Product documentation
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    Copy Released Product
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    Business value

    Copy Released Product is a powerful function that saves significant time in the creation process of newly released products and their related data thereby enabling cost reduction. With the manual process, the user needs to fill many setup fields like the units, warehouse settings, item groups and prices. In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations standard templates or retail categories can be used for quick creation of new released products. However related data like trade agreements, unit conversions etc. still need to be setup manually. Using Copy Released Product, the user is able to determine which of the additional data should be copied from another (template) released product.

    The copy functionality is also available through a webservice. The new item number, and the selection of data to be copied are passed in JSON format.

    What can be copied?

    Clicking the Copy Released Product button, opens a dialogue, allowing the user to specify the new item number and allows him to select which related data of the original item should be copied.

    Product information management > Products > Released products > ribbon tab: Product > button: Copy released product



    In case of an automatic number sequence for items the check box “Ignore number sequence” enables the Item number field which allows you to enter a manual item number.

    If future changes are desired for adding or removing tables from the copy method.  Customization can be done by adding them to the class and form DYSCRPEcoResProductCopy.

    The dialog screen of copy released product contains the actions:

    The following related data is copied when the related Copy parameter is enabled:

    Field Description Remark
    Item number If ignore number sequence is switched on, enter the new item number for the released product. Otherwise, the next number is retrieved from the number sequence.

    Product name

    Defaulted from the source item

    Search name

    Defaulted from the source item


    Defaulted from the source item


    Copy item coverage

    Ribbon tab Plan > Coverage > Item coverage

    Copy supplementary items

    Ribbon tab Purchase / Sell > Related information > Supplementary purchase item / sales items

    Copy unit conversions

    Ribbon tab Product > Setup > Unit conversions

    Both intra and inter class conversions

    Copy charges

    Copy translations

    Ribbon tab Product > Languages > Translations

    Copy approved vendors

    Menu tab Purchase > Approved vendor > Setup 

    Copy related products

    Ribbon tab Product > Setup > Related products 

    Quality control

    Copy item quality groups

    Ribbon tab Manage inventory > Quality > Item quality groups

    These menu items are only visible when quality control has been enabled in the inventory management parameters

    Copy quality associations

    Inventory management > Setup > Quality control > Quality associations


    Copy warehouse items

    Ribbon tab Manage inventory > Warehouse > Warehouse items

    Mainly for not warehouse enabled items and warehouses. The default record is always copied.

    Copy fixed locations

    The locations shown on the tab Warehouse > Fixed product locations

    Warehouse enabled items and locations only

    Copy physical dimensions

    Ribbon tab Manage inventory > Warehouse > Physical dimensions

    Both WHS and WMS1 items


    Copy BOM/Formula

    Ribbon tab Engineer > BOM / Formula > BOM / Formula versions 

    If the BOM/Formula should be copied, specify 1 of the 4 BOM copy types below:

    Active BOM only

    Only the current active BOM(s) for the current existing released product will be copied to the new created released product.

    Copy active BOM version incl. copy full BOM and BOM lines

    Approved BOMs

    All approved BOMs (both active and not-active) for the current existing released product will be copied to the new created released product

    Copy approved BOM versions incl. copy full BOM and BOM lines

    Active BOM version only

    The new released product will be linked to the same BOM(s) that is (are) active on the current released product

    Copy active BOM version, with link to existing active BOM of the source product

    Approved BOM versions

    The new released product will be linked to the same BOMs that are approved on the current released product

    Copy approved set of BOMs with link to existing approved BOM of the source product 

    Copy route

    Ribbon tab Engineer > View > Route

    If the route should be copied, specify 1 of the 4 Route copy types below:

    Active route only

    The active route(s) for the current released product will be copied to the new created released product

    Approved routes

    The approved routes for the current released product will be copied to the new created released product

    Active route version only

    The new copied product item is now linked to the existing active route(s) and route version(s).

    Copy active route version with link to existing route 

    Approved route versions

    For the new created product item, only a link will be created to all related approved route versions.

    Copy approved route versions with link to existing routes


    Copy route version will not copy item specific route details. Go to Production > All routes > Button Route details. Make sure that a general relation (for all items) is specified for the route ID, operation and site. If this general relation is not defined, it might seem that some fields in the route lines are not filled.

    Copy configuration model version

    Product information management > Product configuration models > Versions  

    If the current source product is related to a product configuration model it will be copied with the same approval status and the same date range. 

    Item prices

    Ribbon tab Manage costs > Set up > Item price

    Copy manual pending prices

    Calculated pending prices are never copied, but have to be calculated again for the copied released product.

    Pending price copy type

    Current pending prices are the most recent prices for each combination. Future prices are prices with a from date later than today.

    Copy manual active prices

    Manual active prices are first copied into pending prices and then activated automatically. Calculated active prices are never copied, but have to be calculated as pending price again and activated. Obsolete prices are never copied.

    Active price copy type

    Copy trade agreements


    Ribbon tab Purchase > Trade agreements

    Purchase agreements copy type

    Active and future only

    When Active and future only is selected, only purchase trade agreements Todays date >= To date are copied


    Ribbon tab Sales > Trade agreements

    Sales trade agreements copy type

    When Active and future only is selected, only sales trade agreements Todays date >= To date are copied

    Copy retail price and discount agreements


    Module Retail > Pricing and discounts > Discounts > tab Lines

    Threshold discounts

    Module Retail > Pricing and discounts > Quantity discounts > tab Lines 

    Quantity based discounts

    Module Retail > Pricing and discounts > Quantity discounts > tab Lines 

    Price adjustments

    Module Retail > Pricing and discounts > Price adjustments > tab Lines


    In the current version, records for product with variants in retail price or discount agreements are NOT copied.


    Process delivery modes

    Module Retail and Commerce > Retai and Commerce IT

    Can not be triggered from webservice

    Set initial business rule status

    Default value of the new parameter is No. In this case the current situation is applied, the status of the copied item will be inherited on the new item. If parameter is set to Yes, the initial (begin status) of the business rules will be applied.
    Organization > Setup > Business rules > Business rules

    The functionality will be available only if Dynamics Business rules and Blocking reasons are installed.

    Independent from these copy parameters the following data is copied:

    Data Path
    Released product variants

    Menu tab Product > Product master > Released product variants

    Default order settings Menu tab Manage inventory > Order settings > Default order settings
    Retail categories

    Menu tab Product > Setup > Product categories

    Product attribute values Menu tab Product > Setup > Product attributes


    Please always check the new copied product carefully, especially for the item prices, sales and purchase prices. Only manual cost prices can be copied, so include the re-calculation and activation of cost prices in the work procedure if the original product has a calculated cost price.



    Activate the ALF license, this will enable the configuration key for Copy Released Product.



    Released products can also be copied through a web service.



    The format of the web service contains JSON, and only a few attributes are mandatory.


    Get client token

    This token is retrieved by passing grant_type, client_id, client_secret and resource. Access is granted e.g. during 15 minutes.


    Copy released product

    Post request example

            "Request" :
                    "CopyItemId": "D0003",
                    "NewItemId": "D0003.51",
                    "ProductName": "Std speaker test",
                    "SearchName": "Std speaker test",
                    "Description": "Std speaker test desc",
                    "Company": "usmf",
                    "CopyItemCoverage": true,
                    "CopySupplementaryItems": true,
                    "CopyUnitConversions": true,
                    "CopyCharges": true,
                    "CopyTranslations": true,
                    "CopyItemQualityGroups": true,
                    "CopyQualityAssociations": true,
                    "CopyWarehouseItems": true,
                    "CopyFixedLocations": true,
                    "CopyBom": true,
                    "CopyBomType": "ActiveBOM",
                    "CopyRoute": true,
                    "CopyRouteType": "ActiveRoutes",
                    "CopyConfigurationModelVersions": true,
                    "CopyManualPendingPrice": true ,
                    "PendingPriceType": "All",                                         
                    "CopyManualActivePrices": true,
                    "ManualActivePriceType" : "Latest",                        
                    "CopyPurchaseTradeAgreement": true,
                    "CopyPurchaseTradeAgreementType" : "All",       (options: "All", "ActiveAndFuture")
                    "CopySalesTradeAgreement": true,
                    "CopySalesTradeAgreementType" : "All",              (options: "All", "ActiveAndFuture")
                    "CopyRetailDiscounts": true,
                    "CopyRetailThresholdDiscounts": true,
                    "CopyRetailQuantityBasedDiscounts": true,
                    "CopyRetailPriceAdjustments": true,
                    "CopyRelatedProducts": true,
                    "CopyApprovedVendors": true,
                    "CopyPhysicalDimensions": true


    Mandatory fields:

    Defaulted fields:

    For some attributes specific string values are allowed:

    CopyBomType (mandatory if CopyBom = true):

    CopyRouteType (mandatory if CopyRoute = true):

    PendingPriceType (mandatory if CopyManualPendingPrice = true):


    CopyPurchaseTradeAgreementType (use in combination with CopyPurchaseTradeAgreement = true)

    CopySalesTradeAgreementType (use in combination with CopyPurchaseTradeAgreement = true)


    Response example


        "$id": "1",

        "Created": true,

        "NewItemId": "A0700.51",

        "Messages": [

            "Journal has been posted.\r\nJournal has been posted.\r\n"




    If "Created": false is returned, the error message displays the functional or technical reason.

    If "Created": true is returned, the info message is not relevant for the process. In the example above the message "Journal has been posted" is generated through posting the trade agreement journals.



    Process delivery modes cannot be triggered from the webservice. If needed, schedule a batch job.




    Question: Does the copy released product function also create released products in other legal entities?
    Answer: No.
    Question: Why are the checkboxes Copy BOM/Formula and Route not enabled?

    The number sequence of the BOM/Formula or Route is set to “manual”. 

    Uncheck the manual flag on the number sequence. 


    Why do I get an error saying the record already exists, when the product is not available within the released product item list yet?

    A message is thrown: Cannot create a record in Products (EcoResProduct). The record already exists.


    The product (number) already exists within the general product item list, and may be released to other companies.

    Choose a different new item number instead, or release the general product to the current company.

    Question: After copying the route version, some data (route group, times) in the route lines is missing. How to solve this?

    None (or insufficient) general (item-independent) data for the operations within the route is setup.

    Go to Production > All routes > Button Route details. For each operation in the upper grid, go to the lower grid and create a relation for Item code = All, Route code = Route, Route relation = current route ID. Specify applicable route group, times, resource requirements etc.

    Question: Is it possible to copy unapproved BOMs or unapproved routes through Copy Released Product?


    Not approved BOMs and routings are in a draft status. It would result in extra manual effort if not only the source BOM or routing but also the offspring needs to go through the approval process. Please make sure any BOM's and Routes that need to be copied via this functionality are approved first.

    Note that in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations it is possible to copy an unapproved BOM in the form Maintain BOM version, Button New BOM and BOM version, Copy = yes. The same applies to not yet approved routes.

    Question: One or more pending cost price records are not copied. What could be the cause?

    If the original pending cost was calculated (instead of entered manually), it cannot be copied.

    The reason is that within the copy functionality, the user can optionally copy BOMs and routes, trade agreements etc., and some data might be outdated. Therefor it is safer to calculate a fresh cost price for the the new product. Since there are many possible settings in the standard cost price calculation screen, it would make the copy released products dialog over-complicated if all these settings would come back on the copy dialog screen.

    If there is a newer pending cost price with a from date today or earlier, the outdated cost price will not be copied, unless the user chooses to copy all pending cost prices deliberately.

    Question: One or more active cost price records are not copied. What could be the cause?

    If the original active cost was activated from a calculated pending cost (instead of entered manually), it cannot be copied.

    The reason is that within the copy functionality, the user can optionally copy BOMs and routes, trade agreements etc., and some data might be outdated. Therefor it is safer to calculate a fresh cost price for the the new product and activate it afterwards. Since there are many possible settings in the standard cost price calculation screen, it would make the copy released products dialog over-complicated if all these settings would come back on the copy dialog screen.

    If the active cost price record is outdated, it is not displayed when "Show latest only" is switched on, and it will not be copied.

    The copy process of manual active contains two steps: cost price records are first copied to a new pending cost price record, and then activated. If the activation is not possible due to changed settings, date restrictions etc., the active cost price will not be created.


    Release notes 

    Feature Introduced in version
    • A new parameters has been added to control whether only active trade agreements should be copied or all
    • Copy item price - added options to skip blocked and blocked for activation prices
    • Added additional parameters to the API of Copy Released Products to be in line with the parameters in the form
    • Configuration key property EnabledByDefault has been set to False for all configuration keys


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Parameter "Set initial business rule status" has been introduced on the Copy released products form. (only visible when Dynamics Business Rules is installed


    Feature Introduced in version
    • DYSCRPLabels are now part of the DYSCRP package and the package DYSCRPLabels has been removed


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Service update: mandatory after 10.0.23: product variant release problem solved. This version can be installed on 10.0.23 / 47 and newer.


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Copy approved vendor list added
    • Copy related products added
    • Copy physical dimensions added
    • Released products can also be copied through a webservice
    • Active cost price records now copied in 2 step method (first pending price, then activate) 
    • Added config key to form extension
    • Webservice copy released products
    • Copy physical dimensions added
    • Copy related products added
    • Copy approved vendor list added


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Copy TA through TA journal name with same default relation


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Option added to copy product configuration model version
    • Copy of configuration-specific routes enabled
    • Option added to copy product model versions for constraint based configuration products


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Label change prices to item prices


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Add the possibility to copy Item quality groups
    • Add the possibility to copy Quality associations
    • Copy manual item prices for cost, sales and purchase added
    • When copy translations is enable the translations of variants are also copied
    • Functionality to copy manual item prices has been introduced
      • Copy pending cost, sales and purchase prices
      • Copy active cost, sales and purchase prices
    • Functionality to copy item quality data has been introduced
      • Copy item quality group settings
      • Copy quality associations




    Feature Introduced in version
    • Functionality to copy manual item prices has been introduced
      • Copy pending cost, sales and purchase prices
      • Copy active cost, sales and purchase prices
    • Functionality to copy item quality data has been introduced
      • Copy item quality group settings
      • Copy quality associations


    Feature Introduced in version
    • A new group label is added for the copy functions for retail pricing
    • A Route copy type has been introduced that adds three new options to the existing logic:
      • only the active Route (longer existing functionality)
      • all the approved Routes (new)
      • link the new product to the existing Route version only (new)
      • link the new product to the existing approved Route versions (new)
    • A BOM copy type has been introduced that adds three new options to the existing logic:
      • only the active BOM (longer existing functionality)
      • all the approved BOMs (new)
      • link the new product to the existing BOM version only (new)
      • link the new product to the existing approved BOM versions (new)
    • Copy and open action added to dialog


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Application has been upgraded to the 2019 Spring release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
    • Only released variants will be copied, it will not create all possible combinations based on dimensions anymore
    • Added an option to run the function process delivery modes when you copy an item
    • Possibility to copy retail price adjustments and discounts added


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Enable copy active formula for Product type = Formula and Product type = Planning item
    • Enable copy co-products and by-products linked to that formula
    • Enable copy Bom/Formula will also enable Copy unit conversions


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Fall release
    • Implemented the possibility to show on-line help


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Spring release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
    • Labels have been moved to a separate labels package
    • Model description and ALF License have been changed 


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Application has been upgraded to the 2017 Fall release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Application has been upgraded to the 2017 July release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Copy product attribute values


    Feature Introduced in version
    • Initial release of Copy Released Product on AX7
