Kitting is used to bundle products that are usually ordered together. So, when a sales order is entered only the kit item is entered and the associated components are placed automatically on that order.
Prices are set up on kit item level and are distributed to the kit components during order entry.
Warehouse picking control can be set up in such a way that only full kits are delivered to customers, to make sure that customers only receive complete kits.
Inventory and warehouse management > Setup > Inventory and warehouse management parameters > tab Kitting
Field | Description |
Enable kitting | Kitting enabled. When disabled form, field and menu items are hidden on sales order. |
Prevent partial delivery of kits |
Prevent partial delivery of kits. During the release-to-warehouse process an inventory availability check is done, to make sure that the kit can be delivered for the full line quantity. |
Show Kit item on grid |
If enabled an extra column Kit is added to the sales line, so it`s easier to see that the kit component is part of that kit. |
Preserve Kit module storage dimensions |
If this parameter is set to Yes, the Kit modules will get the storage dimensions following the default order settings logic. If set to No, the storage dimensions of the Kit item will be inherited. |
If you want the storage dimensions of the Kit components to be populated automatically with storage dimensions settings form de default orders settings, you have to use a BOM without Site and Warehouse. The Site and warehouse on the SO header, also must be empty.
Product information management > Products > Released products > Fast tab engineer
In this form a released product can be made a kit. Set the field Kit on the fast tab Engineer to Yes and the released product will behave as a kit.
Field | Description |
Kit | Item is a kit |
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Line details > tab Product > field Kit
On the sales order lines a new field Kit is added. This field indicates that the sales item line does contain a kit. When a kit is added to the sales line the field is default set to ‘yes’. In that case the kit is exploded and the kit components are added to the sales order. The sales line status of the kit line is set to “Cancelled”. When this kit parameter is unchecked, the components lines are deleted and the sales line status of the kit line is set to “Open order”. In this way, the item can be processed as a regular item. This means that the kit can be delivered from stock.
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Sales order lines > button Show/Hide modules
It is possible to show or hide the kit component lines. When the component lines are hidden the logic concerning prices, quantities, dates, etc. still applies.
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Sales order lines > Icons
An icon on the sales order line indicates the kit line and the kit components.
A field Kit shows the kit item for the component sales lines.
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Sales order lines
Based on the parameter "Show Kit item on grid" an additional column, named "Kit" will be added to the sales line. If this parameter is set to ‘Yes’, the column will be shown. The Kit item number is stored in this field. It makes visible which kit-modules belong to which Kit-item.
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Sales order lines > button Inventory > Update tracking dimensions
The Kitting logic is that all the fields of the Kit-modules on the sales order are edit via the Kit item. So the changes on the Kit item sales line, will be inherited or calculated to the Kit modules sales lines. That is way sales line containing Kit modules can not be edit. There are situations that require Tracking dimensions to be editable. That is why this "Update tracking dimensions" form is introduced. The fields Batch number, Serial number, and Owner can only be edit if the concerning dimension is activated on that Tracking dimension group.
A sales order is created and a kit item is added to the sales line. When saving the record the kit item is ‘exploded’ and the kit components are added to the sales lines. The explosion is done for the active BoM of the sales line item (standard functionality).
The kit price calculation is also done. The following calculation is performed, which do result in discount amounts on the kit component lines:
1. Calculate distribution percentage (see column (1) in table below):
(SalesLine.SalesQty * SalesLine.SalesPrice) / sum of (SalesLine.SalesQty * SalesLine.SalesPrice) for all component lines
2. Distribute the net amount of the kit line to the net amount of the component lines (see column (2) in table below):
SalesLine.LineAmount * Distribution percentage
3. Discount field will be used for calculating the difference between unit price of the component and the unit price as part of the kit (see column (3) in table below):
SalesLine.SalesPrice – (SalesLine.LineAmount/ SalesLine.SalesQty)
See table below for an example:
Qty |
Unit price |
Discount amount (3) |
Discount % |
Net price |
Net amount (2) |
Distribution amount |
Distribution % (1) |
10 |
100,00 |
10,00 |
6% |
84,60 |
846,00 |
Comp 1 |
10 |
50,00 |
19,79 |
30,21 |
302,14 |
500,00 |
35,7% |
Comp 2 |
40 |
20,00 |
7,91 |
12,09 |
483,43 |
800,00 |
57,1% |
Comp 3 |
10 |
10,00 |
3,96 |
6,04 |
60,43 |
100,00 |
7,1% |
846,00 |
1400,00 |
ATP calculation is done for every kit component. So, for every kit component the requested delivery date is calculated, using standard ATP logic. The latest delivery date of the components is set as the delivery dates for the kit and all kit components. This way, the kit and belonging components will have the same delivery dates.
When deleting sales lines the following applies:
When adjusting the kit line, the component lines will be updated. This applies to the following fields:
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Sales order lines > button Product and supply > option Report as finished
The menu option Report as finished is added to the sales line. With this option the stock availability of the kit components can be checked. When the form is opened from the sales order line the dimensions of this line are taken to calculate the stock availability.
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > tab Sell -> option Confirmed delivery dates
To align the delivery dates for the sales order lines and especially for the related kit components, the function “Calculate confirmed delivery dates” will be used. During the calculation of the confirmed delivery dates, the kit structure is used to override the confirmed ship date for the kit component lines, so that they will be confirmed all on the same delivery date.
During the release-to-warehouse process, additionally for the kit components an inventory availability check is done, to make sure that the kit can be delivered for the full line quantity. In this process the new parameter ‘Prevent partial delivery of kits’ comes into account. The check is done when the ‘Release to warehouse’ action is performed. Depending on the setting of the parameter a kit is yes/no released. See below two examples with different settings for the parameter ‘Prevent partial delivery of kits’:
Back order strategy = Backorders allowed | ||||
Setting for prevent partial delivery of kits = Yes | ||||
Type |
Item number |
Requested qty |
Qty on hand |
Qty to deliver |
Kit |
A |
4 |
Component |
C1 |
4 |
4 |
0 |
Component |
C2 |
4 |
3 |
0 |
Back order strategy = Backorders allowed | ||||
Setting for prevent partial delivery of kits = No | ||||
Type |
Item number |
Requested qty |
Qty on hand |
Qty to deliver |
Kit |
A |
4 |
Component |
C1 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
Component |
C2 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
A field Kit shows the kit item for the component work lines.
Sales and marketing > Sales returns > All return orders
The kit item is not exploding on the RMA-order!
Like with regular items, RMA-order can be processed by adding the item on the order manually or by using the function ‘Find sales order’.
Manually, two scenarios are supported:
Via function ‘Find sales order’ three scenarios are supported:
Also the button ‘Show/hide modules’ is visible in the sales return lines.
Kitting is also workable in an intercompany situation. The following points are important to take into consideration:
Forecasting for kit module lines is by default supported in the application. Standard functionality can be used.
Forecasting for kit items is also possible by using forecasting allocation keys. To facilitate the creation of those allocation keys, functionality is introduced whereby the BOM can be copied to an allocation key. For this purpose a button is added to the BoM form: Create allocation key.
Product information management > Products > Released products > tab Engineer
Button | Description |
Create allocation key | When pushed based on the BOM an allocation key is created or updated. |
When the button is pushed the allocation key is created based on the BOM information, whereby the percentage per allocation key line is calculated with the following formula: (BoM qty * 100) / per series.
Once created, the allocation key can be updated when the BOM is changed. To do this, in the form the parameter ‘Update existing keys’ to Yes.
It is also possible to create/update allocation keys in bulk, by using the menu item ‘Create allocation keys’.
Inventory management > Periodic tasks > Forecast updates
Button | Description |
Create allocation keys | When pushed based on the selected BOMs allocation keys are created or updated. |
Feature | Introduced in version |
10042.241205 |
Feature | Introduced in version |
10041.24083 |
Feature | Introduced in version |
10040.24052300 |
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Feature | Introduced in version |
10036.60.105 |
Feature | Introduced in version |
10033.57.103 |
Feature | Introduced in version |
10032.56.101 |
Feature | Introduced in version |
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Feature | Introduced in version |
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Feature | Introduced in version |
10.0.28 |