Searching within (released) products and comparing them on relevant aspects can be a challenge in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , especially when fast and precise advice about possible alternatives in the assortment is required.
Product Search offers you the following functionality:
Filter and search on product attributes and category attributes
Filter and search on any product related field with the help of field search queries
Compare attributes for multiple products in a nice overview
Watch this video for a more in depth walk through of the features:
Availability of the functionality
Product Search adds advanced search functionality for products and released products. This functionality is available from:
Sales order lines
Sales quotation lines
Purchase order lines
Transfer order lines
Purchase agreement lines
Sales agreement lines
Trade agreements journal lines
Bill of materials
On the line menu of these forms the Product search button is available to open the Product search form and to add one more products to the lines.
If something goes wrong the dialog Add order lines will pop-up which shows for which item an error has occurred. From this basket the user can decide what to do with this item.
The Product Search solution is based upon Azure search. Please make sure that Azure Search is enabled in the Product information management parameters. For more information on the required setup, please check this topic.
With the view/compare button it's possible to compare the attributes of the selected lines.
Almost all parameters for Product Search are defined as part of Advanced Search, but there are additional parameters specific to Product Search
Product information management > Setup > Product information management parameters > tab: Product search
Line update
When enabled, using the Add lines function will check if there is already a line for that specific item (same product & dimensions) and update the existing line. Otherwise a new line will be created.
When the parameter is disabled, a new line will always be created when using the Add lines function.
Unlock company filter
When enabled, the company filter in the released product search form is not locked anymore.
It gives the user the option to search for products which have not been released in the current company.
Assortment search enabled
When enabled, it will be possible to add assortments as a search and filter attribute and the product search form will only show the products defined in the assortments on the order header.
This feature is only available when product search is installed as part of the Order Entry Optimization solution. This solution contains an assortment filtering feature which limits the number of available products on an order.
Unexpected results or problems are often caused by missing setup of the related category hierarchy and its definitions. Please check the FAQ's or this troubleshooting chapter for the known pitfalls.
Feature release notes
Introduced in version
Modified the URL for the Flintfox PPE, so that it is no longer needed to add the suffix for the Price method manually. Instead we add it automatically and show the fully used URL in a separate field.
Adjusted security privileges where needed to make sure our solution roles will not increase license requirement beyond 'team member'
Any code marked as obsolete for more than a year will now give compile errors
When creating a workspace item, the suggested display name will be the name of the saved search used, or in case of an unsaved search the used search text
Moved the 'Update search data' setting on product release to the search configuration.
Customer search provider FlintfoxPPE has been optimized to show the result values in the compare form
When making a selection from the suggester, double quotes are added to the search text for a higher match percentage
Implemented the quotation Id as a context for price calculation in product search
Options to view the published definitions and the full overview of the Search Filters/Layout/Sorting setup have been moved and/or renamed
Added collection type ProductATP to the calculated fields on the search configuration
All product search related parameters are being moved to product specific tabs instead of standard MS tabs, this is phase one where the tabs are still shown, but only contain a link to the new location where the actual parameters can be set.
Changed the behavior of the settings button on the search form and changed the way the tabs are hidden on the settings form, to follow if there actually is setup.
The Product information parameters tabs have gotten renamed to better represent what settings are included on the tabs
Code change in DYSControls to support more UI to add the up/down/top/bottom buttons
Configuration key property EnabledByDefault has been set to False for all configuration keys
Made old Product search add lines code obsolete and removed use legacy field from AOL parameters
Data Upgrade Framework (DYSDUF) has been moved to a separate model
When deleting a Search-related item from a workspace, the system will no longer ask if the related saved search should be deleted as well. Saved searches will need to be deleted manually as well if this is wanted.
DYSAOL fields which have been marked as obsolete has now been removed from the salesParameters table
Introduced in version
Combine the context filters with the saved search filters
Exclude OnHand custom data provider from Compare/View
Added data entities for Flintfox FlintFox Performance Price Engine parameters and field mappings
Company field is disabled when Data Upgrade job is not RunPerCompany
Add warning added to Data Upgrade Framework (DYSDUF) when an upgrade job has no rerunnable tasks
Dynamics Product Search - Flintfox Performance Price Engine integration has been added
Added new custom search source FlintfoxPPE for future support of the fields from FlintfoxPPE in the compare form
Flintfox Performance Price Engine parameters have been added to the product search parameters
Implemented a new calculated field MarginBasePrice in the collection ProductPricing
Removed the auto popup of the look up of the calculated fields as it give UI issues
Added the possibility to lock the order context filters
Changed index on table CategoryFieldSearchComposite, so new setup is possible.
Added the option to save with our without order context filters for site and warehouse
Added data entity for new Product search parameter (Unlock company filter)
Data upgrade job is automatically executed to populate the Unlock company filter in the Product Search parameter form
The global search parameter form part accessible from System administration module is now also shown as tab in the Product information management parameters form
Parameter unlock company filter has been moved from Product information management parameters to Product search parameters form
New way of sorting of the lookup of the saved searches entries are now group (Recent, My searches, Public searches)
Data upgrade job is added that will upgrade Saved search data to our new way of storing it. This upgrade job runs automatically whenever Product search is started the first time in any way.
A new tab Product search has been added to the search configuration where you can setup which filters should be used as context filter when opening search from an order
Technical modification to the way default saved searches are stored now that sharing of saved searches is also possible.
The load defaults for search layout has been adjusted it now loads calculated collection field Unit Price of Product pricing instead of TradeAgreement sales price
Added a validation on selecting a calculated field from the ProductPricing collection, some of the fields have a dependency to other solutions and will not work if not installed
Data entity added for Search user groups and search user group users
Product search parameter unlock company filter moved to the product search parameter form
When using the same search configuration in multiple companies now the stock information of all companies can be uploaded into the index. You have to setup the On-hand inventory breakdown per company to achieve this
Added validations to the setup of Data change tracking tables only tables which contain a product number or item id are allowed to setup
Set compile error to True for obsolete code older than 1 year
Tags are made clickable and will set the value as a filter if the fields has been setup as a filter
Added Search user groups for saved searches to the Administration > setup > Advanced search menu
When a saved search cannot be deleted an info icon is now available on the saved search that provides the reason for the greyed out delete symbol (it could be used on a workspace tile or set as a default search for example)
Added the possibility to set the filters Site / Warehouse based on the context of the order
Product search is now also available in the BOM Designer
New configuration key Data upgrade frame work added as sub key under DYS Advanced search
Introduced in version
View calculated fields results added to the debug button of the product search form
All company specific product parameters have been moved from Product Information management parameters to a new form Product Search Parameters
Added a validation on the include checkbox that the UOM should exist and valid for the item
Data entity added for the setup of data base trigger framework
New field Exclude from search added to the commerce product hierarchy
Create specials from product search and use index data as template data (added isTemplate as base field)
When publishing the definitions, warning messages will now appear when a filter or layout type that requires a style configuration is missing the configuration setup. Those records will also be skipped during the publish.
When copy/pasting layout or filter records that have a style configuration, that configuration is also copied and pasted Synapse link - Set AllowRowVersionChangeTracking to yes for applicable tables
It's now possible to setup the input fields Quantiy and Unit of measure which can be used to create order lines for the selected qty and unit of measure
Added load predefined button for Attributes
Added button Load predefined for KeyVault secrets
Added the possibility to setup for which inventory dimensions the on-hand information needs to be updated into the index
Value ranges now have a 'Used by' tab that shows where a specific value range is being used
Changed Load predefined queries to use the new Load predefined framework
Created a generic framework to support Load predefined buttons
Added a load predefined button for Value ranges
Class DYSPRCSalesPriceCalculator has been added to be able to expose sales prices (non-retail)
Added calculated field - Sales price (Non-retail)
Added the possibility to filter on the on-hand for site, warehouse and inventory status
Added calculated field Price in price unit / Net price in price Unit (Non-retail and returns prices only when Dynamics Price and Margin Management is installed)
Added calculated field Net sales price (Non-retail and returns prices only when Dynamics Price and Margin Management is installed)
Option has been added to hide the caption of a field (not just in list anymore, but also for regular fields etc.)
Database tracking module added which can be used to update search data based on tracked item/product records
Introduced in version
Non-searchable field (e.g. Weight which is a number) in the Highlight fields lookup are now hidden
Added DoSuggest button to Debug buttons on search form
Use legacy field of the table DYSAOLOrderSetup in DYSERPASPS model has been marked as obsolete
When more than 999 products were found 999+ was shown, now we show 999.999+ if more than 999.999 records are found
Dynamics Specials Management is now part of Dynamics Product Search (new model DYSERPASSPE has been introduced)
Added fields for Specials to the data entities for Categories and Search configuration.
Updated labels for the supported languages: EN-US, NL, DE, FR & ES. Removed translations for unsupported languages (En-GB, simplified Chinese and Japanese).
The following functionalities are now fully integrated into the solution and are no longer available as separate features: Attribute value bulk edit, Enhanced sync configuration fields from Azure index, Search configuration data update dynamic job loading
The new configuration Expand categories parameter is set to 'Optional Yes' automatically when opening the Configuration or Search form
Load defaults button for specials field mappings added
Added a framework to support buttons to control functions in other applications
Category section in product search form has been made collapsible/expandable
Added overview forms that show all layout/filters/sorting for a configuration (mainly for troubleshooting purposes)
When a user tries to open an item in product search which does not exist in Finance and operations the listpage is opened and an info message is shown that the item needs to be created first
A parameter Source has been added to the search configuration to determine from which index the data will be fetched when creating a special
Added a parameter to the Configuration to specify when Index the data should come from when generating the JSON for specials
A category mapping between FNO categories and categories in the index has been added as part of the possiblity to create specials from the index
A Specials fields mapping has been added to the category hierarchy as part of the possiblity to create a special from Product Search
It is no longer possible to delete indexes that still have linked saved searches
When using multiple indexes within a search configuration (for multiple languages), any unmapped/untranslated fields for the secondary indexes are skipped when publishing definitions to avoid duplicate error for empty values
Button for saved searches has been moved to the react control of Product Search
For search layout fields where the style can be configured, options have been added to hide the caption and to by default show lists collapsed instead of opened
Legacy add order line settings for sales orders have been marked as obsolete
Final phase of CloudV1 removal: removed all tables, EDT's, data entities, code and UI elements
Introduced in version
The existing tables DYSASBCloudDataGeneratorTask and DYSASBCloudDataUploadTask have been replaced by a V2 version of these tables in order to be able to clean up the tasks
Periodic clean up job for upload and generator tasks has been added
Search data can not be updated when too much upload tasks exists
Implemented a dialog on the search configuration for creating and modifing indexes
Calculated fields should no longer not get a little i-icon for the azure field information
A specific filter label (blanks) is shown in case filter value is an empty string
Search control now respects density settings of the user
Introduced in version
Add order line parameter fields have been removed from Accounts Receivable parameter form
Add order lines class implemented on Bill of materials
Add order lines class implemented on purchase agreements
Add order lines class implemented on purchase orders
Add order lines class implemented on sales agreements
Add order lines class implemented on sales orders
Add order lines class implemented on sales quotations
Add order lines class implemented on trade agreements
Add order lines class implemented on transfer orders
Added a parameter on the Search configuration that defines if an image placeholder is shown when the search result has no image
Added button to expand/collapse all filters on the Search forms
Added extra info and validation to a star rating setup that the setup is complete,
Added validation so that variant collections cannot be used on products and product collections cannot be used on variants for calculated fields.
Added validation that checks if a company has Search enabled when it gets linked to a Search configuration.
Adding products to Bill of Materials now possible via Product Search
Adding products to Purchase Agreement lines via Product Search now uses the add order lines class (AOL)
Adding products to Sales agreement lines via Product Search now uses the add order lines class (AOL)
Adding products to Sales order lines via Product Search now uses the add order lines class (AOL)
Adding products to Transfer order lines via Product Search now uses the add order lines class (AOL)
Azure type fields can now also use the style type 'image' which allows for the addition of (multiple) images via url's for example
Data entity added for setup of Add order lines parameters
Field search queries are displayed using a new formatted query control, making the queries easier to read
Images can now be added either as before, but also as a calculated field on the category search layout, creating more flexibility for the display of images
Improved info messages during the creation of value ranges.
Improved the JSON viewer in the debug options to make it easier to read
Improved the predefined Product variants query by making use of the ProductVariantsV2 data entity
Introduced a new (user) setting that can show the index fieldname for every field on the Search result card. When using advanced syntax, the info from the icon can even be used as a filter in text search with just a click of the button
Introduced a new (user) setting that determines if empty categories (without any search results) are hidden in the tree on the Search forms
Introduced an option to set layout records for a base or extended view: making it possible to hide information from the search result card until the view is expanded, offering better use of the (limited) screen real estate
It's now possible to add calculated fields to a list style on the search result card (currently On hand qty only)
Label Sales basket has been changed into Basket as the basket is now used on multiple forms
Layout of REACT control now uses Fluent UI, resulting in a slightly different look and feel of the Search forms (but offering more flexibility and (future) options)
Layout record that uses regular style in combination with a value range now correctly uses the range labels on the result card
New parameter table Add order lines setup to control the behavoir of the functionality per implementation
Now showing index field translations (Azure search field, Field label and Short label) in the index fields translations form, creating a better and easier overview for translations
Numbers and dates are now formatted based on the user settings (with system/OS/browser locale as fallback)
Optimized a method of getting the results for a calculated field by using less requests between REACT and D365
Option is now available to add variant images as calculated fields to a list (of variants) on the layout
Predefined query for inventory module parameters no longer incorrectly filters on sales type
Rating styles are no longer supported within a badge
Saved searches that get altered (when criteria are added/deleted) get marked with a * symbol
Security privileges and duties for Order setup have been modified
Setup parameter added to enable/disable auto launch of basket dialog when lines exist
Tag style has been adjusted to make sure it stays visible even when the Search result card has been selected
The following features that are part of Product Search are now set to 'Mandatory' and can no longer be disabled:
Attribute value bulk edit, Enhanced sync configuration fields from Azure index, Search configuration data update dynamic job loading
The observables 'SearchString' and 'SearchResults' have been removed from code (as they were unsused)
The Product search forms no longer display several system buttons without function (such as 'New', 'Delete' and the refresh icon)
When opening tiles in a different company than where they were created, an info message is shown on the Search form that the Saved search cannot be opened as it's from a different company
When using the 'Publish definition' function directly on the Category hierarchy, the definitions are now published even if the main function on the Search configuration selection didn't include the used Category hierarchy
Introduced in version
Search service name and Search index name cannot be changed after the record for the index has been saved. Note that it is possible to switch between plain text and key vault authorization method.
When deleting an index record in F&O, the option will be given to also delete the index in the Azure search service.
Improved error message by providing additional info when the search service cannot be reached.
Introduced in version
Data upgrade job that removes old generator and upload tasks (the relationship has changed, making the existing records invalid). The upgrade job will be triggered when the Data update batches form is opened and when a batch job link record is created.
Introduced in version
'Is default' check on Entity attribute values has been modified to better work in unison with the newly MS introduced batch job to update entity attribute values with the default value
Added a predefined search query for Product variants (please note that the predefined queries are delivered 'as is')
Added defaults that can be loaded for the Field search tab on the Search configuration hierarchy.
Added defaults that can be loaded for the Search filters tab on the Search configuration hierarchy.
Added defaults that can be loaded for the Sorting tab on the Search configuration hierarchy.
Added defaults that can be loaded for the Highlight fields tab on the Search configuration.
Data source no longer needs to be selected when creating a Field search record for a composite field.
Introduced in version
The 'Open in list page - max records' parameter setting now only allows a max value of 100.000 as that is the maximum Azure allows.
The following features that are part of Product Search are now 'On by default': Attribute value bulk edit, Enhanced sync configuration fields from Azure index, Search configuration data update dynamic job loading
Search forms no longer show the standard saved views option, as it has no function on the Product search forms
Categories can now also be included in the highlight list
Periodic (batch) job has been added to delete products that have been excluded from search from the index (without rebuilding the index)
Manual 'Update search data' on product will delete it from index if the 'Exclude from search' parameter is activated
Parameter has been added to show a tab with the attributes on the Product information dialog
Parameter is added on the Product to be able to exclude it from Product search
Product search button on sales order can not be used without proper license, now it's possible to turn off configuration key to get rid of the license messages
All cloud V1 publich elements that have been marked as obsolete will now give errors when compiling (instead of warnings)
Compare overview uses the labels as defined on the index fields for field search fields now instead of the actual field name.
Released products can be excluded from search based on the PLC status (exclude parameter added to the PLC-code setup)
Attributes have a parameter added that will exclude the attribute from being used in Product Search
Introduced in version
Additional field available in the Custom search section containing the non-context specific trade agreement sales price.
Additional calculated field available that shows the base trade agreement sales price (without any context).
Added option to start a new quote that immediately opens Product search from the customer service page
Outphasing of the Cloud V1 functionality (pre-search configuration) is starting with the first phase, all related public elements have now been marked as obsolete. Please check your code and if needed move any customizations to the Search Configuration.
Introduced in version
Configuration key for Cloud V1 is now disabled by default for new installations
Cursor is now set so that the Search form is immediately ready for typing on opening of the form or after an F5 refresh.
Introduced in version
Improved labels for security privileges
Introduced in version
Added functionality that allows editing attribute values for multiple products at the same time. This functionality is available as a preview feature which you are welcome to use. Any feedback on the feature is very much appreciated.
Added data entities for Search configuration.
Improved the syncing of Azure fields by suggesting field names in other languages as well. This functionality is available as a preview feature which you are welcome to use. Any feedback on the feature is very much appreciated.
Fill AzureID during creation of product instead of during (azure) update. As part of taking this Product search version, the index MUST be recreated, so please make sure to perform an 'Update search data', including a recreate of the index.
Show error only to filter for Generator and Upload tasks on Update batches form
Added an option to load default layout setup on the Search configuration Hierarchy category layout setup.
Created new way of update batch processing
Added a Dynamic batch job loader for Updating (and rerunning) search data. This functionality is available as a preview feature which you are welcome to use. Any feedback on the feature is very much appreciated.
Made sure field search data shows up in the compare overview .
New sub-menu was added under system administration for all global search setup forms
More button threshold must now hold a value between minimum 1 and maximum fetched values
Added an option to (pre)view the JSON on the retail category products tab for debugging purposes (available to sysadmin only)
Added a grid to the edit translations form to show all available translations (to easily check if all expected ones are there)
Product (entity) attributes added directly to a category are now supported too (note that these are not the category group attributes).
Setting default index, company and/or hierarchy on the search configuration is now done via a 'Set default' button.
Introduced in version
Admin key field length on the index now accepts values of more than 32 characters
Introduced in version
New parameter added which controls whether friendly name or name should be used when showing the category hierarchy in product search
Category hierarchy tree now works on recId instead of friendly name
Introduced in version
In case of a duplicate setup of layout and filter definitions due to inherritance we now skip the instert of the lower level setup in order to prevent duplicates
Introduced in version
Field search queries can now also be migrated to global queries as part of (and needed for) the new Search configuration setup.
Exclude option in the Update search data function has been updated to prevent too many categories from getting excluded (when using multiple hierarchies).
The Azure serach field is no longer mandatory (on attributes). Uniqueness of the value is still checked but can be ignored to allow certain combined setups.
Introduced in version
Extended the check if Cloud Search V1 is enabled (beyond just the config key) with a check on Azure Service and Index name being filled as well, to better support migrating v1 to config.
Introduced in version
Disabled add/edit/delete adding lines on Category form when search configuration has no Index(es)
The Add button has been removed from the Index Fields grid on the configuration
Added button 'Configure seach hierarchy' to Hierarchy section on Configuration form which will also open the search category hierarchy
Introduced in version
Introduction of Search configuration, a new cloud search setup that supports multi-hierarchy, multi-language and multi-company setups and more.
Maximum number of filter values to display is no longer available.
Cloud search version 1 one elements have been marked as obsolete in preparation of future removal.
Update attribute value process is now a-sync.
Hashkey function is no longer used by the solution.
Indicator added to all relevant tabs on the Category hierarchy form to show how many of the underlying levels have the 'Inherit' button activated.
Icons are added to the Configuration index fields to show if all languages are mapped and the field exists in all indexes.
Migration job has been added (temporarily) to support upgrade from Cloud search version 1 to Search configuration.
When Search is disabled in a company the user is notified of this when using the (released) products search menu items.
All Search data update job parameters are now stored in the user settings.
A button is added that shows the filter syntax being sent to Azure for easier troubleshooting.
List is available as a new (complex) layout style which displays as a list of items.
Support for (displaying) Date and DateTime fields in Search.
Added an options for users to switch between any/all results for multi-value attribute filters.
Rating is available as a new (complex) layout style which displays as a scale of 5 stars.
Introduced in version
Update search data functions now run a-synchronously (for performance improvement)
Introduced in version
Added the relevant company to the error message "Settings to connect with Azure Cognitive Search not set. Please provide settings for module '%1'."
Introduced in version
If all user specific options have been disabled in the parameters, the little gear icon is hidden (as there are no options to display).
Attributes now allow multiple values to be selected for a single attribute
Field search now also allows for multiple values (via setup)
A filter that uses ranges will now be hidden if there are no results anymore in any of the ranges
Dutch and German label translations have been updated
Introduced in version
Product search menu item added to project item requirements
Create a workspace tile, list, link directly from the (released) product search pages
Made InventTable fields availble for selection when creating a workspace data list from a Released product search
Added a parameter which disables the lock on the company filter in released product search
Local search can not be enabled when Product Search model is installed
Possibility added to show a field as a tag style in search results
Selected filters have been moved to the top of the search form
Configuration key added to the field DYSERPASCloudSearchProductId
'Update search data' option on the 'add to category' function is now hidden when advanced search is disabled
Highlight now highlights all words that are a match for the search (based on the search settings)
For new tiles/lists, when opened, the used search filter (via the filter icon) can no longer be adjusted
When opening a saved search (via tile etc.) the name of the used search is now displayed in the form title
When the last workspace element linked to a saved search is deleted, the user will now be asked if they also want to delete the saved search.
Saved searched belonging to a different company will try to perform the search for the current company and if possible return a result
Introduced in version
Product search did not show anything when decimal filter values were found
Added better error handling when uploading data to Azure (products that were not uploaded/updated are shown in info log)
Obsolete add lines line update parameter removed
Introduced in version
Added the possiblity to search for filter values within the filter pane
In case of single hierachy setup, deletion of a product will remove the entry from the index
Added parameter Auto-wild card to the Azure search parameters and user settings
Copy and past option added to the Azure search layout, filter fields and sorting fields setup
Added parameter Match all word to the Azure search parameters and user settings
Add setup options to specify filtering behavior of the filter
Added the possiblity to sort the filter values alphabetically instead of number of hits
Added configuration key to disable cloud search setup in Azure which is in beta
Added button to show the search args JSON for the current search (admin only)
Added Use advanced syntax to the Azure search parameters and user settings
Fuzzy search only enabled when query type is full
The field Overwrite existing data is set to the right value and made none editable to prevent wrong usage in case of multi hiearchy
Label and values of existing field CloudSearchEnabled changed from Azure Search Enabled( Yes/No) into Search enabled (Disabled, Local search, Azure search)
Added a parameter to control how many filter values are shown before the more button appears
Introduced in version
DYSASBFilterRangeId added to EcoResProductAttributeEntity
DYSASB fields added to EcoResProductCategoryEntity
When an option is selected from the type ahead list it's applied directly
Fields FilterRange and Filterable on on field search setup were visible and editable when Cloud search is enabled
Store azure search admin key encrypted
Data entity for DYSASBCloudSearchCategoryFilterFields
Data entity for DYSASBCloudSearchCategoryFilterFields
Data entity for DYSASBCloudSearchCategoryLayoutFields
Data entity for DYSASBCloudSearchCategoryLayoutFieldsTranslations
Data entity for DYSASBCloudSearchCategorySortingFields
Data entity for DYSASBCloudSearchCategorySortingFieldsTranslations
Data entity for DYSASBCustomSearchCategoryPropertyProvider
Data entity for DYSASBFieldSearchCategoryField
Data entity for DYSASBFilterRangeTable
Data entity for DYSASBFilterRangeLine
Data entity for DYSASBSearchLanguage
Data entity for DYSASBSearchParameters
Data entity for DYSASBFilterSessionHeaderTable Introduced the possiblity to setup a cloud search field name for field search and attributes
Data entity for DYSABSFieldSearchQuery Added ERPAS fields to existing
Data Entities Added possibility to skip the update of search data from code
10015.39.430 Error in version number: This should have been 10015.39.140
Introduced in version
Changing the friendly name of the category will be visible directly in the product search form (cache is cleared directly)
Introduced in version
Data area filter for current company is locked when you open the product search form from released products
If a field use din the layout does not exist in the index, the field gets skipped so that the search is still executed. A warning is also shown so that the setup can be adjusted.
Removed fixed relation to Retail product category hierarchy role
Multi hierarchy support
Setup option added to the category to determine the sort field in the search form
Filter ranges supported in Azure Search
New parameter Expand automatically, all filter controls expanded/collapsed
New parameter Sort categories alphabetically
Possibility added to recreate the index when updating the search data
Option added to overwrite all existing data when uploading search data
New field Azure Id added to the product table as preparation for future support of searching on products that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Open product attributes in excel for multiple selected products
Default search checkbox added to Save search dialog
Easy to use methods added on InventTable and EcoResProduct tables to update search data for that record
Added Saved Searches management form to Product Information Management \ Inquiries menu
Introduced ProductSearch hierarchy role and add Hierarchy list page to Advanced Search setup menu
Category hierarchy in the product search form gets a scroll bar when not all the categories fit (fixed height)
New menu item Search category hierarchies
Prevent adding the same product twice to a Search category hierarchy
Possibility added to create tiles, list and links to workspaces directly from product search form
When attaching the product search role association to an existing hierarchy the system will show which duplicates are present
Highlighting is not enabled for numeric fields
Set SaveDataPerCompany to Yes on the Filter and Layout definition tables
Support multi-language for the UI in the REACT control, it takes the language of the user settings for translating the menu items and form parts
Only upload data to the default entity attributes to Azure in the company language
Use display order of category hierarchy to sort, product management hierarchy parameter Sort alphabetically has been removed
LayoutDefintionId had been removed from search data, is now being retrieved from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations directly
Improve Category Management Azure field setup with validations check whether fields exists in index
Translations buttons for Layout/Filter/Sorting fields on Category management form are disabled when inherited
Margin percent will replace the current margin field (calculated field)
Framework added that upgrades saved searches to newest search args
Lookup of product management parameters restricted to allow only hierarchies with purpose product search
Lookup of hierarchy in publish definitions is restricted to allow only hierarchies with purpose product search
Product management parameter "Number of categories" has been renamed to "Num. of categories with count
Parameter 'Sort categories alphabetically' has been removed, is now controlled by standard field on category hierarchy
Introduced in version
New feature to update inheritance settings from parent to child categories
Use thumbnail image in cloud search result
Reuse saved search when creating Tile/List/Link on workspace
Introduced in version
Add the possibility to add multiple values to an array (Customer and Vendor external item numbers
Product search enabled on Purchase orders
Product search enabled on Transfer orders
Introduced in version
Separate saved searches based on form type
A reset filters button has been added
Hide filter headings when there are no filter options
Implemented an option to select all entries without scrolling option and then open the released product list page
Added the possibility to create a Tile based on the Azure search filter criteria
It is not mandatory to Setup of filters definitions with lower case
Introduced in version
Set SaveDataPerCompany to Yes on the Filter and Layout definition tables
Improved column headers in lookups for Azure fields, calculated field collections and calculated fields
New parameter Expand automatically, all filter controls expanded/collapsed
New parameter Sort categories alphabetically
Introduced in version
Improve setup of calculated fields
Azure Search can be used as search and filter mechanism
Azure Product search implemented on sales orders and sales quotations
Azure search implemented for released products
New menu option on product and released products to assign multiple records to a category and update search values