Product documentation
Price Source

On the order line the field Price Source indicates whether the price and discount were fetched from the system or whether the user has modified the price or discount manually.

Pricing change log

When the price or discount is modified, both by system or manually, an entry in the Price change log is made (Sales/Purchase order > Sales/Purchase order line > Sales/Purchase order line > Pricing change log)

In case the sales price has been found form trade agreemens or price adjustments (Retail orders only) the source value is set to System. In case the sales price has been automatically been calculated automatically based on our cost to sales price calculation functionality the value is set to Price and Margin Management.

When a user changes the price or discount on the order line the values manually will be set for system prices and P&MM Manually changed for automatic calculated prices.

Skip price discount calculations

On the order line the field Skip price discount calculations can be used to keep the price and discount values fixed. Standard the price or discount is fetched each time one of the variables like quantity, site or warehouse is modified, when this parameter is enabled it won't.

Often you want to keep the prices and discount as they are entered manually. By enabling the Disable overwrite setting in the Price and Margin Management parameters the field Skip price discount calculations will be enabled automatically when a price order discounts is modified manually and the Price Source is set to manual. 


Skip price discount calculation feature is limited to non-retail orders only. On retail orders the field Price locked can be used to prevent recalculations of the price and discount.


Sales and marketing > Setup > Price and margin management parameters > General

Retail and commerce > Headquarters setup > > Price and margin management parameters > General

Field Description
Enable pricing log Enables the pricing logging functionality: The menu item will be shown on the order lines and changes to prices and discounts will be logged
Disable overwrite When price or discount is modified on the order line the field Skip price discount calculations will be enabled, preventing an automatic price or discount update when changing the quanties or recalculation of the prices and discounts