To meet different customer expectations, in many cases it is crucial that the picker in the warehouse pays extra attention to the aspects that are important for this customer.
E.g. add a manual in the specified language for a group of customers, only ship fully wrapped products to specific customers, check humidity of nature products, put country specific safety stickers, avoid picking a scratched product for a customer who complained about scratched product before etc.
This additional information enables basic value added logistics. The best moment to present this information to the picker is when the picking the particular work line.
In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations only the shipment text is displayed on the mobile device at the start of a picking work, but specific information on work line level can not be displayed. The same limitation exists for receiving products on the mobile device.
In Advanced Warehouse Management several out of the box mobile device screens are enriched with an extra text line (e.g. “Check seal XYZ”, "Add French users manual"):
For testing purposes (e.g. multiple workers must login from the same PC), Warehouse Management enables the mobile process from the PC browser too.
In case there are more applicable texts, e.g. a sales line text and a customer specific item text, these texts are displayed in one line, separated by a space.
Field | Description | Remark |
Sales order |
Sales line text Customer (group) specific text Item text |
Sales line specific instructions Add manual in language of customer group Attention text that is relevant for sales picking |
Purchase orders |
Transfer order issue |
Transfer order receipt |
Return order |
Customer's return line reason indication. This gives a hint for the worker what to check. The worker can enter a disposition code | |
Cycle counting |
Item text |
Cluster picking |
Item text |
Specify the applicable document type in Warehouse management parameters.
Setup mobile device app field names
Setup mobile device app field priority
In case the Dynamics 365 Warehouse app is not available, for testing purposes, the menu item Work process (aka. WHSWorkExecute) can be used to execute the mobile device work. Also relevant to test with multiple workers simultaneously from the same PC, or if multiple environments need te be tested simultaneously.
Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Work audit template lines update
In the work audit template line, an additional custom method is available: AWHSPrintLabels.
This method will print n addional labels for the target license plate on the current work.
The label must be generated first (a record in License plate labels must exist) through the standard process.
Then in the audit template, enter the following:
Field | Description | Remark |
Audit template ID | "Print label" |
Audit trigger field |
TargetLicensePlateId or OrderNum |
Audit trigger event |
Prior |
Mobile device display label |
"Print label" |
Break status |
[empty] |
Sequence nr |
1 |
Mobile device menu label |
Nr of extra labels |
Template report name |
[empty] |
Event |
[empty] |
Custom method |
AWHSPrintLabels |
Type this method name |
Now add the audit template Print label to a mobile device menu item that is used for executing the work.
Note that the generate label must be switched on, and the document routing must be setup.
To avoid mistakes like scanning an EAN code in the field Nr of extra labels, the maximum number of extra labels is fixed on 100.
Suggested use:
The Mobile Data inquiry feature adds great lookup and information functionality to many mobile processes. In Warehouse Management some additional display methods where added that can be displayed on a mobile data inquiry tile.
Field | Description | Remark |
Load - Missing load lines | Multi line set of items and configurations that where not registered / picked | WHSLoadTable.DYSDWAMissingLoadLines() |
Load - Number of open load lines |
Number of lines on the load that are not fully registered / picked |
WHSLoadTable.DYSDWANumberOfOpenLoadLines() |
Load - Dock |
Dock location in the dock appointment |
WHSLoadTable.DYSDWADockLocation() |
Load - Number of open orders |
Number of distinct orders for which not everything is registered / picked |
WHSLoadTable.DYSDWANumberOfOpenOrders() |
Load - Open quantity |
Total quantity that is not registered / picked (inventory unit) |
WHSLoadTable.DYSDWAOpenInventQty() |
Load - Open ASN LPs |
Field | Description | Remark |
Load line - Open quantity | Load line quantity that is not registered / picked | WHSLoadLine.DYSDWAOpenInventQty() |
Load line - Configuration |
Configuration of the load line |
WHSLoadLine.DYSDWAConfigId() |
Load line - Crossdock location |
Cross dock location of other other load lines for the same destination (use put away strategy Crossdock linked orders) |
WHSLoadLine.DYSDWACrossdockLocation() |
Load line - Destination |
Reference order number, i.e. sales order, transfer order, production order that is supplied through this load line. This number is taken from order reference on the purchase line |
WHSLoadLine.DYSDWADestination() |
Appointment - Open ASN LPs |
TMSAppointment.DYSDWAOpenASNLPs() | |
Appointment - Slot |
Weekday and time slot |
TMSAppointment.DYSDWASlot() |
Appointment - Cities |
TMSAppointment.DYSDWACities() |
Appointment - Pallets |
TMSAppointment.DYSDWADisplayPalletCount() |
Appointment - Cases |
TMSAppointment.DYSDWADisplayCasesCount() |
Appointment - Misc. units |
TMSAppointment.DYSDWADisplayMiscCount() |
Put-to-wall: when goods must be packed from the wall, the worker can use the mobile data inquiry to see which positions are ready for packing and choose a suitable carton size for the given weight, volume and length.
Field | Description | Remark |
Work - Position | Put-to-Wall: sorted inventory picking starts from this sort position | WHSWorkTable.DYSDWASortPosition() |
Work - Weight |
Put-to-wall: sorted inventory picking gross weight of the container |
WHSWorkTable.DYSDWAGrossContainerWeight() |
Work - Volume |
Put-to-wall: sorted inventory picking gross volume of the items in the container. Physical nesting possibilities are not taken into account |
WHSWorkTable.DYSDWAGrossContainerVolume() |
Work - Total qty |
Put-to-wall: sorted inventory picking total number of items in the container. Apples and pears are summarized. |
WHSWorkTable.DYSDWATotalQtyContainer() |
Work - Longest |
WHSWorkTable.DYSDWALongest() |
Work - Inventory quantity |
The quantity on the first line number of this work. Can be used in a list of work headers. |
WHSWorkTable.DYSDWAInventQty() |
Work line - Account |
The account on the work header. Can be used in a list of work lines. |
WHSWorkLine.DYSDWAAccount() |
Work class - Open works |
The number of open works with one or more work lines in this work class |
WHSWorkClassTable.DYSDWANumOfWorks() |
Zone - Open works |
The number of open works with one or more work lines in this zone |
WHSZone.DYSDWANumOfWorks() |
Pool - Open works |
The number of open works in this work pool |
WHSWorkPool.DYSDWANumOfWorks() |
Field | Description | Remark |
Arrival journal - Target license plate ID | License plate on the journal header | WMSJournalTable.DYSDWATargetLicensePlate() |
Arrival journal - Destination |
Reference order number, i.e. sales order, transfer order, production order that is supplied through these arrival purchase lines |
WMSJournalTable.DYSDWADestination() |
Arrival journal - Load ID |
Load ID connected to this arrival journal (beta) |
WMSJournalTable.DYSDWALoadId |
Arrival journal - Target license plate ID |
License plate on the journal line |
WMSJournalTrans.DYSDWATargetLicensePlate() |
Arrival journal line - Destination |
Reference order number, i.e. sales order, transfer order, production order that is supplied through this arrival purchase line |
WMSJournalTrans.DYSDWADestination() |
First arrival check: use these methods to check on the mobile device whether the physical dimensions and barcodes in the system are correct for the different units.
The physical dimensions records per item are initialized in the form Physical dimensions, button Import units for item.
Field | Description | Remark |
Physical dimensions - Conversion factor | The conversion factor of this unit to the inventory unit | WHSPhysDimUOM.DYSDWAConversionFactor() |
Physical dimensions - Barcode |
The scannable barcode for this unit |
WHSPhysDimUOM.DYSDWABarcode() |
Enable smooth re-counting on the mobile device by a supervisor. Create a data inquiry on the cycle count registrations, and lookup the pending counting registrations.
Field | Description | Remark |
Cycle count - Delta qty | Counted quantity -/- expected quantity. A shortage is negative. | WHSWorkLineCycleCount.DYSDWADeltaQty() |
Cycle count - Unit ID |
Unit in which counted quantity is registered |
WHSWorkLineCycleCount.DYSDWAUnitId() |
Cycle count - Location ID |
Counted location |
WHSWorkLineCycleCount.DYSDWAWmsLocationId() |
Cycle count - Counted by |
Counted by worker |
WHSWorkLineCycleCount.DYSDWAUserCounted() |
Item name |
Description of the item |
WHSWorkLine.DYSDWAItemName() |
Cost amount |
Delta cost amount. A shortage is negative. |
displayItemValuation() this is a standard method |
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items
When executing existing work with the Warehouse Management app, it is possible to display a work line overview (feature and setting in the mobile device menu item).
This work line overview displays each open work line as a tile. Unfortunately the work lines that are still awaiting replenishment, are not visible to the worker.
Warehouse Management can add an information text with the total open replenishment quantity, weight and volume, to the work lines that are ready to pick, to indicate that other pick work lines are hidden because of open replenishment activities.
To enable the replenishment information, use the 2021 warehouse management app (blue white), and switch on Show work line list on the mobile device menu item.
For the content of the tiles use the button Field list on the mobile device menu item, and select existing fields and methods from the work line.
Work line method DYSDWAReplenLines: if the current work has open work lines that depend on replenishment the total number of open replenishment lines and the total weight and volume of these open lines is displayed. This allows a picker that is stacking the pallet while picking, to anticipate on some more products that need to be added to the pallet.
In a similar way the work line method DYSDWAWorkLineText can be added to the tile.
In many situations, the pick worker can pick and build the shipping pallet at the same time. There is no need to register the pallet in the packing station, however in the mobile process, the worker should:
The before mentioned mobile actions are enabled through additional work line custom methods that can be set on the work template. Specify the relevant custom work types with capture data = yes and the custom method as described below:
Field | Description | Remark |
Container type | MANDATORY FIRST CUSTOM WORK LINE. Mobile worker scans or types the container type. If not found, the mobile device returns an error. This should always be the first custom work line. The maximum sizes and weight of the container type are validated in the following steps. | DYSDWASetContainerTypeCode |
Gross weight |
Optional: mobile worker types the gross weight for the container and is stored on both the container and the license plate label. If this method is not used, the gross weight is calculated as summarized gross item weight + tare weight of the container type. |
DYSDWASetGrossWeight |
Net weight |
Optional: mobile worker types the net weight for the container and is stored on the license plate label. If this method is not used, the net weight is calculated as summarized net item weight. |
DYSDWASetNetWeight |
Container height |
Optional: mobile worker types the gross height for the container (incl. the height of the empty pallet). If this method is not used, the height is inherited from the container type. |
DYSDWASetHeight |
Container width |
Optional: mobile worker types the gross width for the container. If this method is not used, the width is inherited from the container type. |
DYSDWASetWidth |
Container length |
Optional: mobile worker types the gross length for the container. If this method is not used, the length is inherited from the container type. |
DYSDWASetLength |
Tracking number |
Optional: mobile worker scans or types the track-and-trace number for the container. This can be used in combination with labels that are generated through an external carrier. |
DYSDWASetTrackingNumber |
One of these 2 methods is the mandatory last custom work line:
Create container |
Capture data = No. Generates the container record based on the target license plate of the work, and the license plate label record which can be printed through the document routing. This method or the after-mentioned method should always be the last custom work line. |
DYSDWACreateContainer |
Create container = target LP |
DYSDWACreateContainerTargetLP |
When entering a value for size or weight, the logic automatically:
Similar to the PC functionality in Warehouse Management , it is now possible to add a detour to a mobile picking process for splitting a work line. Especially if a warehouse worker composes a picking pallet (target LP) that will be shipped as picked, this functionality adds great flexibility.
E.g. a worker has to pick 5 large cartons of item X and 6 medium cartons of item Y for one shipment. The 4 large cartons do not fit on 1 pallet, and the optimal stacking would be:
The worker opens the work line list on the mobile device, and clicks the tile of the 5 large cartons item X. Confirm location and or item.
When the mobile devcie asks to confirm the quantity, press the button Split work line.
Now enter the quantity to split: 3 (this is the quantity that the worker wants to pick now on the current pick pallet).
The original work line is reduced from 5 to 3 and a new work line for 2 will be added.
Now confirm that 3x item X is picked (on picking pallet A) instead of 5. (Or go back to the work line list to see that the tile of 5x item X has no split into tiles for 3x and 2x.)
The quantity to split must always be entered in inventory units, even if the work line unit (e.g. Box) differs from the inventory unit (e.g. ea).
After the split, the reduced quantity has to be entered. When working with different units, always read carefully in which unit the picked quantity must be confirmed, or change the unit with the edit pensil. If a full number of Boxes etc. has been split, then the picked quantity will be in Boxes.
It is advised not to use the work line function in combination with the group pick functionality on the mobile device menu item.
The setup below is needed for the split work line (mobile) functionality:
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device >
Mobile device menu items
The steps below contain the setup of standard detour functionality. The feature Warehouse management app detours is active by default.
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device >
Mobile device menus
Mobile device menu items
Warehouse app field names
Warehouse app field priority
Mobile device steps