Product documentation
Order Entry Optimization


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Business value

The Order Entry Optimization solution contains several features to optimize the order creation and maintenance process.


The Order Entry Optimization solution exist out of three separate groups of functionalities which are licensed separately:


The Order entry optimizations contains the following features:


RMA Copy from customer sales order line functionality

Sales Orders
Under Sales order line ->  Copy from customer will lead you the "Copy from all form", but now by default filtered on the customer. This allows you to quickly copy lines from a previous sales order.

Return Orders
In some industries the items are already returned before the lines are invoiced. Under Return line - Copy from customer this will make it more convenient to get the right line price and discounts to the return line.

Quantity no checks

No checks are done regarding the quantity, the checks are only available when copying from invoices. Therefor both menu items are controlled by seperate privileges.


From a technical perspective small warehouse is not part of the Order entry optimizations model but it is always installed together with order entry optimizations, the same set of features are also delivered together with the Advanced Warehouse Management solution.


Activate the ALF license

This will enable the Order Entry Optimization functionalities.

Parameter and settings for each individual feature is described in the topic of the feature it self.

Release notes

Feature Introduced in version
  • Configuration key property EnabledByDefault has been set to False for all configuration keys
  • License type of menu items of the Dynamics ModuleName have been changed to Team members
  • Hso Studio fields have been added to the Sales order header V4 and Sales order line V3 Entity
  • License type of menu items of the Dynamics ModuleName have been changed to Team members
  • Filters on the form All sales line (DYSSOEALLSalesLines) were not editable, with the role 'Dynamics Sales order optimizer clerk'
  • Removed obsolete parameter Ignore Order Complete on Journal orders


Feature Introduced in version
  • Reference to FinTag model was added to DYSSOE model
  • Code has been optimized based on Code Analysis Report findings
  • Parameters Skip price discount calculation and Automatic recalculation of prices and discounts have been removed from the AR parameters and Stores
  • 'Last save' feature has been introduced on the Update order lines. The last used value from prompt is saved and used as default the next time prompt is shown.
  • New parameter "Keep order complete form open" has been introduced on the Accounts receivable parameters and on the Counter sales Store.
  • When items are added from scan dialog to a retail sales order the price discount calculation is skipped for each line and calculated once at the end
  • On a Retail sale order, parameter "Exclude from credit management" was by default Yes. Parameter "Disable Exclude from credit management" has been introduced. Now credit management can be used for retail sales order


Feature Introduced in version
  • Parameter "Use Create Sales order dialog" was been introduced to the Customer service parameters. Determines if the Create sales order form will be opened when creating sales order from Customer service screen
  • Posting of payment registrations from order completion are now done in one tts commit transaction and a voucher button has been added to the payment transaction
  • Sales order Estimated amount label existed twice
  • Synapse link - Set AllowRowVersionChangeTracking to yes for applicable tables
  • Counter Sales:Synapse link - Set AllowRowVersionChangeTracking to yes for applicable tables
  • Credit limit: Synapse link - Set AllowRowVersionChangeTracking to yes for applicable tables
  • Order Costs: Synapse link - Set AllowRowVersionChangeTracking to yes for applicable tables
  • New parameter added to counter sales parameters which allow linking of multiple stores to same warehouse
  • Field 'Country' can now be added on the All sales order list. The parameter "Show country on grid" was been added. To use the new functionality "Show country on grid", the feature "Sales order details performance enhancement" must be enabled.
  • If the parameter Enable scanning (at Accounts Reveivable or at the Store) has the value "Default" and a new sales order is made, a warning: Consider to set parameter Enable Scanning to Dialog. The setting Default will be deprecated.
  • It is not possible anymore to set the parameter enable scanning (at AR parameters and at the Store) to the value Defaul if there was not a setting of this parameter before.


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added all order lines information with addressess to related information on customer and customer service form, also added related information to customer service form
  • Added additional information and quick links on the inventory tab on the product information dialog
  • Added sales tab with item sales information and quick links to the product information dialog form
    Added a method to expose number of created lines from basket
  • Sales totals calculation was executed on every insert of the sales order line when items were added via scan dialog
  • Cost simulation is not executed when items are added to the sales order via scanning and skip retail prices and discount parameter is enabled


Feature Introduced in version
  • Non-searchable field (e.g. Weight which is a number) in the Highlight fields lookup are now hidden
  • Performance of sales order totals calculation has been improved, on order complete and counter sales
  • Added DoSuggest button to Debug buttons on search form
  • Use legacy field of the table DYSAOLOrderSetup in DYSERPASPS model has been marked as obsolete
  • When more than 999 products were found 999+ was shown now we show 999.999+ if more than 999.999 records are found
  • Added sales tab with item sales information and quick links to the product information dialog form
    Added additional information and quick links on the inventory tab on the product information dialog
  • Specials Management  is now part of Product Search (new model DYSERPASSPE hasb een introduced)
  • Added fields for Specials to the data entities for Categories and Search configuration.
  • Updated labels for the supported languages: EN-US, NL, DE, FR & ES. Removed translations for unsupported languages (En-GB, simplified Chinese and Japanese).
  • Order completion on a sales order coming from the customer service form was not always working as desired, this is fixed and also removed some obsolete code
  • Added all order lines information with addressess to related information on customer and customer service form, also added related information to customer service form
  • Added functionality to copy sales line information to an RMA and added functionality to copy from existing sales line from the current customer on the sales order.
  • The following functionalities are now fully integrated into the solution and are no longer available as separate features: Attribute value bulk edit, Enhanced sync configuration fields from Azure index, Search configuration data update dynamic job loading
  • The new configuration Expand categories parameter is set to Optional Yes autmoatically when opening the Configuration or Search form
  • Load defaults button for specials field mappings added
  • Added a framework to support buttons to control functions in other applications
  • Category section in product search form has been made collapsible/expandable
  • Added overview forms that show all layout/filters/sorting for a configuration (mainly for troubleshooting purposes)
  • When a user tries to open an item in product search which does not exist in Finance and operations the listpage is opened and an info message is shown that the item needs to be created first
  • A parameter Source has been added to the search configuration to determine from which index the data will be fetched when creating a special
  • Added a parameter to the Configuration to specify when Index the data should come from when generating the JSON for specials
  • A category mapping between FNO categories and categories in the index has been added as part of the possiblity to create specials from the index
  • A Specials fields mapping has been added to the category hierarchy as part of the possiblity to create a special from Product Search
  • It is no longer possible to delete indexes that still have linked saved searches
  • When using multiple indexes within a search configuration (for multiple languages), any unmapped/untranslated fields for the secondary indexes are skipped when publishing definitions to avoid duplicate error for empty values
  • Button for saved searches has been moved to the react control of Product Search
    For search layout fields where the style can be configured, options have been added to hide the caption and to by default show lists collapsed instead of opened
    Legacy add order line settings for sales orders have been marked as obsolete
    Invoice batch pool field has been added to the customer table and sales order header.
  • Removed CloudV1: removed all tables, EDT's and data entities
  • Removed CloudV1: --> removed all code and UI elements


Feature Introduced in version
  • Created 2 new data entities which are available for ODATA to maintain the product/product variants fixed locations
    The field Use legacy code in the Specials setup has been marked obsolete


Feature Introduced in version
  • As part of the deployable package installation the label packages will be removed automatically

    In case you have added a reference to a label package in your own models, remove these references before installation.In case you have installed a label package model on a local or cloud hosted environment, you should remove this model manually.In case your are creating a combined deployable package, also add the old label packages to ModuleToRemove.txt of your deployment pipelines.

    Uninstall a package - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365This article explains how to remove a deployable package from your environment.The label package DYSSOEBOSLabels has been placed in DYSSOEBOS.

  • The label package DYSSOEBOSLabels has been placed in its respective base package
  • Backorder strategy - apply alternative fulfillment policy when cross docking expected
  • The label package DYSSOEBOSLabels has been placed in its respective base package
  • Backorder strategy - apply alternative fulfillment policy when cross docking expected



Feature Introduced in version
  • In case you have added a reference to a label package in your own models, remove these references before installation.

    In case you have installed a label package model on a local or cloud hosted environment, you should remove this model manually.In case your are creating a combined deployable package, also add the old label packages to ModuleToRemove.txt of your deployment pipelines.

    Uninstall a package - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365.This article explains how to remove a deployable package from your environment. The label package DYSSOELabels has been placed in DYSSOE, the label package DYSCSSLabels has been placed in DYSCSS, the label package DYSSOEBOSLabels has been placed in DYSSOEBOS and the label package DYSSWHLabels has been placed in DYSSWH.

  • The 'Prevent Order complete on sales quotation confirmation' parameter has been introduced. By default, a confirmed sales quotation creates a sales order that is automatically set as 'Order complete.
  • DYSCSSLabels are now part of the DYSCSS package and the package DYSCSSLabels has been removed.
  • DYSSOELabels are now part of the DYSSOE package and the package DYSSOELabels has been removed


Feature Introduced in version
  • It's advised to setup the periodic job for the periodic clean up of generator and upload tasks. If this job is not set up, be advised that update of search data won't be possible when too many tasks exist.
  • The way credit limit check is executed in combination with order completion, has been changed.
  • Scanning Order complete action from the scan dialog did not work and gave an error message An error occured during scanning
  • Added extension point for Set Order Complete batch job query (1201)


Feature Introduced in version
  • Disabled cash and prepayment check box on RMA sales orders
  • Prompt for sales taker is not enforced anymore for intercompany derived sales order and sales taker has been removed from order completion form
  • Extension fields SOE are added to SalesOrderHeaderV3
  • Extension fields CSS are added to SalesOrderHeaderV3
  • Extension fields OEC are added to SalesOrderHeaderV3


Feature Introduced in version
  • Extention fields SWH are added to SalesOrderHeaderV3Entity
  • Purchase order header - button Work details (PO and XD added)


Feature Introduced in version
  • Extension fields BOS are added to SalesOrderHeaderV3


Feature Introduced in version
  • If Order Type is "Journal" the button "Order Complete" is replaced by "Update order type". After using this button the status of the order is "Sales Order" and the button "Order Complete" is visible in stead of "Update Sales Order".
  • Field "Sales taker" has been added to the Order complete form. This will only be the case if the SOE parameter "Prompt for sales taker" is set to yes.



Feature Introduced in version
  • Adding products to Purchase Agreement lines via Product Search now uses the add order lines class (AOL)
  • Adding products to Sales agreement lines via Product Search now uses the add order lines class (AOL)
  • Adding products to Bill of Materials now possible via Product Search
  • Numbers and dates are now formatted based on the user settings (with system/OS/browser locale as fallback)
  • Introduced a new (user) setting that can show the index fieldname for every field on the Search result card. When using advanced syntax, the info from the icon can even be used as a filter in text search with just a click of the button
  • Added button to expand/collapse all filters on the Search forms
  • It's now possible to add calculated fields to a list style on the search result card (currently On hand qty only)
  • Introduced an option to set layout records for a base or extended view: making it possible to hide information from the search result card until the view is expanded, offering better use of the (limited) screen real estate
  • Added validation that checks if a company has Search enabled when it gets linked to a Search configuration.
  • Introduced a new (user) setting that determines if empty categories (without any search results) are hidden in the tree on the Search forms
  • Added button to expand/collapse all filters on the Search forms
  • It's now possible to add calculated fields to a list style on the search result card (currently On hand qty only)
  • Introduced an option to set layout records for a base or extended view: making it possible to hide information from the search result card until the view is expanded, offering better use of the (limited) screen real estate
  • Added validation that checks if a company has Search enabled when it gets linked to a Search configuration.
  • Introduced a new (user) setting that determines if empty categories (without any search results) are hidden in the tree on the Search forms
  • Added a parameter on the Search configuration that defines if an image placeholder is shown when the search result has no image
  • Now showing index field translations (Azure search field, Field label and Short label) in the index fields translations form, creating a better and easier overview for translations
  • When opening tiles in a different company than where they were created, an info message is shown on the Search form that the Saved search cannot be opened as it's from a different company
  • Adding products to Transfer order lines via Product Search now uses the add order lines class (AOL)
  • Layout of REACT control now uses Fluent UI, resulting in a slightly different look and feel of the Search forms (but offering more flexibility and (future) options)
  • Tag style has been adjusted to make sure it stays visible even when the Search result card has been selected
  • The following features that are part of Product Search are now set to 'Mandatory' and can no longer be disabled: Attribute value bulk edit, Enhanced sync configuration fields from Azure index, Search configuration data update dynamic job loading
  • Saved searches that get altered (when criteria are added/deleted) get marked with a * symbol
  • The Product search forms no longer display several system buttons without function (such as 'New', 'Delete' and the refresh icon)
  • Images can now be added either as before, but also as a calculated field on the category search layout, creating more flexibility for the display of images
  • Optimized a method of getting the results for a calculated field by using less requests between REACT and D365
  • Improved the predefined Product variants query by making use of the ProductVariantsV2 data entity
  • The observables 'SearchString' and 'SearchResults' have been removed from code (as they were unsused)
  • Improved info messages during the creation of value ranges.
  • Predefined query for inventory module parameters no longer incorrectly filters on sales type
  • Added extra info and validation to a star rating setup that the setup is complete.
  • Field search queries are displayed using a new formatted query control, making the queries easier to read
  • Improved the JSON viewer in the debug options to make it easier to read
  • Layout record that uses regular style in combination with a value range now correctly uses the range labels on the result card
  • Rating styles are no longer supported within a badge
  • When using the 'Publish definition' function directly on the Category hierarchy, the definitions are now published even if the main function on the Search configuration selection didn't include the used Category hierarchy



Feature Introduced in version
  • Add order lines class implemented on sales agreements
  • New parameter table Add order lines setup to control the behavoir of the functionality per implementation
  • Add order lines class implemented on purchase agreements
  • Setup parameter added to enable/disable auto launch of basket dialog when lines exist
  • Data entity added for setup of Add order lines parameters
  • Add order lines class implemented on trade agreements
  • Add order lines class implemented on transfer orders
  • Add order lines class implemented on purchase orders
  • Security privileges and duties for Order setup have been modified
  • Add order line parameter fields have been removed from Accounts Receivable parameter form
  • Label Sales basket has been changed into Basket as the basket is now used on multiple forms
  • Add order lines class implemented on sales orders
  • Add order lines class implemented on sales quotations
  • Add order lines class implemented on Bill of materials


Feature Introduced in version
  • Backorder strategy aligned with fulfillment policy on sales order


Feature Introduced in version
  • Improved error message by providing additional info when the search service cannot be reached.
  • When deleting an index record in F&O, the option will be given to also delete the index in the Azure search service.
  • Search service name and Search index name cannot be changed after the record for the index has been saved. Note that it is possible to switch between plain text and key vault authorization method.



Feature Introduced in version
  • Data upgrade job that removes old generator and upload tasks (the relationship has changed, making the existing records invalid). The upgrade job will be triggered when the Data update batches form is opened and when a batch job link record is created.


Feature Introduced in version
  • New parameter added Enable price locked on order completion (retail orders only)
  • Help text of the parameter "Use original warehouse" has been adjusted/improved.
  • Parameter Ignore Order Complete on Journal orders has been removed from the accounts receivable parameters as this will be the default behavior for journals
  • Instead of hiding the Order complete button is now disabled when sales orders is of type journal
  • Label of the security roles "Order entry cost clerk/administrator" has been alined with other HSO Innovation roles. "Dynamics Order entry cost clerk/administrator"
  • HSO Innovation security role label are modified, they all got the prefix "Dynamics".



Feature Introduced in version
  • Sales header - button Work details incl. Crossdock and packed container picking


Feature Introduced in version
  • Due to the new MS parameter 'Manually calculate multi-line prices and discounts', a new parameter in the SOE solution is introduced; 'Recalculate price and discount on order complete'. To prevent users forgetting to do this manually.



Feature Introduced in version
  • With this release the search form control uses Fluent UI elements, slightly changing the look and feel of the search forms, but maintaining all functionality
  • As of this release an extra model with dependencies is included in the solution, to fully support AOL (add order lines) functionality. Please make sure to include this model when creating your own packages etc.


Feature Introduced in version
  • The existing Add order lines setup in the accounts receivable parameters has been hidden and will be removed in a future release.  Instead a new parameter form Add order lines setup (module Organization administration > Setup > Add order lines) has been added. Based on the old parameter setup a records will be created for the setup of the sales orders automatically when the basket is used. This means no additional action needs to be taken to keep working as before.
  • Changes have been made to the security settings of the Add order lines functionality and from of this version also Product Search is using the add order lines functionality to add the selected products to the order.  When you get the message "Insufficient rights to use the Add order lines form" or "Insufficient rights to add lines to the order" please check the security setup of the user. Out of the box we ship the role Dynamics Add order lines clerk which contains the privileges Add items to order and View and maintain add order lines, which are needed to get access. Users that only have the clerk role in the previous version were not allowed to open and maintain lines in the basket. As of this release the clerk role will contain these rights.


Feature Introduced in version
  • The parameter "Skip price discount calculation" in the SOE solution has been improved and renamed to "Preserve price", to avoid confusing with the "Skip price discount calculation" parameter from Pricing solution.


Feature Introduced in version
  • Order completion form did not open automatically when order is closed and order value was increased.
  • Due to the new MS parameter 'Manually calculate multi-line prices and discounts', a new parameter in the SOE solution is introduced; 'Recalculate price and discount on order complete'. To prevent users forgetting to do this manually.


Feature Introduced in version
  • Please test the automatic release to warehouse processes carefully as Microsoft has changed the query WHSAutoReleaseToWareHouse in version 10.0.32 and it does not retrieve all sales order header and line fields anymore. In this version we have added the fields from this solution again. But it could be that you have extended fields on the sales orders which you might use in the release to warehouse query. If this is applicable for you, you need to adjust the query yourselves.   If you don’t have the time to fix this before you upgrade to 10.0.32 or you have already been upgraded, it’s possible to go back to the original query by asking Microsoft to implement a flight code:   - Insert or update an enabled flight: DECLARE @flightName NVARCHAR(100) = 'WHSReleaseToWarehouseSalesQueryNoDynamicFldsFlight_KillSwitch'; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM SysFlighting WHERE flightName = @flightName)         INSERT INTO SysFlighting (flightName, enabled, flightServiceId) VALUES (@flightName, 1, 12719367); ELSE         UPDATE SysFlighting SET enabled = 1, flightServiceId =''  WHERE flightName = @flightName
  • Order Entry Costs (DYSOEC model) has been added to the solution, which requires a separate ALF license. Please disable the configuration key, when this module is not used, to prevent ALF license warnings in the UI. In case a beta release of the module was already installed, please be advised that the package type and currency have been added to the order costs threshold setup. This may require a configuration change to sustain the current order costs calculation
  • Order cost table index has been extended, to support two same line with different currency.
  • Package type has been added as a filter to the order costs threshold.
  • The parameter "Skip price discount calculation" in the SOE solution has been improved and renamed to "Preserve price", to avoid confusing with the "Skip price discount calculation" parameter from Pricing solution.
  • Filtering on currency has been added to the order cost setup.
  • Currency has been introduced on the Order cost threshold.


Feature Introduced in version
  • Obsolete table extension of SalesParameters has been removed in this version. Please make sure data has been synchronized to table DYSSOESalesParameters, before installing this version!


Feature Introduced in version
  • In the previous 2 versions two bugfixes were made: 10030.54.1007: 43556 Enable Button Order Completion for Sales Order Optimizer - Administrator role was not working correctly 10030.54.1006: 42853 It was possible to set Order Complete with read only security role Those changes have been reverted as those would have been breaking changes for existing customers. In this change we have now added a new privilege "View order completion".Those customers that want to disable the Order completion button on the order header, need to add this privilege to the security roles of those users.



Feature Introduced in version
  • Hotfix release for Order Complete button without System Administrator role


Feature Introduced in version
  • Minor performance optimizations on sales line create


Feature Introduced in version
  • Hotfix release for Order Complete on Intercompany salesorders


Feature Introduced in version
  • When upgrading a version prior to 10028.52.1001, please read comments from previous version, regarding the data conversion of the parameters table, and take appropiate action.


Feature Introduced in version
  • New table added for Sales Order Optimization parameters
  • Changing a sales order of type journal should not trigger the order completion
  • Button Cancel in scan basket has been renamed into Clear
  • New parameter Basket validation added to the Add order lines settings in the Accounts receivable parameters
  • Sales basket button added to the sales order which indicates how many items there are still in the basket


Feature Introduced in version
  • Set entered external item code on orderline in item search


Feature Introduced in version
  • Setting default index, company and/or hierarchy on the search configuration is now done via a 'Set default' button.
  • Product (entity) attributes added directly to a category are now supported too (note that these are not the category group attributes).
  • Added a grid to the edit translations form to show all available translations (to easily check if all expected ones are there)
  • Added an option to (pre)view the JSON on the retail category products tab for debugging purposes (available to sysadmin only)
  • More button threshold must now hold a value between minimum 1 and maximum fetched values
  • New sub-menu was added under system administration for all global search setup forms
  • Made sure field search data shows up in the compare overview .
  • Added a Dynamic batch job loader for Updating (and rerunning) search data. This functionality is available as a preview feature which you are welcome to use. Any feedback on the feature is very much appreciated.
  • Added an option to load default layout setup on the Search configuration Hierarchy category layout setup.
  • Show error only to filter for Generator and Upload tasks on Update batches form
  • Fill AzureID during creation of product instead of during (azure) update (Please update search index)
  • Created new way of update batch processing
  • Improved the syncing of Azure fields by suggesting field names in other languages as well. This functionality is available as a preview feature which you are welcome to use. Any feedback on the feature is very much appreciated.
  • Added data entities for Search configuration.
  • Added functionality that allows editing attribute values for multiple products at the same time. This functionality is available as a preview feature which you are welcome to use. Any feedback on the feature is very much appreciated.


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added CreditMax initialization to Credit management adjustments data entity
  • In header Order Completion buttom Proforma Yes/No, Buttoms Release and Complete are not enabled. If Proforma Yes
  • Apply financial dimensions from employee


Feature Introduced in version
  • Proforma confirmations, packing slips and invoices can be printed without setting the order automaticly to order complete.
  • Validate Requested date for credit limit horizon when confirmed date is not set
  • Added Counter sales payment fields to SalesInvoice data provider


Feature Introduced in version
  • If parameter "Exclude current order after horizon" is enabled, no sales order will be send to Credit Management
  • In the order completion form it's now possible to collapse the payment tab and it will save it in user last value


Feature Introduced in version
  • Admin key field length on the index now accepts values of more than 32 characters


Feature Introduced in version
  • New parameter counter sales: check payment done on credit orders. If it is on validation will be checked on return order at order complete.


Feature Introduced in version
  • In the Credit and Collections parameters, the setting "Always check Order Complete" is added and should be enabled.


Feature Introduced in version
  • Configuration keys Item Search and External Item code have been replaced by DYS Item Search


Feature Introduced in version
  • Backorder strategy is taken into account in Calculate confirmed delivery dates


Feature Introduced in version
  • New parameter added which controls whether friendly name or name should be used when showing the category hierarchy in product search
  • Category hierarchy tree now works on recId instead of friendly name


Feature Introduced in version
  • In case of a duplicate setup of layout and filter definitions due to inherritance we now skip the insert of the lower level setup in order to prevent duplicates


Feature Introduced in version
  • The Azure serach field is no longer mandatory (on attributes). Uniqueness of the value is still checked but can be ignored to allow certain combined setups.
  • Exclude option in the Update search data function has been updated to prevent too many categories from getting excluded (when using multiple hierarchies).
  • Field search queries can now also be migrated to global queries as part of (and needed for) the new Search configuration setup.


Feature Introduced in version
  • Set order complete batch function added to Sales and marketing module
  • Data entity for upload credit limits has been added


Feature Introduced in version
  • Extended the check if Cloud Search V1 is enabled (beyond just the config key) with a check on Azure Service and Index name being filled as well, to better support migrating v1 to config.


Feature Introduced in version
  • Extension point added to prevent the automatic collapse of the LineViewHeader fasttab on the sales order


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added button 'Configure seach hierarchy' to Hierarchy section on Configuration form which will open the search category hierarchy
  • The Add button has been removed from the Index Fields grid on the configuration
  • Disabled add/edit/delete adding lines on Category form when search configuration has no Index(es)


Feature Introduced in version
  • Indicator added to all relevant tabs on the Category hierarchy form to show how many of the underlying levels have the 'Inherit' button activated.Migration job has been added (temporarily) to support upgrade from Cloud search version 1 to Search configuration.
  • Icons are added to the Configuration index fields to show if all languages are mapped and the field exists in all indexes.
  • List is available as a new (complex) layout style which displays as a list of items.
  • A button is added that shows the filter syntax being sent to Azure for easier troubleshooting.
  • All Search data update job parameters are now stored in the user settings.
  • When Search is disabled in a company the user is notified of this when using the (released) products search menu items.
  • Maximum number of filter values to display is no longer available.
  • Hashkey function is no longer used by the solution.
  • Update attribute value process is now a-sync.
  • Support for (displaying) Date and DateTime fields in Search.
  • Rating is available as a new (complex) layout style which displays as a scale of 5 stars.
  • Added an options for users to switch between any/all results for multi-value attribute filters.
  • Cloud search version 1 one elements have been marked as obsolete in preparation of future removal.
  • Introduction of Search configuration, a new cloud search setup that supports multi-hierarchy, multi-language and multi-company setups and more.


Feature Introduced in version
  • New parameter Check order complete on purchase order creation added


Feature Introduced in version
  • Update search data functions now run a-synchronously (for performance improvement)


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added the relevant company to the error message "Settings to connect with Azure Cognitive Search not set. Please provide settings for module '%1'."


Feature Introduced in version
  • Dutch and German label translations have been updated
  • A filter that uses ranges will now be hidden if there are no results anymore in any of the ranges
  • Field search now also allows for multiple values (via setup)
  • Attributes now allow multiple values to be selected for a single attribute
  • If all user specific options have been disabled in the parameters, the little gear icon is hidden (as there are no options to display).


Feature Introduced in version
  • Product search form will only show the products of the assortment of a sales order (feature only available in combination with Dynamics Order Entry Optimizations)

10020.44.100 DYSRAF

Feature Introduced in version
  • Added Item search fields to Barcode data entity
  • Added Order entry fields to sales parameters data entity
  • Added assortment filtering to the standard add products form


Feature Introduced in version
  • Keep partial delivery editable in fullfillment policy
  • The filter for the periodic function 'Cancel backorders' can now be updated


Feature Introduced in version
  • License code checks on configuration key added


Feature Introduced in version
  • Saved searched belonging to a different company will try to perform the search for the current company and if possible return a result
  • When the last workspace element linked to a saved search is deleted, the user will now be asked if they also want to delete the saved search.
  • When opening a saved search (via tile etc.) the name of the used search is now displayed in the form title
  • For new tiles/lists, when opened, the used search filter (via the filter icon) can no longer be adjusted
  • Highlight now highlights all words that are a match for the search (based on the search settings)
  • 'Update search data' option on the 'add to category' function is now hidden when advanced search is disabled
  • Configuration key added to the field DYSERPASCloudSearchProductId
  • Selected filters have been moved to the top of the search form
  • Possibility added to show a field as a tag style in search results
  • Local search can not be enabled when Product Search model is installed
  • Added a parameter which disables the lock on the company filter in released product search
  • Made InventTable fields availble for selection when creating a workspace data list from a Released product search
  • Create a workspace tile, list, link directly from the (released) product search pages
  • Product search menu item added to project item requirements


Feature Introduced in version
  • Extension point canOrderComplete added
  • Add order lines Clerk - can only view basket lines and Add order lines Administrator - can view and edit basket lines and add lines to sales order
  • Linked code to configuration key


Feature Introduced in version
  • It is not possible to add storage and tracking dimensions to the scan dialog via personalizations
  • Scan dialog now also works in combination with Business Rules
  • Added external item / bar code functionality to Sales agreement lines - SalesAgreementLineEntity
  • Added external item / bar code functionality to Purchase agreement lines - PurchPurchaseAgreementLineV2Entity
  • Added external item / bar code functionality to Requests for quotationlines - PurchRequestForQuotationReplyLineEntity
  • Added external item / bar code functionality to Purch lines - PurchPurchaseOrderLineV2Entity
  • Added external item / bar code functionality to Sales lines - SalesOrderLineV2Entity
  • Linked code to configuration keys
  • Linked code to configuration keys


Feature Introduced in version
  • Dynamics Product Search Version 10017.41.151 will be delivered together with Dynamics Order Entry Optimization
  • Added ALF license configuration for Dynamics Specials Management
  • CAM to DYSSPE model
  • Nested assortments and Assortment filtering moved from DYSCAM to DYSRAF model
  • Item search moved from DYSCAM model to DYSSPE
  • When reservation on warehouse was set to default, the setting on the order line was set based on the accounts receivable parameters instead of being initiated from the order header or the inventmodel group
  • New reference model added to enable the Backorder Strategies model to run standalone.
  • Back order strategies is now also available as a separate solution
  • Made some changes to be sure whether code is not executed when configuration key is turned off
  • Added a parameter "Dialog" to the Enable Scan parameter which enables an optimized scan process with via a dialog
  • Added scan action to clear all lines from the scan dialog
  • Added a scan action to open the scan dialog
  • Scan dialog is opened automatically when there are items in the basket after opening the sales order
  • Specials functionality moved from DYSCAM to DYSSPE and will be part of the product search solution
  • Assortments functionality moved from DYSCAM to DYSRAF and will be part of the order entry optimization solution
  • Field Is special has been added to data entity released products v2
  • Due to split of specials from assortment management a new glue model has been introduced to be able to add a special for an order with a restrictive assortment
  • Licence key Dynamics Specials Management added
  • The global number sequence for specials on the search hierarchy goes wrong : it was shown the same for all nodes
  • Validation added that a max of 6 assortments can be applied on an order to prevent an SQL message about exeeding the max number of joins
  • Sales assortment policy changed to non-restrictive when editing Bar code validation came to late in the create specials process
  • Scan dialog is opened automatically when there are items in the basket after opening the sales order


Feature Introduced in version
  • Changed RAF code (delete action) as result of changed code by MS in 10.0.19 which cased a certain Parent Child Assortment scenario to fail


Feature Introduced in version
  • Added ALF license configuration for Dynamics Specials Management
  • Nested assortments and Assortment filtering moved from DYSCAM to DYSRAF model
  • Specials functionality moved from DYSCAM to DYSSPE and will be part of the product search solution
  • Assortments functionality moved from DYSCAM to DYSRAF and will be part of the order entry optimization solution


Feature Introduced in version
  • Removed a validate write of the sales table when scanning in order to improve the performance during scanning
  • In case of an Rma the line delivery date control will now always be set to none 
  • French label of Counter sales changed into Ventes au comptoir
  • Added extra validation: it should not be possible to add a worker to a user which is linked to a register


Feature Introduced in version
  • Security duties added


Feature Introduced in version
  • Add support for the Chinese language


Feature Introduced in version
  • New AR parameter added to not set the loyalty card automatically when the customer has only one loyalty card



Feature Introduced in version
  • If a scanned loyalty card belongs to a contact person, the primary email and site of contact person added to the sales order.
  • Solved AppChecker validation error on SOE Mandatory field method
  • Update Dutch label Kassas into Kassa's.
  • Update mistake in Dutch label 'Gerelateerde informatie'.
  • Update Dutch label of Scan tab in sales order into 'Scanning'.



Feature Introduced in version
  • It is now possible only activate the Backorder strategies without enabling Order entry optimization features by configuration keys
  • Update warning message user is tried to be removed from call center
  • Update help text in form 'Select sales taker'
  • Added Data entity DYSCSSUserLink
  • Added Data entity DYSCSSStoreAddressBook
  • Added Data entity DYSCSSPrintJobSettings
  • DYSCSS Data entity Extension - Add fields to SalesTable data entity
  • DYSCSS Data entity Extension - Add fields to SalesQuotationTable data entity
  • DYSCSS Data Entity LedgerJournalTrans - add field
  • Data entity Stores - add new fields
  • DYSSOE - Data entity Extension - SalesTable
  • DYSSOE - Data entity Extension - SalesLine
  • DYSSOE - Data entity Extension - Purchtable
  • DYSSOE Data entity - DYSSOESoundFileParameter


Feature Introduced in version
  • In a sales order the label '+ New sales order' is updated
  • Retail mode of delivery validation has been added to the create back order form
  • Moved Accounts receivable parameter field "Show additional order totals" into the field group "Order complete"
  • Removed message that order is modified if set order to Complete when sales order is fully Invoiced


Feature Introduced in version


Feature Introduced in version
  • When the sales order is create from customer or customer service form the sales order is closed automatically when closing the complete form
  • Store description added to store short tabs
  • The complete form is closed automatically after a posting
  • The check on packing slip posting whether there are 0 lines should be suppressed when packing slip is posted during invoicing
  • Label of the field where you enter the amount to be received changed in receivable
  • Changed the message during the receival of a payment on a return order
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2019 Spring release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
  • Take away now and delivered routine has been adjusted, pickup on mode of delivery has to be set to yes and it looks better at pick work in progress


Feature Introduced in version
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Fall release
  • Added an entity for scan actions
  • Updated data entity for CustInvoiceTable -> FreeTextInvoiceHeader
  • Updated data entity for InventTransferLine ->InventTransferOrderLineEntity
  • Updated data entity for inventtransferorder -> InventTransferOrderHeaderEntity
  • Updated data entity for SalesQuotation -> SalesQuotationHeaderV2Entity
  • Updated data entity for custTable ->CustCustomerV3Entity
  • Updated Entity for InventLocation -> WMSWareHouseLocationEntity
  • Update data entity for sales confirmation->SalesOrderConfirmationHeaderEntity
  • Updated data entity for sales order->SalesOrderHeaderV2Entity
  • Updated data entity for sales invoice ->SalesInvoiceHeaderEntity
  • Updated entity for SalesParameters -> SalesDocumentEntryPolicy
  • Updated entity for SmmBusRelTable->smmProspectEntity
  • Implemented the possiblity to show on-line help
  • Product name has been modified into Order entry optimization
  • ALF checks implemented for CSS
  • Alf check implemented
  • Implemented intercompany support when using counter sales
  • Allow payment setting added to the worker
  • Parameters added to control which item dimensions are shown in the scan tab
  • Show store id on several grids
  • Function added to the counter sales parameters to reset a user
  • SOE admin and clerck role have been implemented
  • CSS admin and clerck role have been implemented
  • Parameter added to enforce store reference type
  • Created DYSCSSWorkerLog data entity
  • SystemUserEntity data entity has been extended
  • InventWarehouseEntity data entity has been extended
  • SalesInvoiceHeaderEntity data entity has been extended
  • SalesOrderConfirmationHeaderEntity data entity has been extended
  • Created CSSWorker data entity
  • Created Store data entity
  • Created Safe data entity
  • Created Register data entity
  • Created PaymentRegistrationMethod data entity
  • Created PaymentRegistrationSetup data entity
  • Created CSS Parameters data entity
  • Created Drawer data entity
  • Created Drawer data entity
  • Play sound parameter added to the store
  • Implemented a rounding method on the counter sales payment methods
  • Default delivery mode initiated from warehouse
  • Function to end worker session directly from the worker log
  • Batch job to clean up entries from the worker log
  • Auto recalculate retail prices when opening payment registration form
  • Cancellation of a payment
  • Order completion implemented
  • Rounding settings on payment type cash
  • Scan actions delete order header and delete order lines
  • Open payment registration form via scan action
  • Log in via guid
  • Worker log on / off function
  • Assign store to current user with the same company
  • Store, register and worker information can be displayed on the order
  • Mandatory customer object moved from Sales order optimizations to customer object model
  • Data providers contain the data to show the prepaid amount on invoices and confirmations
  • Store and registers are shown in the user grid
  • User specific print settings when printing via payment registration form
  • Register store, register, drawer and eft terminal as financial dimensions when posting the payment registration
  • Create a quotation directly from the sales order entry and customer service form
  • Worker has to identify himself on creation of every sales order
  • Show quotation information on customer service form
  • Quick creation of new customer directly from sales order
  • Register cash and card payments
  • Counter sales menu
  • Link Store or register to user
  • Stores, Registers, Drawers, EFT Terminals
  • Scan action: recalculation retail prices and discounts
  • Show progress bar after scanning
  • Create transfer order directly from order line
  • Create back order line from current order line
  • Change qty of selected record via scan field
  • Auto open and populate add products form with not found value of bar code field
  • Play sound on scan error
  • The warehouse can determine the reservation mode on the order line and the delivery date control
  • Show error message when a product number of a master is entered in the bar code field
  • Implemented scan logic on the sales order line - find Barcodes
  • Implemented scan logic on the sales order line - find items
  • Create anonymous sales orders
  • Ask for sales taker when not linked to the user
  • Added the possibility to create a contact and add it directly to the sales order
  • Create customer contact and add directly to sales order


Feature Introduced in version
  • Use fixed location as sales location
  • Moved from AWHS to SWH: Complete picklist one step
  • Moved from AWHS to SWH: Sales order button Register picklist
  • Moved from AWHS to SWH: Automatic pick list print
  • Move skip pick from AWHS to pick now SWH


Feature Introduced in version
  • Model description, ALF License name and Configuration name have been changed
  • Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Spring release
  • Labels have been moved to a separate package
  • Backorder strategies: Cancellation function based on date, item and customer
  • Backorder strategies: Set-up fullfilment policy, initialization SO, automatic release of sales orders adjustments, release to warehouse buttons + test scripts
