Product documentation
Customer Engagement Essentials - Entities

The entities mentioned in this topic are part of the Customer Engagement Essentials managed solution. Note that both standard entities as well as custom entities are part of the solution.


Additional Customer Engagement Essentials Entities

The following custom entities are part of the solution.

Entity Description
Address Location Entity to specify address locations.
Addres Roles Entity to specify address roles.
Area Entity to specify areas.
Country Entity to specify countries
Customer Engagement Essentials Setttings Entity that stores specific parameters used by Customer Engagement Essentials.
Language Entity to specify languages.
Manufacturer Entity to specify manufacturers.
Number Sequence

Entity that stores number sequences.

Number Sequence Settings (deprecated) Entity to specify attributes (from any entity) for which a specific number ID should be generated.
Setting Attribute Entity to specify the attributes used in Salutation, Addressing and Auto Capitalize Names functionality.
Setting Value Entity that stores setting values from Solution Settings for Salutation, Addressing and Auto Capitalize Names. 
Solution Setting Entity to specify the setup of Salutation, Addressing and Auto Capitalize Names functionality.
Supplier Entity to specify suppliers.


Modified Entities

The following standard entities are part of the solution, as a result of a modification.

Field Description

Modification of forms.


Modification of forms.


Modification of forms.


Modification of forms.

Invoice Product

Modification of forms.


Modification of forms.

Opportunity Line

Modification of forms.

Order Modification of forms.
Order Line Modification of forms. 
Product Modification of forms.
Quote Modification of forms.
Quote Line Modification of forms.