Product documentation
Drop Shipments and price discounts

Business value

When we talk about drop shipments it's good to define for which type of drop shipment this feature is meant. In this case it's about the process where a sales order is created for a customer, but the goods will not be shipped to a delivery address of that customer. Instead the goods will be shipped directly to an address of the customer of the customer.

In some cases wholesale companies want to apply specific prices and discounts for such deliveries.


On the sales order and sales quotation header a check box Drop shipment has been added. When this check box is enabled the system will check whether Drop shipment price and discount groups are setup for this order account and if found these price and discount groups will be applied on the order header.

The following groups are updated on the order header:

The prices and discounts on all order lines, will be recalculated automatically or after confirming via a dialog (=standard update header to lines functionality), following standard calculation logic, including price customer and skip price discount calculation functionality.

If for a price group no value has been defined in the setup table Drop shipment price and discount groups, it will result in an empty field on the order header.




Sales and marketing > Setup > Price and management parameters > tab Trade agreements

Field Description

Enable drop specific price and discount groups

When enabled, drop shipment related fields are visible and when on the order the field drop shipment is enabled, drop shipment specific price and discount groups will be set on the order header.
Allow application of drop shipment price and discount groups When this document status is reached in the sales order process the field drop shipment will become non-editable.

Drop shipment price and discount groups

Sales and marketing > Setup > Prices and discounts > Drop shipment > Drop shipment price and discount groups

Some of the fields are only visible when the functionality has been enabled on the Price and Margin parameters > tab Trade agreements.

Field Description
Valid for Valid for table, group or all. The setup is valid for one customer, for a group of customers or for all customers.
Customer relation

If valid for a group a price and discount group can be entered. If valid for a table a specific customer can be entered.

Drop shipment price and discount groups will be applied based on the order account.

Line discount group The line discount group used in case of drop shipment.
Total discount group

The total discount group used in case of drop shipment.

Multi line discount group

The multi line discount group used in case of drop shipment.

Price group The price group used in case of drop shipment.
Net exclusive price group The price group used in case of drop shipment.
Net price group The price group used in the case of drop shipment.
Price segmentation group

The price segmentation group used in case of drop shipment.

When price segmentation is found for an item the price and discount groups are set on order line level. See price discount segmentation for more information

This setup can also be shown from the customer form (tab Sell > Trade agreements). It will show the setup applicable for the selected customer.

Drop shipment groups

Sales and marketing > Setup > Prices and discounts > Drop shipment > Drop shipment groups

Price and discounts groups can be setup. These groups can be linked to customers who get applied the same drop shipment price and discount conditions.

Field Description
Drop shipment groups The unique identification of the drop shipment group. This group can be use to apply drop shipment price and discount groups to multiple customers.
Description Description of the drop shipment group for customers.


Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers > fast tab Sales order defaults

A customer can be assigned to a Drop shipment group and the drop shipment price and discount group setup of that group will be applicable for this customer.

Customer objects

Sales and marketing > Customer object > All customer objects > fast tab General

On the customer object the field Drop shipment is available. When a customer object is set on the order header, it initializes the drop shipment check box from the setting on the customer object. When the customer object is removed, the drop shipment checkbox is cleared.

Field Description
Drop shipment Customer object is used for drop shipment sales orders. If this check box is on Yes and customer object is used in a sales order, the checkbox Drop shipment on the sales order is set to Yes.

Sales quotation

Sales and marketing > Sales quotations > All sales quotations > Sales quotation lines > Sales quotation header > field Drop shipment

The field Drop shipment is added to the sales quotation. With this field a sales quotation can be marked as a drop shipment quotation and price and discount groups will be applied based on the setup from the Drop shipment prices and discounts group table.

Field Description
Drop shipment When this order is marked as drop shipment the Drop shipment price and discount groups will be applied to this order


Sales orders

Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Sales order header > fast tab Delivery > field Drop shipment

The field Drop shipment is added to the sales order. With this field a sales order can be marked as a drop shipment sales order and price and discounts groups will be applied based on the setup from Drop shipment order prices and discounts.

Field Description
Drop shipment When this order is marked as drop shipment the Drop shipment price and discount groups will be applied to this order