Product documentation
Batch Orchestration Scheme

Scheme setup

A batch orchestration scheme defines the sequence of execution for batch jobs, either generic by process, or specific by selecting existing batch jobs.

Each scheme step defines one of the actions below:

A scheme step can also be flagged as a “final” step, to be executed when done, either with or without errors, to allow you to leave the run with a known state for batches you may have put on hold at the start of the run.

Scheme runs

Each scheme is scheduled to run with its own batch recurrence. It runs as a “monitor” that determines state and controls batch statuses to apply.
Every “run” is recorded step by step and can be monitored during its execution.
There can always be only one active “run” for a scheme, until either completed or failed.

Multi-company scheme

As with standard batches, a batch job is tied to a company and runs within the context of that company. The same applies to a regular Batch Orchestration scheme. You are able to setup a scheme and select batch jobs for various companies, but this will still “filter” and run by company. So you must schedule the scheme to run within each applied company and during the run, only batch jobs for the applicable company are controlled and monitored.

A scheme can also be flagged as a “multi-company” scheme and will then run from any company in which it is scheduled, for all companies involved.
All scheme steps are evaluated per company (so each dependency applies to steps within that company) UNTIL you flag a step as a multi-company synchronization step.
Those steps will evaluate dependencies across all companies.

A synchronization step will only start in a company if dependencies in all companies have finished.
Additionally any steps depending on it will only start after a synchronization step has been completed.

See Also