Product documentation
Customer Sites

Business value

In a trade environment, our customers often have multiple locations, buildings, project sites, configurations, installations etc. which are used somewhere in the business process. A contractor in building and construction industry requires that goods are shipped to the building site or project location, and invoices are split per specific building site or project.

In standard there is no existing entity which can be linked to specific sales orders or quotations or connect specific documents to it or use them for the setup of specific price and discount agreements via customer object specific trade agreements or retail affiliations.

Customer Sites enables the specification of multiple objects per customer, and use these objects in various transactions and documents.



In this documentation it is assumed that the Accounts receivable parameter, Sales setup, Initialize delivery address from customer object is switched on. 

Customer object

Sales and marketing > Customer object > All customer objects

Customer objects are all customer related specific sites (locations, projects etc). A customer object is always connected to a specific customer. Customer objects can be used in sales orders and sales quotations, which make it possible to trace back all related transactions.


Relations and hierarchy

Sales and marketing > Customer object > All customer objects > Tab: Customer object

When a new customer object is created, a relation with a party ID must be specified.

Per customer object one or more additional business relations can be registered. Also other relations and documents for that specific customer object can be connected. With the field Relation type, it is possible to indicate what kind of role this relation has in relation to the customer object.

E.g. a relation can have the role of an architect in relation to this customer object, but he can have a completely different role (e.g. advisor) in relation to another object. The relation selected on creation of the object is marked as Primary.

When the business relation is connected to the customer object during creation, a new address record is created and the address values (street, county, country) of the primary address of the business relation is copied and used as customer object address, with purpose "Business". The address book of the customer is inherited to the customer object. The idea is that you manually create a delivery address for this specific customer object as the goods often needs to be shipped to that address instead of the customers default address.

Besides the information on the customer object, it is possible to record all relations that play, or have played an active role at the customer object. It is also possible to connect all active contacts. On the Related information on the right pane, the roles to which a customer object is attached can be viewed. 

It is possible to create a parent-child relation between customer objects. This hierarchy is shown as a tree structure in the first fast tab.

When the Enable Customer object pricing parameter is enabled it will be possible to use the Customer object within sales and purchase trade agreements. The menu items to access these trade agreements will appear on the purchase tab of the customer object.

And when the parameter Enable Default find next is enabled the field Find next on the customer object can be used to control the default value of find next in the trade agreements when a customer object is selected.

Related information

Sales and marketing > Customer object > All customer objects > Tab: Sell

From the customer object, it is possible to create:


Also the information related to the customer object is visible:


Sales and marketing > Customer object > All customer objects > Tab: Purchase

From the customer object, it is possible to go to all the purchase orders of this object.

When a relation is added to the object and the relation has the role of vendor within the company, the menu item Create purchase order becomes active and creates a purchase order for this object and vendor.

When a purchase order is created from a sales order the customer object will be transferred to the purchase order header.


Sales and marketing > Relationships > Opportunities > All opportunities

When selecting a source type Customer object and a customer object ID on an opportunity, the addresses of the customer object are linked to the opportunity (upon save). When the link with between the opportunity and the customer object is removed, the addresses of the (relation) name are shown again.

On a lead you can also link the customer object, but in this case no addresses are linked or inherited, like it does not do for customers either.

Global Address book

Common > Common > Global address book

A customer object is also created as a party in the global address book and it gets the role Customer object. This enables you also to filter on the role customer object in the grid of the global address book.


Mandatory customer object

Sales and marketing > Customers > All customers > Fast tab: Sales order defaults

Often there is an agreement with customers that all invoicing must be project specific. Non-specific invoices will not be paid. On the customer form the checkmark “Customer object is mandatory” controls whether you have to select a customer object during order creation: 

When set to yes, the user must select a customer object on creation of a sales order.


Retail > Customers > Affiliations 

Sales and marketing > Customers > All customers > Tab: Retail > Button: Affiliations

Within the retail module of standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations affiliations are used to apply retail prices and discounts on a retail sales order (both on Pos and call center orders). Affiliations are inherited form a customer to the sales order and can be manually overridden.

To make it possible to setup customer object specific retail prices and discounts our solution supports the setup of affiliations on a customer object.

When a customer object is added to the call center sales order, the affiliations of the customer object are inherited to the sales order and combined with the affiliations set on the customer.

When the parameter “Ignore customer affiliations” on the customer object is enabled, the affiliations of the customer are not applied on the order when a customer object is added to the sales order. When the object is removed from the order the affiliations of the customer are added. 

Customer Service

Retail > Customers > Customer service

Via de button All customer objects on the tab Customer, the customer objects for the selected customer (primairy or related) will be shown.


Accounts receivable parameters

Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters

Field Description
Initialize delivery address from customer object When set to Yes, the Delivery address will be inherited from the selected Customer object to the order.
Extended contact lookup

When set to Yes, additional filters are available on the lookup field Contact for delivery.

The additional filters are:

  • Relation type:
    If the field Customer object is filled in on an order, the filter Relation type gives the possibility to choose between Customer object and All. This way it is possible to select a contact from the Customer object or from all the contacts of the customer.
  • Checkbox Contact for delivery:
    The checkbox filter also makes it possible to see the contacts that are not marked as contact for delivery.

Address and sales tax

Sales and marketing > Setup > Distribution > Terms of delivery

If the "Terms of the delivery" specify that "Sales tax address" is “Delivery”. The standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations functionality will inherit the sales tax from the delivery address.


Source types

Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales management > Source types

In sales and marketing, Sources types are used for Leads and opportunities. When opening of the Source Types form, the system-defined sources types will be generated automatically. The user can add manual source types.

Customer object is a system generated source type, which enables you to link a customer object to a lead or an opportunity.


Question: Why does the message 'RegisterOverrideMethod was called twice for the same object for method ‘lookup’. mean?
Answer: As part of the Delivery contact feature an extended contact lookup parameter is introduced. In the lookup of the Contact for delivery field additional filters have been added by using an RegisterOverrideMethod. The disadvantage of this method is, that it can only be used by one solution in the system. If another solution uses the same method, the following error message will be shown: RegisterOverrideMethod was called twice for the same object for method ‘lookup’. You can only override a method once per instance.

Release notes

Feature Introduced in version
  • Configuration key property EnabledByDefault has been set to False for all configuration keys


Feature Introduced in version
  • "All customer objects" added to the customer service form
  • Code has been optimized based on Code Analysis Report findings


Feature Introduced in version
  • Synapse link - Set AllowRowVersionChangeTracking to yes for applicable tables


Feature Introduced in version
  • The label packages DYSSCOLabels and DYSSCOSCLabels have been placed in their respective base package


Feature Introduced in version
  • Customer object information is now saved on invoice journal line
  • Added customer object fields to document tables
  • Reverted the changed Hso Innovation implementation of the TradePostalAddress map on the SalesCreateReleaseOrderTableTmp to prevent a compile error from of version 10.0.36 as MS is now adding this map also on this table has become GA
  • Extension fields SCO are added to SalesOrderHeaderV3


Feature Introduced in version
  • Changed the Hso Innovation implementation of the TradePostalAddress map on the SalesCreateReleaseOrderTableTmp to prevent a compile error from of version 10.0.36 as MS is now adding this map also on this table


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added (direct delivery) contact for delivery fields to purchase confirmation document


Feature Introduced in version


Feature Introduced in version
  • Renamed menu label from DYS Retail to Dynamics Retail


Feature Introduced in version


Feature Introduced in version
  • Delivery Contact on Sales order
  • Delivery Contact on inter company direct delivery
  • Delivery Contact on Purchase order
  • Delivery Contact on Customer object
  • Primairy contact added to the customer object
  • Delivery Contact on Customer Delivery
  • Delivery Contact on Sales quotation
  • Delivery Contact on Rma order
  • Contact for delivery added to the DP Class of the sales confirmation
  • Contact for delivery added to the DP Class of the packing slip
  • Contact for delivery added to the DP Class of the RMA documents


Feature Introduced in version
  • Dynamics Retail Parameters tab in Commerce parameter form will be hidden when configuration key DYSSCO is turned off


Feature Introduced in version


Feature Introduced in version
  • Quality update


Feature Introduced in version
  • Changed license type of a privilege to Team Members


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added a button to create a customer object directly from a customer or prospect
  • Customer object has been added to 'release order' form on sales agreement
  • Customer object has been added to the sales agreement


Feature Introduced in version
  • Prices/discounts per mode of delivery
  • Retail affiliations on call center
  • Added dataAreaId to creation of specific affiliations
  • Added security elements

1002.26.200 DYSRetail

Feature Introduced in version
  • Data entity DYSSCOCustomerObjectRelationTable
  • Redesign 'ignore customer affiliations' inheritance on sales order/quotation
  • Added unique index to table Customer object Relations


Feature Introduced in version
  • Data entity added: Customer objects
  • Data entity added: Customer objects Relation type
  • Data entity added: Customer objects Group
  • Data entity: Customer objects Default locations
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2019 Spring


Feature Introduced in version
  • Specific affiliations - Function to create a customer specific affiliation and price group and link them together
  • Source type added to the affiliation forms - On the customer, sales order and sales quotations affiliations the source type of the affiliation is shown
  • Adjust lookup of the price groups to be able to filter on specific price groups
  • Add parameter to enable filter in lookups for specific price groups
  • Add specific affiliation lookup parameter
  • Data entity: Retail affiliations source setup

DYSRetail 8.120.100

Feature Introduced in version
  • Retail prices and discounts overview form added to the released products form
  • Retail prices and discounts overview form added to the customers form
  • Retail prices and discounts overview form added to the channels form

PBP 8.120.800

Feature Introduced in version
  • Added the possibility to show on-line help
  • Product name has been changed from Customer objects into Customer Sites
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Fall release


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added the possibility to create a customer object for a customer of the type person
  • Delivery tab added to address on customer object
  • Auto populate primary relation in case of the creation of a child object
  • New label package created with models for SCO labels and SCOSC labels
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Spring release
  • Model description, ALF License name and Configuration name have been changed
  • Added the possibility to select an address book on creation of the customer object


Feature Introduced in version
  • Affiliations added to customer objects
  • Removed all customizations
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2017 Fall release


Feature Introduced in version
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2017 July release
  • Prevent creation of a new customer object when focus is set to the relation grid


Feature Introduced in version
  • Initial Release of the extension to Sales order optimizations - Mandatory Customer object
  • Initial Release Customer Objects for Supply Chain
