses.

Customer Asset Structure Designer

Entity used by the customer asset structure designer.

Customer Asset Structure Template

Entity to specify customer asset structure templates.

Customer Asset Type

Entity to specify differentiation of customer assets using a specific asset type indication.

Customer Asset Type Incident Type Entity to specify the customer asset types that are linked to an incident type in order to specify customer asset type dependent incident type defaults 
Customer Asset Type Characteristic Entity to specify customer asset type characteristics, used for loading defaults in a work order.
Customer Asset Type Product Entity to specify customer asset type products, used for loading defaults in a work order.
Customer Asset Type Service Entity to specify customer asset type services, used for loading defaults in a work order.
Customer Asset Type Service Task Entity to specify customer asset type service tasks, used for loading defaults in a work order.
Customer Asset Type Property

Entity to specify the unique customer asset type properties for a customer asset type.

Customer Asset Warranty Term

Entity to specify the unique customer asset warranty terms for a customer asset.

Customer Warranty Term

Entity to specify the default customer warranty terms that can be automatically loaded in customer assets.

Invoice Schedule

Entity to specify invoice schedules that need to be linked to a of fixed price work orders.

Invoice Schedule Line

Entity to specify the lines of an invoice schedule.


Entity to specify manufacturers that can be linked to customer asset types.

Property Option Set

Entity to specify property option sets that can be used in property settings.

Property Option Set Item

Entity to specify property option set items that can be linked to property option sets.

Property Setting

Entity to specify property settings that can be linked to customer asset types and customer assets.

Quote Agreement Coverage Term Entity to specify the unique quote agreement coverage terms for an agreement quotation.
Quote Agreement Customer Asset

Entity that stores specific customer assets that are linked to an agreement quotation.

Quote Agreement Invoice Product Entity to specify invoice setup product(s) for an agreement quotation.
Quote Agreement Invoice Setup Entity to specify invoice setup(s) for an agreement quotation.
Quote Agreement SLA Setup

Entity that links Case and Work Order SLA’s to an agreement quotation.

Quote Work Order Incident Entity to specify incidents for a work order quotation.
Quote Work Order Incident Customer Asset Entity to specify incident customer assets for a work order quotation.
Quote Work Order Service Task Entity to specify incident service tasks for a work order quotation.
Service Category

Entity to specify service categories that can be used in case to work order integration.

Service Category Case Incident Type

Entity to specify case incident types that are related to service categories.

Service Category Case Incident Type Line

Entity to specify incident types that are related to service categories case incident types.

Solution Code

Entity to specify solution codes that can indicate how to solve a problem.

Warranty Category

Entity to specify warranty categories that can be linked to products and services.

Work Order Invoice Schedule line

Entity to specify work order invoice schedule lines that are related to a specific fixed price work order.

Workflow Element Task This entity is used for managing large amount of data.


Modified Entities

The following standard entities are part of the solution, as a result of a modification.

Field Description

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.


Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Agreement Booking Date

Modification of views.

Agreement Booking Incident

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Agreement Booking Product Additional entity fields.
Agreement Booking Service Additional entity fields.
Agreement Booking Service Task Additional entity fields.
Agreement Booking Setup

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Agreement Invoice Date

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Agreement Invoice Product

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Agreement Invoice Setup

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Bookable Resource

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Bookable Resource Category

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Bookable Resource Category Assn

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.


Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.


Modification of forms.

Customer Asset

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Incident Type

Modification of forms.


Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Invoice Product

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Price List Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.
Price List Item

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Product Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.
Purchase Order Modification of forms.
Purchase Order Product Modification of forms.
Quote Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.
Quote Booking Setup Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.
Quote Line Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.
Requirement Characteristic

Modification of views and additional entity field.

Resource Requirement

Modification of views.


Modification of views.

SLA KPI Instance

Modification of forms and views.

Work Order

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Work Order Incident

Modification of views.

Work Order Product

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Work Order Service

Modification of forms, views and additional entity fields.

Work Order Service Task

Modification of views and addtional entity fields.