A Service Task in the AX%%.
Only the editable fields will be explained.
General |
Orderline |
Sales category |
Determines which sales category, can be changed via the dropdown. |
Text |
Free text field |
External References |
External |
Field for external references for the selected item. |
Line number |
Line number |
Setup |
Sales Tax |
Item sales tax group |
Item sales tax group, choose from dropdown |
Sales tax group |
Sales tax group |
Commission |
Sales group |
Salesgroup, choose from dropdown |
Invoicing |
Demension account |
Address |
Name |
Name of customer |
Delivery address |
Deliver address of the item. |
Product |
Storage Dimensions |
Site/ Warehouse |
Site and warehouse of the item. |
Pallet ID |
Pallet ID of the item. |
BOM/ Route |
Sub-BOM |
Subroute |
Packing |
Barcode |
Barcode of item |
Barcode setup |
Barcode set up, i.e. EAN13 |
Packing unit |
Packing unit, i.e. box, pcs. |
Delivery |
Delivery date |
Requested ship date |
Requested ship date |
Requested receipt date |
Requested receipt date |
Confimed ship date |
Confimed ship date, with button beside it is possible to simulate the available ship and receipt dates. |
Delivery date control |
How to control the delivery date, choose via dropdown. |
Misc. Delivery info |
Overdelivery |
Quantity of over delivery |
Underdelivery |
Quantity of under delivery |
Mode of delivery |
Delivery mode, choose via dropdown |
Delivery type |
Delivery type, choose via dropdown. |
Shipping location time zone |
Time zone of the shipping location (Site/ Warehouse) |
Price and discount |
Discount |
Amount of discount |
Discount Percentage |
Discount percentage |
Multiline discount |
Amount multiline discount |
Multiline discount percentage |
Multiline discount percentage |
Prices |
Price unit |
Price unit |
Sales Charges |
Sales charges |
Exclude from rebate |
If ticked, item will be exclude from rebates. |
Project |
Only for information purposes |
Foreign trade |
Only for information purposes |
Financial dimensions |
Only for information purposes |
Tab Line Details - Operations
In the line details - operations the technician can see the details of the defined operation(s) and can register the values of the operation.
Minimum |
Minumum value of the operation |
Maximum |
Maximum value of the operation |
Return value |
Value of the operation, entered by the technician. |
Component path |
Component of the object on which the operation is applicable. |
Tab Line Details - Costs
Editable fields via dropdown are Sales tax group, Cancelled warranty claims, Claim date and item sales tax group. Warranty fields are for information purposes and not editable in this form. When selecting Costs, also the tab Mobile Field Service appears. In this tab a technician can upload i.e. a reciept of the costs.
Tab Line Details - Travel
In the line details for travel it is possible to edit the cos price and sales price. The warranty fields for travel are for information purposes.
Tab Line details - Revenue
Editable fields are Quantity, Registered, Discount percentage and cash discount amount. Other fields in this form are for information purposes.