Product documentation
Recalculate cost and coverage levels

When a sales order or quotation line is created, the margin values on the information on the price and margin management tab is retrieved or calculated on save of the record.

For retail orders (both sales and quotations) the purchase price and cost level information is retrieved from the applied price adjustment where the pre calculated cost price levels are stored on the adjustment lines.

For non-retail orders or for retail orders where the agreement was not found or did not contain pre calculated cost price levels, the system will check whether Automatically create a cost / sales price line has been enabled. In that case the system will calculate the information on save of the record. See for more information the pre requisites.


Via the button recalculate, the user is able to influence these values by selecting one of the following options:

Option Description
Manual price E.g. when you have made an agreement with your vendor that for this specific sales order you get a special purchase price.
Find active purchase price The pre calculated cost prices are based on the default vendor and default purchase quantities, with this option the system will search for the current active trade agreement and cost value setup based on the selected input parameters (Vendor, Site, Warehouse, Currency, Quantity, Unit, Date, Terms of delivery).
Use purchase agreement Via the Find agreement button the user can select the conditions from all valid purchase agreements based on the selected input parameters (Vendor, Site, Warehouse, Currency and Date)
Locked When the line is locked, the purchase and cost price information in the order line is not recalculated when the system is fetching a new price based on changed quantity, dimensions or date.

This button recalculate is only accessible for workers with a price margin worker group where the parameter Allow cost price recalculation is enabled.

When a purchase order is created for a sales order with an override the price and discount values from that sales order line are inherited to the purchase order and is it not possible to use the recalculate function anymore. Changes to the purchase order price or line charges will trigger a recalculation of the cost price on the sales order line. In case of an override based on a purchase agreement the purchase order is released from that agreement.

When a quotation has been confirmed (converted into a sales order) the recalculate function is not available anymore and the information of the price and margin management tab is copied to the sales line.