Product documentation
Tender Management

Business value

Every tendering process is a combination of stakeholder, risk and project management, and the complexity of this process is growing. By using Tender Management, you obtain a firm grasp on your bidding, procurement or tender processes with accurate reporting.

Compared to standard sales processes, tender management requires a different approach. From registering multiple or alternative proposals to a single opportunity or project, you are faced with the challenge of accurately reporting what’s in your pipeline or forecasting, as you do not want to double count all outstanding proposals.

You need to obtain an end-to-end, real-time insight into the overall process, including sub works or projects while improving cost control and allocating resources more effectively. With tender management, documents from various suppliers and partners need to be managed via email or by file-sharing platforms. Our integrated approach avoids having to switch from one system to another and save much time while providing accurate version control.

This document describes the functional changes that have been developed in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement for the solution HSO Tender Management.



Tender Process

By using leads and opportunities within  to monitor the commercial tendering phase, corresponding business process flows and Stage-Gate processes can be made specific per Project Risk Category. Depending on the Project Risk Category, the right business process flow with mandatory fields can be triggered. In case a Project Category changes during the tender process, the corresponding business process will also change.


Risk Management

By using project categories that automatically trigger a defined business process flow, the Tender Approach, we have created a meticulous risk assessment model without the need for custom script or code. Using a risk-based assessment for opportunities, tenders, and projects should be a priority to increase effective decision-making. When registering and monitoring potential risks is time-intensive, the use of adequate tooling to support profound risk management scoring is the right choice.


Approval Control

Stage-Gate processes are often a fundamental part of the commercial decision-making process that needs to be highly aligned with risk categorization and the corresponding Tender Approach. By using Tender Management with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement , and benefiting from extensive approval matrices with automated notifications, you can quickly obtain information regarding who needs to approve what, at which moment, and under which conditions in a process.


Multiple Opportunities Handling

With our additional tender management functionality integrated right into your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement environment, you can clearly identify individual demand and avoid the risk of double or triple counting one product or service being sold in the same project. Integration of systems also helps to deal with an important factor in tendering: meeting the deadline.


Quotations and Projects

Opportunities and Quotes can be for a single occasion but may also be used in more complex situations. It might be that we offer our potential customer different alternatives where he can choose between one or more of the options. In this case, we should know that the amount of only combined alternatives for the opportunity is valid. In Tender Management, standard separations can be stored in templates using a Project Structure Designer.


Integration HSO solutions

Tender Management is delivered together with 2 other solutions from HSO.



The solution License is always part of our solution and controls the license validation of our intellectual property.

For further explanation on how to install Tender Management and request a license file, we refer to the topics Installation via AppSource and Licensing.


Customer Engagement Essentials

The solution Customer Engagement Essentials is always part of Tender Management as well. The solution contains address location, number sequence functionality, contact salutation & addressing, auto capitalize names and some generic technical components that are re-used in other solutions.The solution requires a license in order to run correctly.

For further explanation on how to use the solution, we refer to the topic of Customer Engagement Essentials.


Release notes

Feature Introduced in version
  • Easily manage multiple opportunities
  • Simplify stakeholder management
  • Increase pipeline and booking accuracy
  • Speed up approval processes
