Product documentation
Enable workers to log-in

A worker has to login at the register before he can create or modify a sales order.

The log-in functionality will link a worker to the user that is linked to the register.

Which workers are allowed to log-in is controlled via the address book that has been setup on the worker (Human resources > Workers > Workers > tab Profile) and the address book on the store (Counter sales > Setup > Stores > tab: General), they have to match.

The password of this worker is setup on the Counter sales tab on the worker (Human resources > Workers > Workers)

Field Description
Password The password needs to match the POS Authentication settings in the Counter sales parameters.
Blocked for register login By default this checkbox is enabled and needs to be turn-off, to enable the worker to log-in
User needs to change the password The next time a worker logs in he has to change his password
Login with GUID

When this check box is enabled the Login GUID is generated automatically, but it can be changed. On store level the parameter Login with GUID also needs to be enabled, this will enable the log-on via GUID dialog during the log-in.

When a GUID is entered in the log-on dialog, the worker will be signed-in automatically without having to enter his credentials. This feature can be use e.g. when using a worker card or tag.
