Product documentation
In This Topic
    Dynamics Service Management Tasks
    In This Topic

    A Service Task in the Dynamics Service module is representing work performed on a service object. Realization of hours, items, operations, travel cost, miscellaneous cost and revenue is done on the Service Task. Besides registered actuals the service task will also present forecast of needed hours, items and cost the moment a service task is created.

    The Service Task is always is linked to a service call and can only be for one service object. There can be multiple Service Tasks for one service call, for example when work is performed by multiple workers. Realized hours, cost and items are registered on the service call project, which is a subproject of the service object. The service call is typically the entity that is invoiced, not the Service Task.


    Service Task form

    Service Management - DYS > Service Tasks > All servicetasks

    The service task form can be opened from the grid, or via a service call. In the service task form all information for a technician is visible and in this form a technician can register hours, items, operations and costs for this specific task.

    Field Description
    Task header - Task
    Task id Task ID. Same id as the Service call id, with a submask, set up is done in the parameters
    Eventcode Eventcode ID for this task
    Description Description of the eventcode for this task.
    Status Status of this task.
    Service Objects
    Object ID of the object for this task.
    Description Description of the Object.
    Service call
    Call Number Id of the service call of this task
    Name Customer name
    Service Note
    Note Note for technician
    Resource Group
    Worker Name of worker who created the call
    Group If applicable, group of resources responsible for this task
    Resource Responsible resource (technician) for this task.
    Language Language of customer
    Region code If applicable, code for region or route.
    City City of the customer/ object.
    Fixed appointment If ticked, time and date of task are fixed.
    Start date/ time Planned start date and time of task.
    Planning timezone Planned time zone for task.
    Sort code Sort code for sorting task on a day
    Hours/ resources Sum of hours estimated for the task, diveded by the number of resources assigned.
    Visit address
    Address Visit address/ location of the object where the task must preformed.

    Tab hours

    In the tab Hours, a technician can register and edit the working hours for this task. 

    Field Description
    Button new Add a new hour line
    Button Delete Delete the seleted line
    Butten Set as complete To confirm the entered hour lines.
    Resource Id of the resource
    Estimated start Estimated start date and time of the task.
    Estimated end Estimated end date and time of the task.
    Estimated duration Total estimated duration of the task.
    Additional hours Field for entering additional hours for the service task
    Resource Name of resource, resource id and the legal identity of the resource.
    Realized Realized start date and time of the task.
    End date/ time Realized end date and time of the task.
    Duration Total duration of the task, automatically calculated by entering start and end date/ time. It is possible to edit this field.
    Remaining hours Estimeted remaining hours to complete the work, in addition to the realisaton.
    Percentage of completion Specified / calculated percentage of completion of the task.
    Line status Line/ transaction status.
    Warranty Indicates if the current transaction is marked for warranty.

    Tab Items

    The item tab shows items for this task in combination with the object and eventcode. Depending on the status of the task, it is also possible to add, delete or edit in this tab.  

    Field Description
    Button add line To add an new item (line)
    Button Add lines Add muliple item lines. When enter this button, a form will pop up with item which can be added.
    Button Remove To remove the selected line(s).
    Button Sales order line Opens a menu with funcitons that can be executed in relation to the sales order line.
    Button Financials Opens a menu with functions that can be executed in relation to the financial dimensions of the item of the selected line. 
    Button posting To post the selected item line(s). This is mandatory for report the task ready.
    Button Inventroy Opens a menu with inventory related functions.
    Button Product and supply Opens a menu with product and supply actions.
    Button Update line Opens a menu option to update the selected line.
    Button Warehouse Opens a menu with warehouse details of the selected line
    Type Type of item
    Item number Article number of the item
    Product name Description/ name of the item
    Sales Category Salse category of the item
    CW Quantity Catch weight quantity of the item
    CW unit Catch weight unit of the item.
    Quantity Quantity of the item
    Unit Unit of the item.
    Available Availability of the item, displayed with a symbol.
    Site Site of item
    Warehouse In combination with site, warehouse of the item.
    Unit Price Unit price of the item.
    Discount Discount in amount for item number.
    Discount percentage Discount in percentage for the item number.
    Net amount Netto amount for the item.
    Quality order status
    Deliver now Quantity delivered
    Same Batchselection If ticked, all the items on the line must be from the same batch.

    Tab Operations

    The tab Operations shows the operations to preform for this task in combination of object and eventcode. It is also possible to add manual operations.
    In combination with the line details tab, a technician can register in this tab the preformed operation(s).

    Field Description
    Button New To ad a new operation that is preformed on this task.
    Button Delete To delete an operation
    Button Registered service operations Opens an form of all the previous registered operations.
    Button Meter readings Opens a form of detailed information regarding the meter readings and all previous readings. In this form it is possible to add or delete  meter readings
    Executed If operation is excuted, a checkmark will appear.
    Date Date of operation.
    Component Component where the operation is preformed.
    Operation no. Number of the operation
    Type of operation Which operation will be preformed.
    Description Description of the operation.
    Part On which part will the operation be preformed.
    Status returned value Status of the entered value, shown in a symbol.
    Manuelly added If the operation is manually added, a checkmarkt will appear.
    Line status Status of the line

    Tab Line details - Hours

    Depending of the chosen tab above (Hours, Items, Operations, Costs, Travel or Revenue), the line details tab shows detail information associated with the chosen tab above.  

    Field Description
    Tab Hours
    Task description Description of the task eventcode
    Forecast Forecasted hour categorie, can not be edit.
    Actual Actual hour category, can be edit via dropdown
    Hours invoice status
    Forecast Forecasted invoice status, can not be edit.
    Actual Actual hour category, can be edit via dropdown.
    Warranty Is this task warranty, yes or no.
    Manual user The user that has manually overridden the warranty term values
    Manual date Date on which the warranty term has been manually overridden.

    Tab Line details - Items

    In the line details all the details of the selected item line wil be shown most for information purposes only. Information is from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
    Only the editable fields will be explained.

    Sales category Determines which sales category, can be changed via the dropdown.
    Text Free text field
    External References
    External Field for external references for the selected item.
    Line number Line number
    Sales Tax
    Item sales tax group Item sales tax group, choose from dropdown
    Sales tax group Sales tax group
    Sales group Salesgroup, choose from dropdown
    Demension account
    Name Name of customer 
    Delivery address Deliver address of the item.
    Storage Dimensions
    Site/ Warehouse Site and warehouse of the item.
    Pallet ID Pallet ID of the item.
    BOM/ Route
    Barcode Barcode of item
    Barcode setup Barcode set up, i.e. EAN13
    Packing unit Packing unit, i.e. box, pcs.
    Delivery date
    Requested ship date Requested ship date 
    Requested receipt date Requested receipt date
    Confimed ship date Confimed ship date, with button beside it is possible to simulate the available ship and receipt dates.
    Delivery date control How to control the delivery date, choose via dropdown.
    Misc. Delivery info
    Overdelivery Quantity of over delivery
    Underdelivery Quantity of under delivery
    Mode of delivery Delivery mode, choose via dropdown
    Delivery type Delivery type, choose via dropdown.
    Shipping location time zone Time zone of the shipping location (Site/ Warehouse)
    Price and discount
    Discount Amount of discount
    Discount Percentage Discount percentage
    Multiline discount Amount multiline discount
    Multiline discount percentage Multiline discount percentage
    Price unit Price unit
    Sales Charges Sales charges
    Exclude from rebate If ticked, item will be exclude from rebates.
    Project Only for information purposes
    Foreign trade Only for information purposes
    Financial dimensions Only for information purposes

    Tab Line Details - Operations

    In the line details - operations the technician can see the details of the defined operation(s) and can register the values of the operation.

    Field Description
    Minimum Minumum value of the operation
    Maximum Maximum value of the operation
    Return value Value of the operation, entered by the technician.
    Unit Unit of the value
    Component path Component of the object on which the operation is applicable.

    Tab Line Details - Costs

    Editable fields via dropdown are Sales tax group, Cancelled warranty claims, Claim date and item sales tax group. Warranty fields are for information purposes and not editable in this form. When selecting Costs, also the tab Mobile Field Service appears. In this tab a technician can upload i.e. a reciept of the costs.

    Tab Line Details - Travel

    In the line details for travel it is possible to edit the cos price and sales price. The warranty fields for travel are for information purposes.

    Tab Line details - Revenue

    Editable fields are Quantity, Registered, Discount percentage and cash discount amount. Other fields in this form are for information purposes.