Business value
Standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations enables users to import bank statements, like CAMT053, BAI2 and MT940 files. But Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations does not help the user to allocate payments to outstanding invoices or assign ledger accounts to statement lines. As a result, after importing a bank statement, allocation is still a time-consuming manual activity.
The main feature of Banking allows the user to let Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations find and settle payments to invoices and help analyze the user why certain payments can't be settled yet.
Additionally, it enables users to exclude certain vendor transaction form payment proposals and it offers the possibility to send an email showing which invoices are going to be paid when a vendor receives one payment for multiple invoices.
Banking Overview
Direct Debit Cancellations
Exclude Vendor Transactions
Search Invoices
Split remainder
Validate offset bank account
Generate Payment Specification
Import payment specification
Automatic settlement based on Payment service provider specifications
Search invoices
The field ‘Invoice’ has been added to the grid of the General Journal lines. If a user enters a customer invoice number in this field, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will search through all open invoices, using the entered value. If an open invoice is found, the customer and open amount are returned to the grid. This way, the user does not have to try and find the customer themselves. The entered invoice number is put into field ‘Payment note’ allowing for easy reconciliation.
Prerequisite: the journal needs a fixed off-set account of the type Bank
This will enable the Banking functionalities
Data entities
New entities
In order to be able to export and import data related to this module the following data entities have been added/modified.
Bank reconciliation numbersequence masks |
DYSBNKBankReconciliationMaskEntity |
Bank reconciliation settings |
DYSBNKBankReconciliationSettingsEntity |
Bank search values |
DYSBNKBankReconciliationSearchValuesEntity |
Customer return reasons |
DYSBNKCustPaymReturnReasonEntity |
Payment specification mapping |
DYSBNKPaymentSpecificationMappingEntity |
After a new installation of the solution the entity list on the entity settings (
Data management workspace > Data import/export framework parameters > tab: Entity settings) needs to be refreshed to add the new data entities.
Modified entities
Customers |
CustCustomerV3Staging |
General journal |
LedgerJournalEntity |
Vendor payment method |
VendorPaymentMethodEntity |
Vendors |
Journal names |
Vendor parameters |
On existing entities that have been modified the target mappings need to be refreshed (
Data management workspace > Data entities > Modify target mapping > Generate mapping).
Release notes
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Folder import v2 is now default, message will be given that v1 is obsolete
- continue search' parameter default behavior, if disabled user will receive a warning message
- Skip unapproved transactions default behavior. When disabled, a warning message will be given.
- The Use banking journals will be become default behavior, Warning message given when disabling the parameter
- Split Lines version V1 and V2 obsolete, V3 will be default. Warning message given if changed
- Sending customer/vendor specification will become obsolete. Functionality will be replaced with SSRS emailing reports. Dec 2025
- Configuration key property EnabledByDefault has been set to False for all configuration keys
- The Payment service provider functionality has been put behind a license check
- Advanced Finance menu has been extended with Banking menu items
- Advanced Finance menu has been extended with the Payment Service provider menu items
- The Payment service providers configuration key has been put under the new Advanced Finance configuration key
- Dynamics Banking config key has been put under the Advanced Finance configuration key
- Adjusted security privileges where needed to make sure our solution roles will not increase license requirement beyond 'team member'
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Extended the Split function to split payment specifications with partial payments
- PSP - Option added to journalize the gross or net amount from the payment specification
- PSP - Validation for existing transaction types has been added before journalizing
- PSP - An additional journal line with the exchange rate difference is created when journalizing gross amounts in case the was a rate difference between the moment of prepayment generation and the receival of the payment
- PSP - Both Gross and Net currency values are imported. Validation is done during the journalization of the batch
- When an email is sent using SSRS report for Vendor/Customer payment journal. The new field Payment specification is present showing the email has been sent or not, in the journal lines.
- PSP - Validation of method of payment has been removed
- Added a Split version 3 parameter to support a better handling on partial payments when importing payment specifications
- Lines that have transactions marked for settlement are no longer considered for the 'Split lines' function
- Code has been optimized based on Code Analysis Report findings
- PSP - GER format field ordering has been aligned with the default Adyen format
- PSP - The batch number of the payment service provider batch is used in the offset transaction text of the journal. This will help with the settlement of the ledger account that is used as offset account of the journal.
- Code has been optimized based on Code Analysis Report findings
- Bank reconciliation V2 has become default behavior V1 has been marked obsolete
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- DYSBNKLabels are now part of the DYSBNK package and the package DYSBNKLabels has been removed.
- As part of the deployable package installation the label packages will be removed automatically.
- In case you have added a reference to a label package in your own models, remove these references before installation.
- In case you have installed a label package model on a local or cloud hosted environment, you should remove this model manually.
- In case your are creating a combined deployable package, also add the old label packages to ModuleToRemove.txt of your deployment pipelines.
- Autosettle now uses payment note, if available. If not filled out, autosettle still uses the value of the Invoice field
- A new form 'Settlement overview' was added to the Vendor and Customer forms. It shows the transactions that will be considered, when running the Autosettle functionality
- Cached the ALF license to prevent too many ALF calls
- Fields Vendor Direct Debit Domain and Family have been added to the Bank Reconciliation setup to support recognition of Vendor Direct Debits
- Fields of the Bank Transaction Code are being passed to the Ledger Journal lines, i.e. Domain, Family and Subfamily.
- Vendor Direct Debits can be recognized based on their Bank Transaction Code, and will be marked Green immediately without trying to settle against open invoices.
- The label package DYSBNKLabels has been placed in its respective base package
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- As part of the deployable package installation of DYSEVT the DYSEVTLabel packages will be removed automatically.
- In case you have installed the DYSEVTlabels model on a local or cloud hosted environment, you should remove this model manually.
- In case your are creating a combined deployable package, also add DYSEVTLabels to ModuleToRemove.txt of your deployment pipelines.
- Configuration key for PSP is now a child configuration key of Dynamics Banking
- New function added in Customers and Vendors to automatically settle posted invoices and payments, based on invoicenumber and open amount
- Minor code optimisations, following the Microsoft Best practices
- Minor code optimisations, following the Microsoft Best practices
- Introduction of parameter Split V2. If set to Yes, D365 will use the information in the external payment specification to split the lines and create journal lines for each D365 company
- The labels for EVT have been moved from a separate label file into the regular EVT model
- Minor code optimisations, following the Microsoft Best practices
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- BInitial release of Dynamics General Ledger Foundation module
- Initial release of Dynamics Payment Service Providers module
- Introduction of Configuration provider HSONN
- BNK and PSP resource files have been added to the DYS Resource repository
- Split lines based on payment note now first considers open amounts and then the original invoice amounts to determine amount to be split
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Boolean 'Mark Green' in the Journal name has been extended to an enumaration with 4 values
- Date of direct debit cancellation has been changed to be the date of the bank journal line (and not the original direct debit date anymore)
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added hook to fill line data in the Payment Specification DP class
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Error Message if DYS Model v2.1 has not been previously installed. This is solved DYS Camt.053 Format v2.11.7
- Object reference error message no longer received when Dynamics Banking is not used
- Voucher number that included extra numbers separated by a dash, caused issues. Numbers after the dash are no longer imported into the banking journal
- Added Dynamics Banking GER files to Operations Resource repository
The option has been added to split the lines based in multiple customers/vendors, when creating a journal
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Functionalty 'Email payment specification' has been marked obsolete. In 12 months the functionality will be removed
- Partial settlements could not post, because of missing checkbox 'Fully settle'
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added new GER configuration files
- DYS Camt.053 Format v2.11.6
- DYS Bank statement mapping v2.11.3
- If multiple vendors are found with the same bank account, or no vendors are found based on bank account, the system will use the invoice number to find the vendor
- Sequence Number can now be imported from files, and used in the Journal description of the general journal that gets created out of a Bank Statement
- On the Bank Account, user can now specify what the Journal description should look like, using variables.
- Added new partial settlement feature. Please find more information on
- Empty bank statements are skipped when creating bank journals and directly set to status Posted
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added a new parameter 'Use Dynamics Banking view' to hide certain elements in the bank statement form
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added balance field to Recognized invoices form
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added new GER configuration files
- DYS BAI2 format v1.9.20.2
- DYS CAMT.053 Format v2.11.4
- DYS Bank Statement mapping v2.11.2
- Azure import archive folder can now be configured with date segments. Use %1, %2, %3 in the archive folder, where %1 = year, %2 = month and %3 = day. To keep existing functionality and archive statements per day, use 'ArchiveFolder%1%2%3'
- In the Bank Reconciliation Settings an error folder can be specified. It is defaulted to the Import folder dialog.
- Batch option has been added to the 'Create Bank Journal' function
- Using Folder Import V2 (Bank Reconciliation Settings) presents an alterative dialog to the user, which supports the Batch Recurrence
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added format 2.8.2 to GER configuration files
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Extended CustCustomerDetailV2Entity with Payment specification setup fields
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Removed obsolete account search code
- Relabelled some security elements
- Removed option 'Excel' from filetypes in Payment specification mapping
- A new Status field added to the Bank statements. Results are Imported, Journalized or Posted
- Removed obsolete bridging account fields
- Relabelled Exclude vendor transactions security roles
- Added a seperate entry point for Dynamics banking journals in Cash & Bank management
- Added a new button 'Delete journal(s)' to the bank statements (form).
- New tiles added to Bank Management works space to reflect the number of Imported and Journalized statements
- Add batch functionality for Create banking journals function to allow the function to run periodically
- Split lines number, Recognize companies, Recognize accounts and Reconcile options have been added to the Create Bank Journal function
- Removed the 'Enable company recognition' parameter as this is now an option in the 'Create banking journals' function
- Support of intercompany direct debits, where checkbox 'Propose seperate customer payment per LE' is selected
- Recognize company based on payment voucher for returned lines
- Recognize customer accounts for returned payments based on payment journal
- Added new parameter to enable split bank statement functionality
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Solution now supports Centralized Receivables, i.e. if a central company receives customer payment on behalf of related companies, they can now be reconciled. And the cancellation of direct debits now takes intercompany into consideration.
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Currency is kept on banking journal lines when manually assigning a customer/vendor
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- When the 'Split bank statement at # of lines' is set to 0, some related code is now no longer being executed
- It is now possible to creating banking journals for multiple banking statements at once
Feature |
Introduced in version |
Multi-currency and Multi-company
It is now possible to use the currency, exchange rate defined on the bank statement.
Introduction of banking statement that can now be used via multi-company.
Instructed fields (curreny, amount, exchange rate) on the Bank Statement are passed to the Ledger journal lines, so they can be used by multi-currency reconciliation
Recognized invoices form now shows crossrate / exchange rate
Customer payment currency is showing on Bank Statement tab
Link between customer and bank account is created, for the company on the journal line
Using the Invoice format, the company for the payment is determined. If not found, bank account is used.
Using the company account on the journal line, customer invoices are reconciled and settled
System checks in which company (dataarea) a Bank Account exists and uses it to find customer
New parameter to activate multi-company recognition |
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Azure Storage key in Bank Reconciliation Setup is now masked
- Switched sequence of searching bankaccounts of customer and vendors if payment is received
- Extended Vendors V3 entity with Dynamics Banking fields
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Clarified path error when sending email specification
- When attaching a bank account to a customer, Dynamics now first uses the IBAN account to check if the bank account already exists
- Added functionality to import standard bank statements from an Azure file share
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Increased the maximum size of the invoice mask.
- Added the option to ignore unapproved vendor transactions during reconcilliation
Feature |
Introduced in version |
Extended the standard Microsoft Electronic Reporting CAMT053 import
- Introduced functionality for posting standard Bank Statements to a General Journal. This way, importing of statements can be done in the standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations way, and after a successful import, the lines get copied to General Journals, which are still used for the reconciliation process.
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- CAMT053 Credit reference information is imported into a new, separate field and passed into the payment note field for reconciliation
- 'Transfer bank account' functionality removed to prevent data inconsistencies
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Bank accounts now get created including country code in the address
- Validation implemented on Belgian bank account number (3-7-2)
- If a customer and bank account are already connected, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will no longer prompt the user, even if interactive.
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Simulate posting now works in the case of multi journals (if Bank Statement import, created multiple journals)
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added extension point to allow settle yellow reconciliation
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added extension point in reconciliation process to stop retrieving reconciliation transactions
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added extension point to allow settle yellow reconciliation
- Added extension point in reconciliation process to stop retrieving reconciliation transactions
- If bridging transactions exist, the Bank Reconciliation will use the original jounal number in the PmtInfId field to find them, and clean them on posting
- In the case of a batch transaction in CAMT53, the number of transactions in the batch is displayed in the Bank Statement tab
- Fields 'Cumulate Bridging' and 'Bridging Account' have been hidden on forms 'Journal Names' and 'General Journals'. The functionality is still available, but will be deprecated in a future release
- Introduced option to specify the minimum length of the numerical part of invoice numbers. This helps to prevent false positives.
- Added extension point in invoice matching process
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added default customized customer/vendor payment proposal report for document hashes
- Added document hash history button to customer payments journal
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added extension points to make the payment specification attachment more flexible
- Enable customer/vendor account setup on payment terminals
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Option to immediately reconcile lines, on importing and processing an external specification
- Added button 'Undo (reconciliation') to banking journals
- Added parameter 'Perform reconciliation' to payment mapping
- Added parameter 'Perform reconciliation' to import specification form, to start the reconciliation for the line immediately
- On the journal line a new reset button has been introduced to reset a green line (settled) to the color white, unsettled.
- IBAN is now printed on vendor and customer statements
- Added email specification attachment parameter for customers (previously only vendors)
- Email payment specification parameters have been added to bank reconciliation setup form
- Allow splitting of lines (by parameter) of general journal lines that already have account type 'customer' or 'vendor'. Previously only lines of type 'Ledger' could be split
- Extension point invoice search (contract)
- Extension for account search in import class
- CAMT053 batch payments are now created as separate lines in journal
- If a customer has the same bank account twice, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations now treats it as a single customer
- Extension point for importing a bank statement line from XML
- It is necessary to configure the Number Sequence for Bank Statements, in the standard Cash and Bank Parameters
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Validated release for version 1005.29 In the Organization Email Templates form, the user can now import a default (English) payment specification
- Added tracing of the reconciliation process that can be turned on in the banking reconciliation setup
- The reconciliation parameters are not only available in the Cash Management parameters, but now also in the Bank Reconciliation setup. In time, they will be removed from the Cash Management parameters
- Return reason and voucher are now stored and visible in the journal (tab Bank Statement)
- If it is a return transaction, the account will be searched using the voucher number (and not e.g. the bank account)
- Returned payments are now processed during posting of the journal instead of during the import of the bank statement
- A new reconciliation function (v2) has been introduced. By default Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will use the old one, but you can activate the new one in the Bank Reconciliation Setup
- Made the banking solution compatible with FinOps V10.0.4 / PU28
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- New functionality that allows a user to specify per customer, vendor, customer group, vendor group or all customers or all vendors, what their external specification looks like, and import such a specification into a banking journal line
- Option to include an csv file to e-mail of payment specification, using a parameter in Accounts Payable
- The standard field 'AttachmentPath' in the email parameters has been made visible, to support the attachment in the email of payment specifications
- Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations can now generate the Hash Total (Controle getal) that some banking applications require. We’ve implemented encryption for SHA-1, SHA-256 and MD5 on the payment journals, allowing users to see these totals
- Introduced tracing in specific areas. Can be configured in "bank reconciliation setup > tracing" tab If a line contains a 'return' reason, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will first search for customers in the case of a debit amount.
- If there is no return reason Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will first search for a vendor in the case of a debit amount
- Cleaned up some code, to comply with AppChecker
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added vendor banking fields to VendVendorV2Entity
- Added customer banking fields to CustCustomerV3Entity
- Added an (internal) bank statement line number to the journal lines
- Parameter to use (internal) Bank Statement Line number to sort the lines in a journal
- Added journal name banking fields to LedgerJournalNameEntity
- Introduced a parameter that allows a user to determine what to do with the difference amount on settling a transaction
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Own bank account is taken from :25: line
- To derive the bank account from the IBAN, we're now using the standard class BankIBANAccountValidator. As an effect, the Postbank accounts will no longer show with a prepix 'P', but with leading zeros
- Add support for STRD tags in CAMT053
- RABO return payment now uses EREF tag to find voucher
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Searching for invoice will now be done, within the found customers
- Introduced a new parameter 'Continue Search'
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- No functional features added, only a new release on latest application and platform
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Added the possibility of tracing the reconciliation process that can be turned off or on in the banking reconciliation setup.
- In the Organization Email Templates form, the user can now import a default (English) payment specification
- The Banking Reconciliation parameters have now been centralized in the parameters Bank Reconciliation setup in the General Ledger setup. In the future, the parameters will be removed from the Cash and Bank Management parameters and will only be present in the parameters of the Bank Reconciliation setup.
- Return reason and voucher numbers are now visible in the journal lines in the tab Bank Statement. This data is only filled when an transaction is imported.
- An imported return payment transaction will be searched using the voucher number (and not e.g. the bank account).
- Returned payments are now processed during posting of the journal instead of during the import of the bank statement.
- A new reconciliation function (v2) has been introduced. By default Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will use the old one, but you can activate the new one in the Bank Reconciliation Setup
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Application has been upgraded to the 2019 Spring release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Use IBAN for Bank account validation during statement import
- Approve journal line upon mark Green during reconciliation
- Use the document date on Email specification when set
- Added Bank account validation to journal
- Invoice field added to Banking journal lines to fetch customer and amount
- Create new journal line with difference amount after settlement
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Fall release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
- Position of the reconciliation indicator in the grid has been changed
- Implemented CAMT053 as a format
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Application has been upgraded to the 2018 Spring release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Application has been upgraded to the 2017 Fall release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
Feature |
Introduced in version |
- Application has been upgraded to the 2017 July release of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
- Exclude vendor transactions
Feature |
Introduced in version |