Product documentation
Online Product Catalog

Business value

Companies often use external catalogs to source products that are not part of their core assortment. The downside of that is that this causes extra workload in finding and keeping these items up-to-date.

This situation prevents employees from accessing new items from within the systems that support the core business processes. With Online Product Catalog, you can select products from online catalogs directly within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and use all available information with actual prices you agreed upon with your suppliers.

The solution offers you the best of both worlds; access to the extensive catalog’s data of a provider, with direct availability within your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement application. Selecting products by filtering on properties, suppliers, item code or using part of a description is very user-friendly. Items from the external catalogs can be added directly as products to Customer Engagement entities, and price agreements can be stored as conditions with individual security settings.

This document describes the functional changes that have been developed in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement for the solution HSO Online Product Catalog.



Supported Business Requirements

While using Online Product Catalog, you have immediate insight into the assortment of external catalogs and are able to quickly enter products, minimizing manual labor while maximizing grip on product management. Price agreements with suppliers are shown in a separate column so that for example a net purchase price of an item can visible while the higher gross price can also be presented next to it.

Obviously, sales prices are used when making a quote to a potential customer. To issue a quotation or to prepare a purchase order the selecting of multiple items is made very easy.

Supported Business Requirements


Selection Lists, Pricing & Suppliers

Items are collected in a selection list before you import them into your Dynamics 365 environment. The advantage is that you are able to check the list of selected items before transferring them to Dynamics 365. Removing items from the list or changing quantities can be done instantaneously.

You can choose the sales price to be either a surcharge on the cost price or you can enter the sales price manually in Dynamics 365. Within opportunities and quotations, products are always listed as sales price. Of course, in Dynamics 365 the supplier’s name and trade item ID is kept visible. You can choose the sales price to be either a surcharge on the cost price or you can

After selecting items from a supplier that was not used before, this supplier will be added to a list of active suppliers including the GLN number and the date this supplier was added. It is even possible to enable that specific users can only select items from a predefined set of suppliers, increasing the control you have regarding sourcing and purchasing of products.


Integration HSO solutions

Online Product Catalog is delivered together with 2 other solutions from HSO.



The solution License is always part of our solution and controls the license validation of our intellectual property.

For further explanation on how to request a license file, we refer to the topic Licensing.


Customer Engagement Essentials

The solution Customer Engagement Essentials is always part of Online Product Catalog as well. The solution contains address location, number sequence functionality, contact salutation & addressing, auto capitalize names and some generic technical components that are re-used in other solutions. The solution requires a license in order to run correctly.

For further explanation on how to use the solution, we refer to the topic of Customer Engagement Essentials.


Release notes

Feature Introduced in version
  • Full integration with online catalogs like the 2BA catalog and ETIM (European Technical Information Model)
  • Direct access to more than 20 million products
  • Distinction between gross and net prices
  • Direct access to lists of used suppliers including GLN number
  • Possibility to connect with supplier specific catalogs




Feature Introduced in version
  • Integration item conditions from vendor and to 2BA
  • Select trade items with actual conditions (net price) in a purchase order
  • Deep link to products and trade items
  • Price level information visible on trade items
  • Possibility to integrate with several online product catalogs

