Service Management Objects Additional features
Component type
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Components > Component type
Besides the service objects, in Service Management we can also work with components. These components can be used for multiple reasons. In general components are used in a service object structure to define some parts of the structure that aren’t important enough to keep track of financially and logistically, but you want to know that they are there. When you want to keep track of the financial and logistical data you need to make a service object since service objects generate projects in the background and components don’t.
The components can be linked underneath the service objects and these components are always the lowest level in a service object structure.
The components can also be used for the operations since an operation is always related to a combination of a component type, an object type, and a service schedule.
Description |
Extended description for the selected component type |
Parent Object types |
Component of |
The selected object types can be linked to this component type. This means that underneath the object type ‘Car’ it is allowed to add the component type ‘Blue Ray Player’ This setup is similar to the setup of component types from the object type form. |
Remaining object types |
These remaining object types can’t be used in the creation of a structure with this component type. |
The button "Operations" opens the operations form filtered on the selected object type. In the chapter "Operations" the function of operations will be explained. In this paragraph only the fields will be explained. The drop down fields at the top part of the form is for filtering only. The filter will only be active once the "Lock" field ticked on.
See operations
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Meters > Meters
Meters can be created manually or automatically, using auto-create meters function. In this form all the created meters are visible, as well as som information regarding the meters, like the lastest reading. In case the meter is also used as item in the company, a connection with the item can be made (for information purposes).
Meter |
The meter ID of the component is use on an equipment |
Description |
The description of the meter |
Details |
General |
Meter type |
The type of meter |
Item |
Item number |
The related item number if a meter is also defined as an item |
Serial number |
The related serial number if a meter also defined as an item with a serial number. |
Usage |
Calculated reading |
Usaually meter values are entered via the meter reading. If no meter reading exists but still a value is desired to determine planned maintenance, is it possible to calculate (interpolate) a meter value |
Latest reading |
Meter reading |
Latest actual meter reading |
Meter reading type |
Type of the meter reading |
Reading date and time |
The date and time of the meter reading |
Description |
The description of the meter reading. |
Enter meter reading
This function can be used to register directly a new meter reading for the selected meter.
Transaction time |
Date and time of latest reading, this field is editable to correct the date and time |
Meter reading |
Reading from selected meter, this is only read only. |
Meter reading type |
The meter reading type, this field is editable to correct the type. |
Description |
Description of the meter reading. |
New reading |
Transaction time |
Date and time of the meter reading you want to enter. This can be entered manually or by pressing the "current date and time" button. |
Meter reading |
New meter reading value |
Meter reading type |
Type of meter reading. |
Description |
Description of meter reading. |
Meter readings
This form shows an overview of the registerd reading for teh selected meter.
Meter |
The meter ID of the component thst is used on an equipment |
Description |
Description of the meter |
Usage |
Calculated readings |
The value in case a reading has been calculated. |
Meter type |
Meter type |
The meter reading type |
Description |
Description of the meter type. |
Unit |
Unit of measure |
Number of digits |
Number of digits for the meter. |
Decimals |
Number of decimals allowed on the meter reading. |
Counting direction |
Up, actual meter reading must be higher then the previous one.
Down, actual meter reading must be lower then the previous one.
Any, any meter reading value can be entered and is allowed. |
Meter timeline |
Effective |
Date the meter was started being used. |
Expiration |
Date the meter use was ended (usually in case of a meter replacement) |
Description |
Meter description. |
Component connection |
Component number related to the meter number |
Estimated usage |
The estimated usage of the meter |
Tab meter readings |
Show deleted |
Incorrect meter readings can be deleted and will not be used in planned maintenance calculations, however with "show deleted", the still can be made visible. |
Initial |
Indicates if this is the initial meter reading |
Meter |
The meter ID of the component that is used on an equpment. |
Reading date and time |
The date and tim of the meter reading. |
Log |
Indicator whether a value is correct or not. In case a meter reading is not in line with the expectation, i.e. meter reading is lower than previous one, despite the counting direction is being set to "up", this displayed as a warning signal. |
Meter reading |
The meter reading value. |
Type |
The type of meter reading.
Normal, a normal meter reading
Reset, Reset or initial reading
Estimated, estimated meter reading. |
Description |
Description of the meter reading. |
Created by |
The user ID of the user that has entered the reading. |
Create date and time |
The date and tim the meter value was entered/ created. |
Button correction |
To enter a correction of a registered meter. |
Button validate |
To validate the entered value. |
Meter types
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Meters > Meter types
One of the first things to set up is Meter types. Here you can define the meter types you want to use in measuring the equipment/ component usage.
In this form the meter types can be set up according to the properties of the different types.
Description |
Description of the meter type. |
General |
Unit |
Unit of measure. |
Number of digits |
Number of digits for the meter |
Decimals |
Number of decimals allowed on the meter reading |
Counting direction |
Up, actual meter reading must be higher then the previous one.
Down, actual meter reading must be lower then the previous one.
Any, any meter reading value can be entered and is allowed. |
Validation |
Upper limit |
Maximum value allowed in a period |
Number of periods |
Number of periods |
Period |
Type of period (i.e. year, month) |
Compontent type |
Compont type |
Applicable component |
Meter timeline
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Meters > Meter timeline
To gain insight on the history of the meter itself, the meter timeline can be used. This form gives some more detailed information about the meter itself. Some more information can be added by using the description field.
Meter |
The meter ID |
Description |
Description of the meter |
Component connection |
The related component number |
Expiration |
Date the meter use was ended (usually in case of a meter replacement) |
Effective |
Date teh meter was started being used |
Reading estimates |
Estimated usage |
Estimated usage of the meter |
Lower limit |
The lower limit as applicable for this reading. |
Upper limit |
The upper limit as applicalbe for this reading |
Number of periods |
Number of readings during a period |
Period |
Period of a reading (i.e. year, month) |
Enter meter reading
See enter meter reading
Meter readings
See meter readings
Service management - DYS > Setup > Operations
Operations are operational, recurring standard actions to be executed (possibly in a service schedule) for a specific type of components. These actions are presented as a checklist, effectively a detailed work instruction to accompany service orders. When a task is performed, it can be helpful to be able to have some reference values to check if a specific aspect of the equipment is ok or not. In total 6 operations exist. Check, Measure, Counter readout, calibrate, exchange and operations.
Operations Reference group
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Operations > Reference Groups
Name |
Description for the reference group |
Reference values
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Operations > Reference values
The reference values are defined per reference group and their sorting determines which references are OK and which are not. When on the operation is defined that the reference value is 6, than only 6 and the ones standing beneath 6 are OK values.
Check type |
Code for the reference value |
Name |
Description of the reference value |
Component parts
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Operations > Component parts
The component parts can be used for the parts of a serviceable item that isn't relevant as an equipment or component. These parts are typically the generic parts of a serviceable item, like powerplug or cable. These parts can be serviced, but are never part of an object structure. While registering operations on a work ordertask, per operation can be defined on which part the operation was performed.
Description |
Description for the part. |
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Operations > Operations
Operations are recurring standard actions to be executed (possibly in a maintenance schedule) for a specific type of components. These actions are presented as a checklist, effectively a detailed work instruction to accompany the maintenance tasks. In total 6 operations exist. Check, measure, counter readout, calibrate, exchange and operation.
Operation no. |
Unique identifier for an operation. The number will be assigned based on the parameter settings. |
Type of operation |
Selection of the operation type, check, measure, counter readout, calibrate, exchange or operation. |
Description |
Description of the selected operaion, the discription will also be printed on documentation. |
Details - Identification |
Service schedule |
The service schedule related to this type of operation. It is mandatory to link an operation to a maintenance schedule. When linked to a "manual" service schedule, it will be a generic operation. These generic operations will be presented in the task. |
Object type |
The objecttype related to this type of operation |
Component type |
Component type related to this type of operation. An operation is always linked to a component type. The execution of an operation. |
Estimation |
Estimated duration |
Estimated duration of the operation. When used in preventive maintenance this duration will be added to the total estimated number of hours of the task. |
Frequency |
Frequency |
Defines how many times an operation should take place in a defined period. |
Period |
Definition of the period in combination with the frequency. |
Usage volume |
Give the volume in comma seperated values, related to the volume usage unit. The operation should be performed when this quantity is reached. Be aware that ther is no automatic volume checking |
Usage volume unit |
Unit of the volume. I.e. running hours, km's. |
Setup - Reference values |
Fields vary based on operation type |
Return value |
The return value can be "manual" or "Object property". When "manual" is chosen, the upper and lower limits need to be defined on the maintenance operation. When "object property" is chosen, the upper and lower limits can be linked to fields of the equipment property sheets. |
Return value reference |
The reference of the value, possible options are: Integer, real or alphanumeric. |
Upper limit |
The upper limit as applicable for this operation. This upper limit will be visible on the task and the relevant documentation. |
Minimum Limit |
The minimum limit as applicable for this operation. This upper limit will be visible on the task and the relevant documentation. |
Unit |
The unit of the measured return value. |
Part |
The (spare) part related to the operation. The part is not integrated into the product master data of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . |
Maintenance Management - DYS - Setup > Resources
Region codes
Maintenance Management - DYS - Setup > Resources > Region codes
A region code can be specified for a customer. This region code can be used for multiple purposes. The region code can be used for filtering options. Once the region is defined on the customer card, all service contracts, service objects and service calls for this customer inhered the region code. In all the commen forms of the service contracts, service objects and service calls it is possible to filter on a specific region. This region can i.e. be geographical or by subsidiaries of the company.
Description |
Description of the location code. |
Resource selection setup
Maintenance Management - DYS - Setup > Resources > Resource selection setup
In the resource selection setup can be defined for a variety of combinations which resource / employee should fit best for a certain task.
Region code |
Select either a region code in case of "Group" or object in case of "table". Select none if the option "all" was selected in the previous field. |
Skill type code |
Relation type to use for the skill selection. |
Skill |
Select either a certain skill in case of "group" or an event code in case of "table". Select none if the option "All" was selected in the previous field. |
Resource |
Select the resource (group) which best fits to the previous settings. |
Service schedule
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Service Schedule
A Service schedule defines periodic intervals, in both usage volumes and / or time. This can be planned maintenance, or expected (average) breakdowns. Per object type we can define details on estimated usage of time and material, based on the schedules defined in this part of the setup.
If a specific contract or object does not have a counter value setup, only the time interval is used. If a usage volume is defined, the service schedule is adjusted according to the volume as defined in the contract. This will in turn affect the forecast and planned maintenance.
A service schedule is based on a schedule type. 3 schedule types are applicable, manual, frequency and interval.
A frequency schedule is activated an individual service contract. Per contract (depending on the contract category the end user can link a service schedule to a service contract and service object combination.
When using the interval schedule type with visits after a predefined usage also the column ‘Usage volume unit’ should be filled in the upper part of the form. Be aware that this volume won’t be used in forecasting.
If a specific contract or object does not have a counter value setup, only the time interval is used.
To make the service schedule selectable when entering a service schedule on the contract, you need to link the service schedule to one or more object types. In the lower part of the form the frequency or the interval (one or more) of the service schedule is defined depending on the choice of the schedule type above. When the schedule type ‘manual’ has been chosen the lower part of the form disappears. Also operations can be linked to a service schedule through this form.
Description |
Description of the service schedule |
Setup - Setup |
Usage volume unit |
The unit used for the usage volume. this can be i.e. hours, kilometers etc. This is used for information only. |
Schedule type |
Manual, visit lines define manually operations, to be used outside of the normal scheduled maintenance. Frequency, number of vistis in a period Interval, visit after a predefined usage, i.e. running hours, kilometers. |
Object types |
Remaining object types |
These object types are allowed to use this visit schedule. |
Selected object types |
Select the object types that are allowed to use this visit schedule. In the planned maintenance you can only use the selected object types in combination with this visit schedule. This setting only allows the use of a schedule, activating the scheduling is done via the service contract. |
The operations button can be used for set up operations connected to the selected service schedule. For more information regarding operations, see operations, for set up of operations, see operations setup.
Copy service schedule
The copy service schedules button allows you to copy the selected service schedule to a new or exisiting service schedule. You can overwrite, copy service schedules, object types and operations.
Service Schedule Selection
Service Management - DYS > Setup > Service Schedule selection
Contract ID |
Contract id, Table, group or all |
Contract relation |
Combined with the contract ID, all for all, select contract type for group or contract id for table. |
Object code type |
Which object type, table, group or all. |
Object relation |
Combined with the object code type, all for all, select object type with group, or object id for table. |
Service Schedule |
Select the service schedule to be used for the combination as set up. |