Product documentation
Walkthrough - Setup


Price and management parameters

Retail > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Price and margin management parameters

Procurement and sourcing parameters

Procurement and sourcing > Setup > Procurement and sourcing parameters > tab Prices

Accounts receivable parameters

Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > tab Margin alerts

Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > Prices > tab Price details

Price margin worker group

Retail > Pricing and discounts > Price margin worker groups

Human resources > Workers > Workers > tab Retail > Price margin worker group



Category hierarchy (Role association)

Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Category hierarchies / Category hierarchy role associations

In this example, for simplicity, the existing Retail product category is used for both purposes.


(Cost) Charge code

Accounts payable > Setup > Charges code


These charges codes are used in the cost component lines of the Cost component template. When a purchase order is created the system will search for a valid Cost component value record and it will add these charge codes to the purchase order lines.

Commercial cost markup charge code

Accounts payable > Setup > Charges Setup > Commercial cost setup > Commercial cost markup charge code


Delivery terms

Procurement and sourcing > Setup > Distribution > Delivery terms


Cost component template

Accounts payable > Setup > Charges Setup > Commercial cost setup > Cost component template

Cost component value

Accounts payable > Setup > Charges Setup > Commercial cost setup > Cost component value

In the cost component value it's possible to setup the values that are used in the cost to sales price calculation.

In this walkthrough we decide to setup the values per Retail product category:



(Coverage) Charge code

Accounts receivable > Charges Setup > Charge codes


Price group

Retail > Pricing and discounts > Price groups > All price groups

Retail > Channels > Call centers > All call centers

Select Fabricam call center:


Sales markup template

Retail > Pricing and discounts > Sales markup template

With the sales markup template the structure of the sales coverage charges and some default values for the sales markup can be setup. When you add the template to the sales markup line it will inherit the values from the template as a default which can be overwritten.

Sales coverage charge group

Retail > Pricing and discounts > Sales coverage charge group


These groups can be used to set an override on a certain coverage charge line in the sales markup. On the release product you can link this group to the charge code and in de cost to sales price calculation it will use that override if a match is found . If not it will fall back to the default value on the sales markup coverage line.


Sales price markup

Retail > Pricing and discounts > Sales price markup