Product documentation
Advanced Warehouse Management - Outbound execution

Business value

Warehouse Management system directed cluster picking is a cost saver compared to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations paper based method of manual clustering by the mobile device worker.

The status of a load gives information about the progress of the picking process. Apart from the physical presence of the picked goods in front of a packing station, in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations there is no suitable trigger for the packing station to start packing when there are multiple works and or multiple shipments within a load.

Warehouse Management adds a Staging status Ready for packing, Packing started and other to the various load list pages. Use this status together with the new list page Loads picking complete.

In the packing station, Warehouse Management adds an acoustic signal for quantity errors and item errors.

Shipping label printing on the packing station is enabled by Warehouse Management .


Cluster picking

To start a system directed cluster pick in Advanced Warehouse Management, the worker opens a mobile device item directed by cluster picking that has a cluster profile with the setting system directed.

Initially, after the cluster is generated, the temporary target license plates are used, equal to the individual work IDs.

When license plate scanning is specified on the cluster profile: the mobile device user picks the first line of a work within the cluster, he scans the actual target license plate, i.e. the bin in which the goods are picked. This bin ID now replaces the temporary target license plate. The second line for the same work needs to be confirmed to the same bin.

When position scanning is used, the temporary target license plate is kept.


Load staging status

Warehouse management > Loads > All loads

In standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , for outbound loads, the Load status stays "In process" most of the time. A truck symbol is used in the list page “All loads”, “In picking loads” etc, but this indicator is not useful as a trigger for the packing station to start, or for the loading proces to start.

A better overview of the staging status of a load is required to know whether picking for this load is complete, and ready for packing, or packing or loading has started. Warehouse Management adds a Staging status for outbound loads.

Loads with a mixture of work to the packing station and work directly to the staging location or the baydoor:

If one or more put work lines for the load are heading for or have arrived at a packing location, and the packing process is not finished yet, the staging status for the packing station is displayed. Else the staging status for the staging area or baydoor is displayed.


Field Description Remark
[None] Waved Work created, but picking has not started.

Picking started

In process

One or more picking lines are still open.

Ready for packing

In process

All pick complete, ready for packing,
no load lines are packed in a container.

Packing started

In process

Packing has started, at least one load line is packed to a container line.


In process

All picking and packing is finished, but packed container work not closed.

Ready for loading

In process

All pick work complete, ready for loading.

Loading started

In process

Some work is loaded, some work is ready for loading.



All work for this load is closed.



Outbound load is confirmed.

No setup required. 


Warehouse management  > Loads > All loads > Fact box Open or in process work

Extra relevant information about current worker, remaining hours, current zone group, work status, zone, and location of the work is visible.

Field Description Remark
Locked by user User who is executing the work

Work ID



Remaining time

Decimal hours

Zone group ID

Current zone group of the work

Work status

Status Open, In process, Completed

Zone ID

Current zone of the work


Work is proceeded to this location

No setup required.


Warehouse management > Loads > All loads > Fact box Ready for packing

Warehouse management > Shipments > All shipments > Fact box Ready for packing

Information which fully picked work is now ready for packing.

Field Description Remark
Target license plate ID License plate, box or pallet on which the goods are picked


Location in front of the packing station


Gross weight of the license plate, box or pallet


Gross volume of the license plate box or pallet

No setup required.


List page Loads picking complete

Warehouse management  > Loads > Loads picking complete

This new list page is a dashboard for the packing station and can be added to the desired work space. It displays all loads that are in process, and where no work is open or in process. It gives an overview which loads are ready to be packed, or where packing has started. As soon as the first packed container picking work is created, or when the loading status changes to loaded, the load disappears from this list.

No setup required.


List page Loads with packed container work

Warehouse management  > Loads > Loads with packed container work

This new list page is a dashboard for the expedition, staging and truck loading staff, and can be added to the desired work space. It displays all loads that are in process, and where open or in process packed container work exists. It gives an overview which loads are packed, but are not loaded yet.

No setup required.


Loads ready for packing slip

Warehouse management > Loads > All loads : Show closed

It is important that all packing slips are posted, either when a single load is about to leave the premises, or upon day-end processing. With Ctrl-Shift-F3, setup a filter in the list page All loads:

In the filter dialog Inquiry - Loads, go to "Joins", and add the bold tables:


   - Loads

      - Load details (WHSLoadLine)

          - Inventory transactions originator (InventTransOrigin)

             - Inventory transactions (InventTrans)


Go to "Range", and add the ranges:

Loads: Load status = Shipped

Inventory transactions: Issue status = Picked

Save the query and create a Tile on the workspace "Outbound work monitoring".


Shipment staging status


Some changes for stability and performance were made in determining the shipment staging status is in the 2025Q1 release. If you have setup any events based on triggers in the previous version, make sure that your scenario is still working as intended.

Warehouse management > Shipments > All shipments

Warehouse management > Shipments > Picking shipments

The shipment staging status is a field in the table Shipment statistics (DYSDWAShipmentStatistics) and reflects the least proceeded status of any work or container in this shipment.

Possible values are similar to the load staging status.


When a work is closed and when a container is closed, the shipment staging status is recalculated and updated if needed.

This update can be used in a business event, e.g. when staging status proceeds to Ready for loading, trigger the print of a packing list document.  

Users can create tiles in work spaces, and saved views with all shipments in a certain status.


Hybrid packing/staging scenarios:

Field Description Remark
[None] Waved Work created, but picking has not started.

Picking started

In process

One or more picking lines are still open


In process

All picking lines are picked and put to a staging location and the work is heading for a packing station (or no final location is determined yet)

Ready for packing

In process

All pick complete, ready for packing,
no load lines are packed in a container.

Packing started

In process

Packing has started, at least one load line is packed to a container line.


In process

All picking and packing is finished, but packed container work not closed.

Mobile container creation: All picking is finished, all put lines to a packing location are closed, but work not closed.

Ready for loading

In process

All pick work complete, work is heading for a final shipping location, so ready for loading.

There is no check on the status of the dock appointment whether the truck has arrived. 

Loading started

In process

Some work is loaded, some work is ready for loading.



All work for this load is closed.



Outbound load is confirmed.

No setup required. 


Shipments picking complete

Warehouse management > Shipments > Shipment details

Warehouse management > Shipments > Route planner

Filter on shipments that can be packed or loaded, i.e. the shipments for which no open or in process work lines exist.

With Ctrl-Shift-F3, setup a filter:

In the filter dialog Inquiry - Shipment details, go to "Joins", and add the bold table:


   - Shipments

      - Work lines (NotExist)


Go to "Range", and add the ranges:

Shipments: Shipment status = In process

Work lines (NotExist): Work status = Open, In process

Save the query and create a Tile on the workspace "Outbound work monitoring".


Shipments ready for packing slip

Warehouse management > Shipments > Route planner

Warehouse management > Shipments > All shipments : Display closed shipments

It is important that all packing slips are posted, either when a single shipment is about to leave the premises, or upon day-end processing. With Ctrl-Shift-F3, setup a filter in the Warehouse Management list page Route planner:

In the filter dialog Inquiry - Shipment details, go to "Joins", and add the bold tables:


   - Shipments

      - Addresses

      - Load details (WHSLoadLine)

          - Inventory transactions originator (InventTransOrigin)

             - Inventory transactions (InventTrans)


Go to "Range", and add the ranges:

Shipments: Shipment status = Shipped

Inventory transactions: Issue status = Picked

Save the query and create a Tile on the workspace "Outbound work monitoring".


Shipment statistics (incl. staging status) cleanup

Warehouse management > Periodic tasks > Cleanup > Shipment statistics cleanup

Field Description Remark
Number of days to keep The number of days of transaction data to keep The small table shipment statistics table DYSDWAShipmentStatistics contains the shipment staging status and other operational information. If the shipment statistics table is not filled for existing open shipments, it can be filled through WHS parameters, Initialize AWHS. 



Split work line

Warehouse management > Work > All work > Button Split work > Button Split work line

When the feature Work split is activated, the PC user can split off one or more open pick work lines to a new work.

In some cases (divide a pick line with 4 pcs over 4 different target LPs) it is optimal to split only a part of the pick work line, which is not possible in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . 

In Warehouse Management  functionality is added (PC) to split the work line within the current work. Then the mobile device worker can select the splitted work lines to build up the target LP.

In case the work line depends on open replenishment work, the replenishment work will take into account that the demand work line is now split.

Work lines with a unit that differs from the inventory unit can also be split. The split quantity must always be entered in inventory units though!

If full work line units are split, the work line unit on the reduced and the new work line will not change. If a work line unit is broken up in two fractions, the units of these work lines will change to inventory units or inner cartons.


Cancelled work should remain locked by user

Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Work class

A setting on the work class "Remain locked by user" can prevent that a worker who cancels a started work looses his work to a colleague.

This setting prevents work erroneously being taken over after unconscious cancellation.


Reset user

Warehouse management > Work > All work > Button Reset user

In emergency cases, the lock that remained on the work can be suspended: Reset user will blank the locked user after the user remained locked after cancelling the work. This option should be used with care and only when it is certain that the locekd user is not starting to execute this work at the moment. 


Work monitor

Warehouse management > Work > Work monitor

Work - Not started

Work that was created more than n minutes ago, but not started yet.


Work - Idle

Work that is in progress, but the last closed work line is more than n minutes ago.


Work - Due

Work for sales picking, cross docking, transfer issue that is due in n minutes.


These forms have a similar setup and can be used for creating filtered tiles.

Field Description Remark
Work priority

Work ID

Minutes since creation

Minutes idle

Due in .. min

Minutes since the creation date time of the work header of the open work

Minutes since the last line was closed on this in progress work

Minutes until the scheduled ship date and time of the load


Blocked wave

Work can be blocked due to replenishment or needs manual manual release

Locked by

Current worker

Work status


In progress

In progress



Last known location of the idle or due work

Work pool ID

Target license plate ID

Work order type

Order number

Work class ID

Load ID

If applicable

Shipment ID

If applicable


Packing station

Error signal

Warehouse management > Packing and containerization > Pack

The standard error message in the packing station is “Invalid item”. This message is used for both excess quantity and items that are not part of the shipment.

In practice the eyes of the worker are not continuously focused on the screen, e.g. when he or she is using a Bluetooth scanner or similar. The standard message is too small, does not draw the attention of the worker, does not give the required information, and the worker can continue to scan other items. So after scanning all the physical items, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will still display a few items that were not scanned, and a few not explaining messages “Invalid item”.

The packing station error signal in Warehouse Management :

No setup required.


Container ID number sequence per shipping carrier

Warehouse management > Packing and containerization > Pack 

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations the container ID that is generated in the packing station when creation a new container depends on the number sequence defined in the Warehouse management parameters.

Warehouse Management adds the possibility to use a different number sequence for the container ID, depending on the shipping carrier.


Only if both settings apply, the carrier specific number sequence is used.



Warehouse management > Packing and containerization > Pack

Through the button Carrier on the packing form it is possible to select a different shipping carrier and / or carrier service. This will change the carrier on the load and all shipments within that load. 

If any containers exist within this load and container IDs are generated from a carrier number sequence (setting on packing profile and carrier), a warning is displayed to check whether the container IDs still comply with the carrier's number sequence. If not, delete existing containers and create new containers.


Print shipping labels

Warehouse management > Packing and containerization > Pack

The packing station is now fully integrated with the label print functionality. Printing shipping container or case labels can be set up in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations document routing.

In the packing station, the user can/must fill the user ID. This user ID can also refer to a physical packing station. This user ID is included in the license plate label and can be printed. The document routing query can be based on this user ID, to print the shipping labels on the appropriate ZPL printer. 

When closing a container, the number of shipping labels (default 1 per container) can be specified. A new license plate label is generated based on the container that is connected to the shipment. The document routing creates the so called ZPL file (a text file containing container and shipment information, and formatting information).

From the license plate label and from the container, the label layout is displayed on the screen, and the ZPL code behind it can be viewed with the button Print, Show label code.

The ZPL code can be viewed and pasted in a label viewer (

Warehouse Management customers can get several predefined sticker layout examples for Zebra printers, e.g. Odette, VDA, DHL, DHL for you, DPD, Post NL, FedEx, GLS. Note that these examples usually require project specific change.

Setup container packing policy

Setup warehouse management parameters


Add extra container

Warehouse management > Packing and containerization > Pack > Button Containers for shipment

Through a button on the container screen, it is possible to add one or more extra containers to the load and shipment, and print a shipping label. E.g. if additional materials that are not in the released products, must be shipped, registered and labeled.

No setup required. 


Multi-select containers closing

Warehouse management > Packing and containerization > Pack > Button Containers

Often in the packing process, multiple containers for the same shipment are being packed simultaneously. When all containers are packed, it is now possible to optionally enter the physical length, height, depth and weight of each container in a grid and close all containers in one step. Depending on the container packing policy setting, the gross container weight can be calculated automatically and a ship label can be printed automatically.


Sort packing lines

In the packing station, the lines can be sorted:

Suggested use: when the packing station employee checks the goods in the same sequence as they were picked, and the goods have no barcode, sort by location sort code.

In some situations, only the low weight packing lines must be counted thoroughly, while for the heavier items, the system calculated gross weight can be compared with the scale weight.

The default can be specified in the packing profile.


Filter scanned LP

This setting can be activated on the packing profile will only display the packing lines that are picked on the scanned target LP / tote.

In case the packing station user needs to see the packing lines for other target LPs in the same shipment, the user needs to scan or type the shipment ID.


Container height in closing dialog

Several carriers and customers need to know the height of the pallets that will be shipped.

On the packing station, when stacking mixed or single SKU pallets, the user can enter the pallet height (container height) upon closing the container. A setting is added on the container type "Enter height": No, Optional or Mandatory.  


Lookup shipments ready for packing

A fact box Ready for packing is added to the PC Packing station form.

Field Description Remark
Shipment ID 

Target license plate ID

Target LP on the work

Staging status

Ready for packing

Packing started


See Also