In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Appointment scheduling, internal dock appointments can be scheduled and registered, e.g. when a carrier should deliver goods to our warehouse, or when a carrier should pick up goods from our warehouse.
Warehouse Management adds external load / unload appointments to schedule and register appointments at the customer site or vendor site.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations can display the from and to address of one selected load at the time. On the shipment list page, the multiline field 'address' can be added as personalization, but then the number of shipments per screen is reduced and not useful anymore. Therefor a new route planner screen has been added in Warehouse Management .
An easy to use semi-automatic interface towards Route XL is included in Warehouse Management .
The warehouse address and all ship-to addresses of a load can be displayed in a text box.
Copy and paste into the import text box on the website. calculates an optimal route. This route can be printed, sent to mobile phone etc.
External load appointments e.g. for purchase pick up and sales return pick up, and unload appointments for sales delivery at customer site, purchase return to vendor site can now be registered on the load, shipment, purchase order and sales return.
Beta: load / unload appointments can also be registered for landed cost voyage and landed cost containers.
To create a number sequence for load unload appointments, go to Warehouse management parameters, button Initialize AWHS. Setup a number sequence.
Warehouse management > Shipments > Load / unload appointments
Create a new appointment. Select the reference type and reference number. Data like name and address are inherited from the reference number. Most of the data can be overridden on the appointment if needed.
The appointments are also accessible and printable from the individual orders, shipments, loads, voyages (beta), shipping containers (beta).
Warehouse management > All loads > Ribbon tab Transportation > group Appointments > (Print) Load / unload appointments
Warehouse management > All shipments > Ribbon tab Transportation > group Appointments > (Print) Load / unload appointments
Warehouse management > Route planner > Ribbon tab Transportation > group Appointments > (Print) Load / unload appointments
Sales and marketing > Sales returns > All return orders > Ribbon tab Return order > Group Delivery > (Print) Load / unload appointments
Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders > Ribbon tab Transportation > group Appointments > (Print) Load / unload appointments
Landed cost > Voyages > All voyages > Ribbon tab Manage > Group Goods in transit > (Print) Load / unload appointments
Landed cost > Shipping containers > All shipping containers > Ribbon tab Manage > Group Goods in transit > (Print) Load / unload appointments
When the Load / unload appointments are printed from the load, also the appointments for the shipments in this load are printed, as well as the child-appointments.
Field | Description | Remark |
Load / unload appointment | ID for external appointment |
Load or unload |
Pick up goods or drop off goods |
Status |
Planned, Confirmed Arrived, Departed, Cancelled, Delayed, Not at home, Refused |
Status update is manual, or e.g. via Power app through data entity |
Parent appointment |
Multiple appointments can be added to one parent, e.g. to combine sales delivery with RMA pick up |
Reference type |
Shipment, Load, Landed cost voyage, Landed cost container, RMA (sales return), Purchase return, Purchase order |
Reference number |
ID of the shipment, load etc. |
Name |
Name (delivery name or pick up name) |
Name 2 |
Additional name |
Can be added manually on the appointment |
Customer reference |
(Customer) reference from shipment or order |
Customer requisition |
External order number |
Planned arrival date |
Planned arrival date and time |
Planned duration |
Planned duration of the appointment in minutes |
Time window |
Access hours, free text field |
Address notes can automatically be copied to the sales order and the shipment. Setting in Accounts receivable parameters > General > Sales setup |
Arrival date |
Actual arrival date and time |
Manual or via Power app |
Duration |
Actual duration in minutes |
Manual or via Power app |
Proof of delivery type |
Signature, Photo, Signature or photo, ID |
Door pass code |
Access code for door or gate |
Notes |
Free text notes |
Cash on delivery |
Amount cash on delivery |
Manual |
Stop number for loads |
Shipment stop number |
ETA message |
Send Estimated Time of Arrival message on this mobile number / SMS / app / mail |
Manual, there is no automatic integration |
ETA message minutes |
Send ETA message in advance |
Alternative address |
If needed the address may be overridden. Use Add address |
E.g. for last minute changes at the customer site. The alternative address is attached to the customer or vendor. |
Delivery address |
Identification of the delivery address |
Select any existing address |
Address |
Street, street number, zip code, city, country etc. |
The address is defaulted based on load or unload. |
Warehouse managament > Periodic tasks > Load / unload appointments cleanup
When the arrival date is entered on the load / unload appointment and is more than n days ago, the appointments can be blanked or deleted
Field | Description | Remark |
Number of days to keep names and addresses | If days > 0, blank the name and address (unlink the reference to the address table) when arrived more than n days ago | From a GDPR perspective, the names and addresses should be deleted within a month if not required by other legislation. Advice is to setup a monthly batch job. |
Number of days to keep |
Number of days of transaction data to keep |
Transportation management > Planning > Dock appointment scheduling > Appointment scheduler
This graphical plan board provides a clear overview of the planning per dock location for the selected warehouse and date. All times are local, i.e. in the time zone of the site.
The user can insert new appointments, edit existing appointments by double clicking and moving appointments to a different time and / or dock.
Only appointments with a warehouse and a location are visible in the appointment scheduler, with colors indicating the status.
Light blue |
Tentative or Blind |
Blue |
Firmed |
Green |
Checked in |
Orange |
Overtime |
Red |
Cancelled |
Completed |
Grey |
Based on the setup of Logistics standard data per item and warehouse (also used by Warehouse activity forecast), the expected number of pallets, cases and miscellaneous units is displayed, even before the work is executed and the containers are packed.
Warehouse management > Shipments > Route planner
This list page displays all open shipments with addresses.
Field | Description | Remark |
Shipment ID | Shipment | One or more orders to an address |
Load ID |
Load |
A truck load that can deliver multiple shipments to multiple addresses |
Stop number |
Stop sequence number within the load |
Update in the grid manually |
City |
Ship-to city |
Street |
Ship-to street |
Delivery recipient |
Destination name |
This screen displays the shipments, loads and stop numbers with the city, street and delivery name.
Other shipment fields can be added through form personalisation.
A shipment (delivery address) has a stop number within a load (e.g. truck). It is possible to move shipments to a different load with Transfer shipment to new load or Transfer shipment to existing load.
No setup required.
In the list pages Route planner, Shipments and Loads, all shipments in the same load can be exported to a route planner like RouteXL.
Note that in RouteXL, the free use of Google can have a limitation. Should this occur, in the RouteXL Options, tab Geocoding select Here maps instead.
Specify the number of trucks if desired.
No setup required.
Warehouse Management adds a data entity (on the form Tranportation status) that allows the insert / upload of the actual transportation status for a
The latest insert is considered to reflect the actual status. A history of previous transportation status records is kept as well.
E.g. set a POD (Proof Of Delivery) status on a shipment, and filter on all shipped shipments with or without a POD.
Prerequisite is one or more Transportation status masters, e.g. HUB (received in hub), POD (proof of delivery), FDA (failed delivery attempt), LOST (parcel lost) etc.
Hint for date and time entry in Excel: The date time cells have a format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ
Nevertheless enter the format that is visible in the formula bar of Excel, depending on your local setting e.g. dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss