Product documentation
Price discount segmentation

On the customer in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations it's possible to setup price and discounts groups. This makes it possible to create trade agreements for a group of customers.

Often prices and discounts are setup on a group level to reduce amount of work and indicates such a group the type of customer (e.g. Gold, Silver and Bronze, where Gold customer get more discount or lower prices).

The problem however is that a customer is not always a Gold customer for the whole assortment. To address this issue you can use the price discount segmentation feature of the Price and Margin Management solution. 

Per price discount segmentation group it's possible to setup a specific customer price group, net price group, net exclusive price group or a line discount group. This can be done on the level of a product category. A specific category hierarchy role association Price segmentation has been introduced.

On the sales order and sales quotation lines the customer price group, net price group, net exclusive price group and line discount group have been added. On creation of the order line the system will check whether for the selected customer a price segmentation group and category combination can be found. If found the groups from this record will be inserted into the order line and the price and discounts are calculated based on those groups instead of the ones on the order header.


Price and margin management parameters

Retail > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Price and margin management parameters > Trade agreements

Sales and marketing > Setup > Price and margin management parameters > Trade agreements

Field Description
Enable Price segmentation The price segementation group and menu item for price segmentation on the customer will become visible and the logic is executed on the sales order and quotation lines

Category hierarchy role association

Product management > Setup > Category and attributes > Category hierarchy role association

Field Description
Category hierarchy type Select the type Price segementation

Price discount segementation groups

Sales and marketing > Setup > Prices and discounts > Price discounts segmentation group

Field Description
Name Name and id of the price discount segmentation group
Description Description of the price discount segmentation group
Menu item Price discount segmentation Opens the setup form for the selected price discount segmentation group

Price discount segmentation

Sales and marketing > Prices and discounts > Price discount segmentation

Field Description
Price segmentation group Id
Valid for All or table, with this option it's possible to set an override on the price segmentation group for a specific customer or customer object
Account number The account number for which an override has been setup
Category For products of the selected categergories and subcategories the defined price and discount groups will be applied
Price group Customer price group
Net price group Customer net price group
Net exclusive price group Customer net exclusive price group
Line discount group Customer line discount group
Sub nodes excluded When enabled only for products of the selected categories the defined price and discount groups will be applied

Menu item Search price discount segment

With the menu item Search price discount segment test it's possible to validate your setup. Based on the selected item, segmentation group and customer the focus will be set to the record in the grid which will be used for caclulating the price and discount on the orders.


When a group is left emtpy the system will not add a group on the orderline. When a group is not setup on the order line the system will fall back to the standard logic of fetching the customer price and discount group (on the order header).



Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers >  Sales order defaults

Field Description
Price discount segmentation group When this group is set, the menu item Price discount segmentation becomes active on the customer from which it will show the setup for this customer. When order lines are created the discount groups on the order lines are populated based on the segmentation group.

Customer objects

Sales and marketing > Customer object > All customer objects

Field Description
Ignore customer price settings Customer price settings will be ignored when this customer object is used (only price segmentation atm)
Price discount segmentation group When this group is set, the menu item Price discount segmentation becomes active on the object from which it will show the setup for this customer. When the customer object is added to the order, the price segmentation of the customer object is applied instead of the segmentation of the customer. When order lines are created the discount groups on the order lines are populated based on the segmentation group.