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    Advanced Production Control
    In This Topic

    Business value

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has rich functionality for manufacturing companies. But the wide range of functionality may seem complex and can be a challenge for the user.

    Advanced Production Control takes you to the next level of production functionality by offering:


    Challenges in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

    The list page "All production orders" displays the production orders and batch orders with the "status": Created, Estimated, Scheduled, Released, Started, Reported as finished or Ended. But finding out whether the production order is ready for the next step can require a lot of clicks. 

    The "remain status" displays the next activity, but does not tell whether the activity is possible to start.

    The form "Current operations" shows which operations are started and for which operations material is needed, but does not .

    If the form is filtered on a resource or operation, it is not visible whether the previous operation has been finished.


    Generally, the production user wants to see at one glance:

    And to accommodate for touchless ERP, automatic batch jobs should schedule, release, start the production order automatically at a suitable moment.



    To verify this in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , it is necessary to open several additional forms and go to:

    Advanced Production Control combines all the information above in the production list page in an additional field Order status and other fields, and is refreshed by pressing one button "Update status". It saves a lot of time for the production user.

    Just press Update status to get the actual status.

    You can filter on fully reserved orders, picked, current workcenter etc. and set up batch jobs with this filtering. 

    No setup required.


    All production orders: Order status

    Update order status

    Production control > Periodic > Production order status update > Update order status

    The production order field Order status is updated for all production orders except for ended orders. This batch job is typically setup to run 1x per hour depending on the rhythm of the production. It traverses all actual production orders and batch orders (for formula items) and determines the current order status.

    Use the field "Order status" for setting up other batch jobs like production order Release and start to automate the administrative process. 


    Order status on list page All production orders

    Production control > Production orders > All production orders

    Production control > Production orders > Delayed production orders

    Production control > Production orders > Productions scheduled

    Production control > Production orders > Productions started

    Production control > Production orders > Productions released


    In the ribbon tab Production order, group Production details, select a set of production orders and press Update status to retrieve relevant actual information from various sources.

    Or set up a batch job (e.g. 1x per hour) in Production control > Periodic > Production order status update > Update order status


    Field Description Remark
    Delayed Checkmark that indicates that the delivery date is not possible: the countdown hours is less than the remaining time to finish Action required on material supply, working hours or committed due dates

    Order status

    Icon and text to indicate the status of the production order

    - Asterisk

    - Created

    Production order is created manually. Remember to estimate beforer the MRP run, otherwise material demand is not taken into account

    - Red X

    - Material shortage

    Material shortage for production order that is on critical path. Remaining lead time > countdown hours and not all physical materials are reserved. Go to Production BOM

    - Red diamond

    - Delayed

    Replaced by a checkmark Delayed

    - Yellow triangle

    - Warning

    One or more components expected late

    - Green block

    - Ready to release

    All materials are available

    - Grey block

    - Wait for warehouse

    Production order is in a warehouse wave, raw material picking not started

    - Forklift

    - Picking materials

    Raw material picking in progress

    - Green circle

    - Ready to start

    All materials are picked

    - Black circle

    - Ready to subcontract

    Delivery note can be printed upon Start

    - Arrow →  

    - Started

    Production order has started

    - Share  |

    - Subcontracted

    First not-finished operation is type Vendor and operation has started

    - Yellow !

    - Not reserved materials

    Production order has started but some materials are not reserved. Go to production BOM

    - Checkmark

    - Reported as finished

    Production order is reported as finished. If all materials and hours are posted the production order can be ended.


    Allocated against on hand or pegged supply (dynamic plan)

    All physical materials for this production order and its sub-production orders (multi-level) are allocated in the dynamic plan against on hand or pegged supply


    All physical materials in the production BOM are reserved

    Best practice is to reserve all materials before releasing the production order. If materials are reserved upon release or start, check that all materials are allocated by dynamic plan


    Raw material pick work ready and line stock at resource was auto-picked


    Number of hours to deadline (rounded down)

    The production order must be completed in n hours. See calculation logic below.


    Current resource

    Resource on which the dynamic plan scheduled the current operation


    Tab Production order

    The Print Production order report button is added to the list page. This report with BOM and routing information for the current production order or batch order can be printed at any moment in the process.


    Tab Warehouse

    Button Wave and work:

    Button License plate labels:


    Form Production BOM

    Production control > Production orders > All production orders > Ribbon tab Production order > BOM

    In the form Production BOM, new columns are added for a quick overview which materials are physically reserved, and if there is a confirmed receipt date on the reference purchase order line. This data is refreshed when Update status is executed on the list page All production orders.


    Field Description Remark
    Location Location (can be switched on with Inventory > Display dimensions) The location can be defaulted from the production inventory status setup 

    Inventory status

    Inventory status (can be switched on with Inventory > Display dimensions)

    The inventory status can be defaulted from the production inventory status setup table


    All open transactions are allocated by the dynamic plan

    When reservation is auto-executed upon Release or Start: it is desirable that materials are allocated from on hand stock to this production order before the production order is released or started.


    All materials are physical reserved

    When reservation is manual, or auto-executed upon Estimation or Scheduling: it is desirable that materials are reserved before the production order is released or started.  


    Confirmed receipt date on the purchase order line

    There must be a direct reference from the production BOM line to the purchase order line. The reference is created upon Estimation when BOM line type = Vendor, or can be set by the master planning when the coverage group has type requirement. 



    Form Current operations

    Production control > Operations > Current operations

    Production control > Operations > Current operations for batch orders

    In the form Current operations, the factbox Operation material displays a grid of the materials (standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations displays only the first material).


    Additional columns

    Field Description Remark
    Operation status Icon and text to indicate the status of the production order operation

    Red: action required

    Yellow: attention required

    Green: ready for next step

    Grey: in progress

    - Red X

    - Waiting

    - Red diamond

    - Delayed

    Operation scheduled end time has passed 

    - Yellow triangle

    - Delay warning

    Operation will probably not be finished in time

    - Green circle

    - Operation ready to start

    All operations for this production order with a lower number are finished

    - Right arrow → 

    - Operation started

    - Checkmark

    - Operation finished

    Only visible if the form is filtered incl. Reported as finished


    Calculation logic

    The calculation of the Countdown hours depends on the demand order that is supplied by this production order:


    If a reference to sales order line exists:

    *) start time for calculating delays according to MRP parameter


    If a reference to a main production order exists (socalled pegged supply by a sub production order):

    If no reference to a sales order line or production order exists:

    The remaining leadtime is calculated as the summarized setup and process times of the primary operations, and are always rounded up to full hours.

    The countdown is always rounded down to full hours, based on 24 hours per day.

    The countdown sequence is not necessarily equal to the scheduling sequence, because the scheduling takes into account resource capacity, and production order due date at the time of creation, but ignores any changes on the sales order ship date after the production order was created.

    Use the countdown as an indication and sorting sequence which of the production orders need to be finished first.

    The countdown is on the safe side, as long as the status is updated recently (e.g. every hour).




    Purchasing components for production

    Production control > Inquiries and reports > Purchasing components for production

    In a make to order scenario, it is valuable for the account manager for the customer, or the supply chain manager to have a clear overview of all components and parts that are needed for the production.

    This form displays concise information on the project, customer delivery name, order number and confirmed ship dates, together with all parts that are purchased directly for the related production order and the sub production orders.


    Field Description Remark
    Production Production order or batch order

    Project ID

    Project on the sales order

    Reference number

    Sales order or transfer order

    Filled if the production order is supplying a specific sales or transfer order, or a sub (sub..) production order supplies a production order that is supplying a sales or transfer order

    Delivery name

    Delivery name on the sales order

    Confirmed ship date

    Confirmed ship date on the sales order

    Reference production

    Main production order

    Reference level

    Main item number

    Main item

    Item to be produced

    Component status

    Icon and text for the component status

    - Asterisk

    - Created

    Purchase order document status = None

    - Hour glass

    - Wait for confirmation

    Purchase order sent, purchase order line has no confirmation date

    - Calendar

    - Confirmed on time

    Confirmed delivery date before raw material date

    - Yellow triangle

    - Confirmed critical

    Confirmed delivery date = raw material date

    - Red square

    - Confirmed delayed

    Confirmed delivery date later than raw material date

    - Red diamond

    - Delayed

    Confirmed date has passed without receipt, raw material date is after today

    - Red X

    - Material shortage

    Conmfirmed date has passed without receipt, raw material date was today or in the past

    - Site

    - Material received at dock

    Planned functionality 2025 

    - Green square

    - Material at work center

    Planned functionality 2025

    - Black circle

    - Ready to subcontract

    Planned functionality 2025

    - Half star

    - Quality

    Open or failed quality order exists on purchase order line or production order

    Item number

    Component item

    Item that is purchased and will be consumed

    Product name

    Component item name


    Estimated quantity


    Unit for estimated quantity

    Raw material date

    Date on which the raw material is needed

    This date (and time) is used by the master planning 

    Reference number

    Purchase order

    Vendor account



    Confirmed date purchase order line


    Physical product allocated against on hand, or pegged supply by dynamic plan


    Physical reserved



    Inventory and location defaults for production orders

    Warehouse management > Setup > Inventory > Production inventory status setup

    It is possible to default the consumption location and / or inventory status for the raw materials, or the inventory status for the finished goods.

    Set one or more rules and use a query if desired to select the finished goods or materials for which the rule applies.


    Field Description Remark
    Priority The logic starts with the lowest number


    SIte of the production order


    Warehouse of the production order or production BOM line

    Inventory status finished goods

    Inventory status that is assigned to the finished goods

    Select the applicable production orders through Edit query finished goods

    Inventory status materials

    Inventory status that is defaulted on the production BOM lines and is inherited to the production pick list journal lines

    Select the applicable production order BOM lines through Edit query materials

    Consumption location materials

    Consumption location that is defaulted on the production BOM lines and is inherited to the production pick list journal lines

    Select the applicable production order BOM lines through Edit query materials



    Question: The order status is not actualized when the pick work is closed etc.

    Note that the field order status is actualized through the batch job or by pressing Update order status in the production order list page.



    Release notes 

    Feature Introduced in version
    • ACTION REQUIRED if DYSINS Production order inventory status setup is used in 10041 and earlier
      • Production inventory status setup moved from DYSINS to Advanced Production Control DYSPRD
      • Check and document the setup
      • Install this version 10042.24121000 or later
      • Create a similar setup in the new table
    • Production list page - Button Wave and work added
    • Production list page - Button License plates added
    • Production list page - Button Update order status will now update only selected orders



    Feature Introduced in version
    • Production order: fields Order status, Allocated, Reserved, Picked added
    • Current operations: field Operation status added
    • Purchasing components for production: new list page
    • Print production order document for selected production order
