Within default Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations there is no clear moment of finalizing the creation of a non-retail sales order. Therefore the system cannot control which sales orders are ready (complete) to be processed further.
As a lot of processes within Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations can be controlled by a periodic batch (like release to warehouse, post packing slip, post invoice) also orders that users are still creating or modifying, are also picked up.
On a call center there is a standard parameter "Enable order completion" which does enforce you mark an order as complete before it is being processed. As part of the realization of the payment registration process of our Counter Sales solution which also supports non-call center sales orders, we developed an order completion function which can be used for both call center and regular sales orders (also without having to setup counter sales).
By enabling Order completion the order completion function on the sales order header needs to be used to finish the order entry process with a formal final step.
Sales orders that are not marked complete are excluded from:
On the sales order header a checkbox 'Order complete' indicates whether the user has completed the order.
An order can be set to 'Order complete' by clicking the 'Order completion' button on the sales order header. The order completion dialog is launched:
During the completion a credit limit check is included. If this check is passed, the sales order is set to complete.
After the order completion is done, the sales taker can use the default menu-options in the sales order form to process the next functional steps, as mentioned above. However, to make the processing of an order more user friendly, the main functions are also made available directly from the completion form.
The functions create purchase order and create direct delivery on the sales order are disabled when the order is not complete.
When the total amount of the order changes to a higher value the complete status will be disabled. The reason for this is that there is a credit limit check needed when the order value is increased or in case of a counter sales order with a pre-payment an additional pre-payment is needed before the order can be set to complete.
For Intercompany orders the order complete function is controlled from the original Sales Order.
For sales orders created by migrations or integrations the Set order complete in batch functionally is introduced. In most cases the integration or migration has a high volume character and by this functionality you don't have to complete every single order manual and could you make use of other characteristics of the sales order. (for example SalesOrigin and Date created.). Just like the normal completion.
Navigate to: Sales and Marketing > Periodic tasks > Set order complete. Here you can run the completing in batch and filter on certain criteria of the sales order. Besides the checkbox Order complete, additional information about the success or failure by manual completion or batch completion is shown on the sales header in the Order complete status field.
In case of direct delivery, Order complete parameter also has an impact on the purchase order. It is not possible to post the Product receipt on the purchase order if the related sales order is not marked Order complete. This due to the fact that posting Product receipt will also result in posting the Packing slip on the sales order. Purchase order invoice posting is not dependent on the Sales order invoice posting, so it is not limited by the Order complete parameter.
When an Intercompany Direct delivery sales order is created this order is set to complete. When the original sales order is set to not complete the IC sales order is also set to not complete. When the original sales order is set to complete the IC sales order is also set to complete. It is not possible to manually adjust order complete on the IC order. Is it greyed out.
When a regular Intercompany Sales order is created this order is set to complete. This sales order can be set to not complete and complete and will not influence any other orders.
Order events are used to track user actions related to various customer orders.
The order events functionality of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is extended with Order Complete field, so you could now also log actions by user or batch related to order completion
Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > Sales order optimizer > tab Order entry
Field | Description |
Enable order completion | The order completion function becomes visible on the sales order header and needs to be used to finish the order entry process with a formal final step |
Check on purchase order creation |
Determines the behavior and checks of the sales order complete functionality when creating a purchase order or direct delivery from a sales order.
Automatic calculation of tiered charges |
Tiered charges will be calculated when the totals form is opened, a posting is executed or the order completion screen is opened and the field "Calculate tiered charges" on the sales order is enabled. On the Sales order > Header > Tab: Price and discount > Field group: Tiered charges the field Calculate tiered charges is set on order creation. Whether this calculation is executed or not is controlled by the parameters in the field group "Execute tiered charges calculation upon" By disabling the Calculate tiered charges field on the sales order header, the user can bypass the automatic calculation of the tiered charges. This can be handy if you want to overrule the auto charges which otherwise always would be applied.
Recalculate price and discount on order completion | It's advised to enable this parameter when commerce price parameter Manually calculate multi-line prices and discounts is enabled. This commerce parameter has been introduced to speed up the order line creation and updates by not applying all the complex prices and discount structures. This to prevent users forgetting to recalculate the prices and discount manually this will be done on order completion when this parameter is enabled. This parameter can on be enabled, when the commerce price parameter Manually calculate multi-line prices and discounts is enabled. |
Enable price locked on order completion | Lock prices on retail order lines upon order completion. |
Show additional order totals | Enable this functionality to see additional order totals: order amount excluding VAT and charges, charges amount and VAT amount |
Execute tiered charges calculation upon |
Determines when the calculation of the tiered charges is executed automatically:
1. For orders of type journal the order completion button is disabled. When sales order type is changed from sales order into journal the checkbox Order completion will be disabled.
2. Sales order lines origined Project management and accounting (for instance Item requirements) can not be used in Order Completion
Question: | My user has view only rights, but the order completion button is still enabled. Is there a way to disable this button via security configuration? |
Answer: | Yes, by default the order completion is enabled for all users, but by adding the privilege "View order completion" to the security role of the user the button will be disabled. |