Product documentation
Repair Center Objects

A Repair object is one of the most important entities in the Repair Center module; the repair object is what the actual (repair) work is performed on. The Repair Center module provides an efficient way to create repair objects the way that is needed in your business.

Using the graphical object builder, repair objects and components can be created by adding object types, component types, items, etc. to create a repair object tree. The creation of the tree will automatically create new repair objects and components which can be used throughout the Repair Center module.



Repair center - HSO > Setup > Objects > Manufactures

In this table manufacturers can be listed, to be able to associate manufacturers with object types. This is used for reporting and statistics. 

Field Description
Manufacturer Short name of manufacturer
Description Description of manufacturer (long name)

Object category

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Objects > Object category

Table used for grouping object types. As object types have operational differences for things like spare parts lists, they can be very specific. But for reporting and statistics purposes a higher level grouping can be made with the object categories.

Field Description
Object Category Name of the Object category
Description Description of the object category

Object type

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Objects > Object type

Object types define specific families of objects that are used for creating default data that apply to multiple objects that share a similar set of tasks, parts and operations. Also, different object types are needed when the allowed structure or allowed visit schedule are different. 

The number of object types depends on the complexity of the repair business and the complexity of the repairable items. The connection between inventory items and object types can be made through the button "Object items". With the buttons "Event codes" and "Operations" a connection can be made between the object type and the predefined event codes and operations. An object type can be connected with a parent project so every object that will be created from this object type is a sub-project beneath this parent project.

Eventually the object is made by using the structure and settings of an object type. Basically, an object type provides a set of data which can/must be used when making an object. The object type also determines the project structure. Each object type is related to a parent project and all the objects made based on this object type creates a subproject beneath this parent project.

Field Description
Object type

Unique identifier for the object type. The object type provides functional properties to an object, such as a related repair/service schedule, possible event code (including item usage and hours needed), components etc.

Object type description Description of the object type. When creating the description of the object type, try to relate the description to the specific function of the object type.
Component type

The component type of the object type controls the way the object hierarchy can be build. Object types can only be used as child, if the parent object allows its component type as setup in this field. (See tab "component types" on the parent object type). The selected component type in this field determines the relation between a component type and an object type.

Parent Project

When a newly created object (which is a project) should belong to a certain parent project it can be defined here. The newly created object will then be a subproject. This can be convenient for grouped reporting.

Repair item number

In case an object needs to be repaired in-house and you want to keep track of the logistical movement a repair item needs to be setup. The tracking dimension ‘Serial number’ must be active for this item. When creating a workshop repair task (see event code setup) for an object of this type the system will automatically create a negative item line for this repair item. Either the serial number of the object will be used or the system will generate a serial number based on the object number.

Manufacturer ID

Code that identifies the manufacturer. This code will be visible in the object type setup and on the individual objects.

Description Description of the manufacturer.
Object Category
Object category

Code that identifies the object category. This code will be visible in the object type setup and on the individual objects.

Description Description of the object category
Child component types
Remaining component types

The (remaining) component types shown here can’t be used in the creation of a structure based on this object type.

Selected component types

The selected components shown here can be linked underneath this object type. Besides these components it is also allowed to add objects underneath this "main object". The allowed object types are derived based on a combination of the allow component types and the relation between the component types and the object types.

Auto-create meters
Selected component types

The selected components can be linked underneath this object type. Besides these components it is also allowed to add objects underneath this "main object". The allowed object types are derived based on a combination of the allow component types and the relation between the component types and the object types.

Remaining component types

The (remaining) component types shown here can’t be used in the creation of a structure based on this object type.

Moving blocked

Only applicable when using Maintenance Management

Primary meter type

If a primary meter type is applicable for this object type, it can be selected via the dropdown.

Service Schedules
Remaining service schedules

The (remaining) service schedules shown here can’t be linked/activated for this object type.

Selected service schedules

The selected service schedules can be used in combination with this object type. These service schedule(s) are allowed, but won’t be added automatically. The service schedules can be created from a contract.

Object property sheets
Property sheet 1 - 6 The tab page "Object property sheets" presents the number of property sheets for a specific object type where additional data for the object can be filled in. This data can be purely informational and/or as minimum and maximum values of the operations executed against the repair object. When activated the selected property sheet(s) will be visible on the individual repair objects. By default the labels on the property sheet are defined with default technical descriptions.
Diagnostic tree
Remaining diagnostic trees

The (remaining) diagnostic trees shown here can’t be linked/activated for this object type.

Selected diagnostic trees

The selected diagnostic trees can be used in combination with this object type. These diagnostic trees are allowed, but won’t be added automatically. The diagnostic tree will be displayed in the repair call, depending on the object type of the selected repair object from the repair call.

Button Event codes

The object type in combination with the event code provides the option to create a defaulted forecast of the transactions this task will consist of. offers the opportunity to set up object-specific settings for event codes. Although Repair asks can be used without this setup, it is considered an essential setup step. First, because upon repair task creation the drop-down menu "event code" will only show eventcodes that have been setup in combination with the object type of that task. Second, because no forecasted transactions will appear if the combination between the task’s object type and event code has not been setup.

Setup can also be done in Repair center - HSO > Setup > Event codes

Field Description
Object type

The selected object type

Event code

Unique identification of a work package, possible to perform on this object type. The event code can be selected from the event code main table.


Parts list for this particular combination of object type and work package. The items which are part of this BOM can be selected on the individual service tasks.

Title on documents

Title to print on the work order in case of using this event code. Setup can be done by language and event code

Estimated duration

Average repair time to use for the work package. Used for capacity deduction and scheduling.

Item usage
Item number

Item(s) that will be used for this object type & event code combination. Item(s) will appear on the repair task. Item(s) will be consumed as spare part(s). The selection can be made from the item master table from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations .


Configuration id of the item. Also based on the configurations defined on the item master from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Product name

The item name will be copied from the selected item number.


Quantity to consume for the event.

Operations Operation(s) that should be performed for this object type & event code combination. The operation(s) will appear on the repair task.
Operation no.

Unique number of the operation to be performed on this event. They can be selected from the list with allowed operations for this object type.


Description of the operation above. This description will be inherited from the operation setup.

Component type

Selects the sub-objects the operation is to be applied on. The sub-objects need to be below the parent object on the repair call for the task the event code is selected on.

Revenue Items which generate a revenue used for this object type & event code combination. e.g. use of small material. These items will appear on the repair task.
Item number

Select items for application of trade-agreements and description. Keep in mind revenue does never create any inventory transactions. Items are only used as vehicle for addition functionality.


Description of the item.


For information purposes, partial invoicing and price-calculations a quantity can be used.

Button Resource requirements

The button ‘Resource Requirements’ provides access to the setup of the resource requirements for the chosen combination of object type and event code. For this combination you can define the required skills/certificates/course/resource/resource groups, etc. This level is the most detailed level of defined required resource requirements.

In addition to this setup you can also define resource requirements on customer level as well as on object level. The requirements from all the different levels will be combined on the repair task. This means that the resource requirements from the customer, object, object type/event code will be copied to the task. The resource that is scheduled will have to comply with all the entered requirements.

Button Document titles

The button document titles can be used to set titles on documents in the desired language. The language depends on the settings of user or customer. 

Button BOM lines

The button BOM lines can be used to check if for this object type & event code combination a Bill Of Material (BOM) is set. If no BOM is set, the button will be greyed out.

Field Description
Tree View of the BOM tree
Redraw Refresh from view
Format Format of the BOM.
Display options
Description Whether to display the description in the view above or not.
Field Description
Language Language
Title on documents Description on documents, in the language set on the left.
Field Description
Requirement type

Via this drop down you can define the resource type. The resource types can be skills /certificates/ course/ resource/ resource groups/ Capability/ Title. Based on the chosen resource type the requirement drop down will show different values. The setup of these values needs to be done in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations HR module.

This level is the most detailed level of defining the required resource requirements.


This dropdown will show a list with available requirements. The content of the list is determined by the chosen resource type.


This is a non-editable field and displays the description of the chosen requirement type.

Use for
Operations scheduling

This check box is related to standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations functionality and isn’t required for repair management.

Job scheduling

By default this check box is activated. When set this requirement is actively used while scheduling in the graphical scheduling overview. When disabled the requirement stays valid, but isn’t actively checked while scheduling in the repair management module.

Drag/ Drop requirement

This checkbox is only set by the system in case it is a system driven requirement based on drag and drop capabilities.

Level (skills only)

If the chosen resource type is set to ‘skill’ you can determine the level of skill that is required. During scheduling the system will see this level as a minimum, therefore the resource that you are trying to schedule needs to have the same or higher level skill.

Object items

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Objects > Object Items 

The button "Object items" provides access to the object type item relation setup. Within this table, items can be identified as objects through the object type. These are later connected with contract templates. For these items it will be possible to create new objects from sales lines. Once these items are linked to repair objects serial numbers can be added. These serial numbers will be stored in the standard serial number table.

Button Simple/ advanced

Gives you the possibility to switch between simple and advanced (viewing) mode.

Field Description
Item Group

The chosen item group will act as a filter for the items shown in the "items with no setup" list

Coverage group

The chosen coverage group will act as a filter for the items shown in the "items with no setup" list

Buyer group

The buyer group will act as a filter for the items shown in the "items with no setup" list

Items with/ without setup

Some fields are only available in the section "Items with setup".

Item number The item number
Product name

Select item(s) that should be linked to this object type. Multiple items can be linked to the same object type.

Object type

The object type to be used

Catalog value in main currency

Default catalog value to put into the object

Contract template ID

The contract template linked to this object item


The button "Operations" opens the operations form filtered to the selected object type. In the chapter "Operations" the function of operations will be explained. In this paragraph only the fields will be explained. The drop down fields at the top part of the form are for filtering only. The filter will only be active once the "Lock" field is activated. 

Field Description
Operation no.

Unique identifier for an operation. The number will be assigned based on the parameter settings.

Type of operation Type of operation, via dropdown. Only these types of operations are possible.

Brief description of the operation. This description will also be printed on documentation

Repair schedule

The repair schedule related to this type of operation. It is mandatory to link an operation to a repair schedule. When linked to a ‘manual’ repair schedule it will be a generic operation. These generic operations will be presented in the repair task

Component type

Component type related to this type of operation. An operation is always linked to a component type. The execution of an operation is also done against a component type. This can be directly on a component or indirectly via a sub-object.

Estimated duration

Estimated duration of the operation. When used in preventive maintenance this duration will be added to the total estimated amount of hours of the repair task.


Defines how many times an operation should take place in a defined period. Only used in preventative maintenance.


Definition of the period in combination with the frequency. Only used in preventative maintenance.

Usage volume

Give the volume in comma separated values, related to the volume usage unit. The operation should be performed when this quantity is reached. Be aware that there is no automated volume checking.

Usage volume unit

Unit of the volume (running hours, miles/km's, copies, etc.).

Setup The setup depends on the type of operation. Only valid fields will be visible.
Reference value
Return value type

The return reference value can be ‘Manual’ or ‘Object property’. When ‘Manual’ is chosen the upper and lower limits need to be defined on the repair operation. When ‘Object property’ is chosen the upper and lower limits can be linked to fields of the object property sheets.

Return reference type

The possible options are: Integer, Real, Alphanumeric.

Upper limit 

The upper limit as applicable for this operation. This upper limit will be visible on the repair task and the relevant documentation.

Minimum limit

The minimum limit as applicable for this operation. This lower limit will be visible on the repair task and the relevant documentation.


The unit of the measured return value.


The part can be used to further identify the part on which the operation is perfumed. This is an optional field and only used in case the components are setup generic and the part is needed to help the resource to determine on which level he/she should perform the operation.


Category hierarchies are used to classify products or transactions for reporting and analysis. An organization can create more than one category hierarchy. For example, your organization might create one category hierarchy for classifying products that it buys, and another hierarchy for products that it sells. The number of category hierarchies that your organization uses, and the structure and number of subcategories in each category hierarchy, depend on the reporting needs of your organization. Categories are linked to and created in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations .

Field Description
Category hierarchy Name of category hierarchy. Choose via dropdown.
Category Name of category. Choose via dropdown.
Object type Name of selected object type.


Functions that can be executed in relation to the object.

Functions - Estimated usage

The estimated usage is a detailed view of the connected service/repair schedules.

Functions - Copy

With the copy function it is possible to copy Component types, Service/Repair schedules, Object properties, Event code material, Event code operations, Eventcode revenue and Operations from the selected object type to another object type.

Object Items

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Objects > Object Items

See object items

Object Properties

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Objects > Object Properties

On the object type it's possible to define whether or not property sheets are available for the specific object type. On a property sheet there are some lookup fields where predefined object properties can be defined. These predefined properties per lookup are created in this form. It is possible to set up to 5 different properties.

Field Description
Property Dropdown to select the lookup

Identifying number for the object property, this sequence determines the sequence on the individual repair objects.


Brief description of the object property.

Object templates

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Objects > Object Templates

In the Graphical Object builder, Repair object(s) can be created within a structure. This hierarchical repair object structure is quite similar to a BOM as known in the Inventory module. A repair object structure can be made manually or can be created based on an object template. The next form defines concepts for generic setup of objects. A template can be created where the object type and the components can be setup only once for every new created object.

Field Description
Object template

Unique identifier for the object template. This name will be presented in the Graphical Object Builder so a logical name is advised.

Description Extended description for the object template
Component types
Component type

Select the component type from the list. The list with available components types will be filtered based on the allowed component types defined for the selected object type.


Description of the selected component type.