Product documentation
Contact Center

In addition to the standard functionality of Case Management within Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations the follow features have been added in Contact Center:

Case association attributes

To help the internal case manager to resolve a case, it's possible to define a set of predefined fields (attributes) per case association. It helps the case manager to ask for certain information when creating the case. Eg:

On the case association there is a button Attributes which will open the Case association attribute values form. Based on the attribute group, which is linked to the entity type of the association (via the Case association attribute group), specific fields are available to capture this additional information.

In addition also a comment field has been added to the grid of the case associations.


Before an attribute group can be linked to the entity type of the association, attributes need to be linked to the attribute group. For more information about how to set this up please read the following article:


Organization administration > Setup > Cases > Case association attribute group

Field Description Remark
Entity type Entity type of the case association Only one attribute group can be linked

Attribute group

The attributes of this goup will be become available in the attribute form on the case association.


Save send email automatically in case log

When the field Email-id on a case is filled standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations the menu item Send email becomes active. When the email is send by the system , this email is not tracked automatically in the case log. By defining a document type in the Contact Center Parameters, the solution will automatically create a log record and store the send email as an attachement.


Only supported when using email providers SMTP, Exchange. Microsoft has announced that the Exchange email provider stops sending emails as of September 15, 2024. From of September 20, 2024 the latest version of Contact Center will also support GRAPH as email provider. In the mean we advise to switch to SMTP.

 The following fields are populated by the system:


Case log:

Attachments (Document reference):

The document reference can be opened by selecting the case log and clicking the paperclip icon in the top ribbon. Via the menu item Open on the attachment the email will be downloaded as an eml file. This file can be opened by Outlook. Via the Related Messages in this conversation it's easy to find all communication regarding this email.

When additional documents were attached when the email was sent, they are also stored in this eml document and can be viewed in Outlook.

The only thing you can not see is to whom the email was sent in Bcc. This is by design: blind means you don't see it....


Common > Setup > Contact center parameters

Field Description
Email Settings the system will use when a document reference is created when an email is send

Document Type that is used when email is send from the case.
The log record will only be created when this field has been setup.

If no document type is setup, the user can select one from the dialog which will appear when a file is dragged into the control.

Inherit sender from email template The from field in the email will be inherited from the email template instead of from email address fo the current user as defined in the user options
Bcc When enabled the Bcc field will be filled with the email address of the current user as defined in the user options

Sales and marketing > Setup  > Sales Management > Source types

When opening the Source types form, the system will automatically generate the system defined source types. For sending out emails which are stored in the case log the type Case email-out is created.

Organization administration > Document management > Document management parameter > Tab: File types

When attaching a document, the system will check whether the file type has been setup in the Document management paramters. When an email is send, Contact Center is trying to attach the send email as an EML file.

On the Tab: Files types, add file type EML.

Drag and drop attachements in case log

In the form part of the case, a Drag & Drop control has been added. When files are dragged into this control or when you click on the control and select files via the explorer a case log record is created (one per file) and the following fields are populated by the system:

Case log:

Attachments (Document reference):


Drag and drop attachement in the case log is part of Contact Center. For technical reasons Attachments is shipped together with Contact Center. No additional license needed to use this control on the case log. When there is a wish to enable the Drag & Drop contol on other forms, then a Attachments license is needed.


Common > Setup > Contact center parameters

Field Description
Drag & drop Document type that will be used when a document is dropped on the case log



Question: Why is button Attributes not enabled on the case association?
Answer: There is no case Association attribute group setup for the selected entity type.
Question: Why is there no log record created when an email was sent?
Answer: The field Type in the Contact center parameters has not been setup.
Question: How to resolve error "Unable to send email as '' from the '' account, please check the "Send as" permissions on the  '' account."
Answer: Use email provider Exchange or ask your IT Deparment to allow your user to be able to send 'on behalve of'

Release notes

Feature Introduced in version
  • Configuration key property EnabledByDefault has been set to False for all configuration keys


Feature Introduced in version
  • First official release of Contact Center
