Product documentation
Inventory Insights

This solution offers companies with a lot of sites and warehouses a more efficient way of working and contains the following features:

Logistical Hierarchies

As a company you want to give you branches easy access to stock that is available in their or a specific region. Whether this stock is intercompany and/or within the company should not matter. Next to region you can also think of Transport route, purpose or other logical filters on stockholding points.

With Logistical hierarchies, sites and warehouses can be structured to ensure only relevant on-hand information is displayed to the user by offering a hierarchy structure of sites and warehouses. A user can also define a hierarchy based on the purpose of the warehouse such as inventory, transfer or quarantine.

Key benefits:

Example 1

If a company uses many warehouses within a country, a sales employee can efficiently provide the customer with information about which items can be delivered from a nearby warehouse by defining a hierarchy that shows that information. 

When you look at the standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations on-hand stock, the form will show all sites and warehouses. But if the distance between sites and warehouses is large, it often does not make sense to look at the on-hand of those sites or warehouses that are far away. By using logistical hierarchies, you can specify which sites and warehouses are relevant to you and only those will be shown to you. In this case, you will define a hierarchy per site/warehouse with all warehouses within 50 KM around him, one hierarchy within 50-100 KM and one with all sites/warehouses. The default one will be the one within 50 KM.

Example 2

For situations where the company uses multiple warehouses for different purposes (e.g. Inventory, transfer and quarantine), it is also possible to create a logistical hierarchy based on the warehouse purpose.

How does it work?

Sourcing warehouse

In standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations it is possible to setup an intercompany relation between a customer of one company and a vendor of another company. When such a vendor is selected on a sales order line as sourcing vendor an intercompany purchase order is created automatically. The site and warehouse are initiated either from the customer or from the default order settings of the item.

It is not possible to select a specific warehouse to source from when you select the sourcing vendor.

When a company has a lot of warehouses and you want to give the sales clerk the possibility to select one an intercompany customer vendor relationship needs to be set up for each warehouse and your company which can be a cumbersome when there are a lot of companies with multiple warehouses.

With our solution you only need to setup one intercompany relationship between each company.

How does it work?

Release notes

Feature Introduced in version
  • Configuration key property EnabledByDefault has been set to False for all configuration keys


Feature Introduced in version
  • DYSLHILabels is now part of the DYSLHI package and the package DYSLHILabels has been removed


Feature Introduced in version
  • Clean up obsolete code - Removal of non-multi company hieraries


Feature Introduced in version


Feature Introduced in version
  • Multi company logistical hierarchies
    • Added the possibility to setup a logistical hierarchy with sites and warehouses of other companies
    • Parameter use multi company (logistical hierarchies) has been added to the inventory parameters
    • Logistical hierarchy filter control implemented in Inter Company on-hand form
      Inter Company on-hand button added to sales order line, purchase order line and add products form
    • Added menu item inter company on-hand to release product form
    • Added the possibility to select a warehouse from another company as sourcing location
    • Data entities added for multi company logistical hierarchies
    • Added conversion function on logistical hierarchy list page to convert to multi company logistical hierarchy
    • Added fast tab Multi company logistical hierarchies to site and warehouse form
    • On-hand form adjusted to support the multi company hierarchies
    • Within a multi company logistical hierarchy a warehouse can be created directly beneath a cluster
    • Added fast tab Multi company logistical hierarchies to worker form
  • Select sourcing warehouse on sales order line       
    • Added the possibility to select a warehouse from another company as sourcing location 


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added additional code to turn off the logic when the configuration key is turned off
  • Extensibility for hierarchy node type added


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added the possibility to setup the default and alternative hierarchy on the worker
  • Added a parameter to define where to look first for the default and alternative hierarchies


Feature Introduced in version
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2019 Spring release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations


Feature Introduced in version
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Fall release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
  • "On-hand list" menu item added to the add products form
  • "On-hand list" menu item added to the sales order lines form
  • "On-hand list" menu item added to the purchase order lines form
  • "On-hand list" menu item added to the quotation order lines form


Feature Introduced in version
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2017 Fall release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations


Feature Introduced in version
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2017 July release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations


Feature Introduced in version
  • Initial release of Inventory Insights
