Business value
HSO License controls the license validation of the intellectual property from HSO.
Solution License is delivered as a managed solution by publisher HSO. The solution is automatically installed in combination with our other Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement products.

As part of the installation, the app for License will be installed.

- License Dashboard
- Configuration
- License Roles
Release notes
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- License basic solution
- License based on modules
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- License based on number of users
- Publisher change to HSO AG
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Security roles detection for child business units
- Improvements in plugin and workflow assemblies
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Requested quantity
- Improvements to DLF roles initialization
- Exclude activity type entity and email type entity in detection license roles
- Button Discover Modules for creation module records if not present after installation
- Disabled tracelog messages for License plugins
- Removed old UI configuration page
- New License Model Driven App including configuration page
- New License Dashboard
- Added Business Unit in views and Dashboard
- Language support for English, German, French and Dutch
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Renamed entity display names to Licenses - HSO and License Roles - HSO
- New group Security Settings in model driven app with Business Units, Teams and Users
- Initialize License Roles ignores inactive business units
- Button Autofill Request in order to autofill column Request with values from column Licensed
- Button Discover Modules in order to load any missing module records
- Changed framework for generating License Roles via cloud flow 'DLF - License Roles Maintenance'
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Possibility to request for a license through an Activation Online process
- New License Insights Dashboard giving insights in users/teams and their relevant security roles
- Button Refresh Insights to trigger creating license insights records
- Solution Insights overview displaying all HSO solutions with relevant information