Product documentation
In This Topic
    Advanced Warehouse Management - Labels
    In This Topic

    Business value

    Items that are purchased-to-order, are generally inspected by the receiving worker. He or she should immediately tag the item, to avoid mistakes upon picking. When a purchase order line is directly linked to a sales order line, standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations can put the received item on a specific cross dock zone or cross dock location.

    Challenges in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations :

    Warehouse Management supports the cross docking process for purchase-to-order items in an efficient way.


    In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations it is possible to setup Document routing layouts to print labels on a Zebra printer or similar. The label printing can be triggered from a work creation process on the mobile device, or from a work line print step.

    Challenges in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations :

    Warehouse Management adds this functionality and more, e.g. example shipping labels for common carriers.



    Go-live script advice: in logistics, the printing of labels as identification is CRITICAL. If no physical label is printed on the Zebra printer, often the logistical flow cannot start! In the go-live script make sure that the printing of physical ZPL labels has been verified in the PROD environment before the actual go-live moment. The challenge is that labels are always created and printed based on transactions. Advice: before the actual go-live, your can register a purchase order line on the mobile device. Switch on Generate label and Print label on the mobile device menu item. The registration can easily be reversed by cancelling the PO work (and unregistering via the PO line, Update line, or set the WHS parameter Unregister receipt when cancellling work).


    License plate labels

    Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Document routing layout

    The table license plate labels contains the data for label printing.


    Field Description Remark
    Put away label

    Mobile device menu item for a work creation proces

    Print label = yes

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

    Work label

    Work template line of type Print, which generates a print work line that is executed once per work prior to the first put step

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

    Wave label

    When processing the wave, a strip of labels can be printed upfront. These labels can be given to the picker before he starts the actual picking process

    Cross dock label

    Label that can be generated upon receipt instead of the standard put away label

    Warehouse Management

    Pick label

    Completion of a work line if there is a valid pick label print policy

    Warehouse Management

    Shipping label

    Closing a container on the packing station. The user that is set on the packing station form is included in the license plate label

    Warehouse Management


    Each field can be included as a variable in the ZPL code of the document routing layout. Each field can be used in the criteria of the document routing. E.g. define a specific label layout for certain customers, carriers etc based on a query on the license plate label.

    Warehouse Management creates the labels with the following data (note that some fields were not filled by standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations  functionality):


    Field Description Remark
    Account name

    Put away label: Vendor account name

    Work label: Customer account name or Contact person name (depending on parameter Warehouse mgt > Print mgt)

    Cross dock/pick/shipping label: Contact person name or Customer account name (depending on parameter Warehouse mgt > Print mgt)


    Account number

    Customer ID or Vendor ID


    Batch number

    Identification of the batch (single SKU only)


    Bill of lading

    BOL number



    Carrier (first part of the mode of delivery)



    Color (single SKU only)



    Configuration ID (single SKU only) 


    Container ID

    Shipping label: Container ID


    Customer requisition


    City from

    Load address, from city


    From location

    Location from


    From name 

    Load, from name 


    From state

    Load address, from state


    From street

    Load address, from street


    From zip / postal code

    Load address, from zip code


    From zone ID 

    From zone (work line)


    GS1 company prefix

    Prefix from the WHS parameters


    Handling quantity


    Handling unit


    Inventory profile

    Inventory profile (single SKU only)


    Item number

    Released product number (single SKU only)


    Label format

    Label format


    Label ID


    Label report name

    Label report name


    License plate


    Line number

    Line number of order


    Order number

    Sales order, Transfer order, Production order, Purchase order


    Ordered quantity

    Original quantity on order line (inventory unit)



    Owner ID


    Packing quantity

    Packing quantity


    Printed date

    Date on which the label is created and printed


    Pro number

    Pro number of the shipment


    Product name

    Name of the released product 


    Remaining quantity

    Remaining quantity for order line


    Serial number

    Serial number (single SKU, single serial number only)


    Shipment ID

    Shipment number



    Site of the load



    Size (single SKU only)



    Style (single SKU only)


    To city

    Deliver to city


    To country/region

    Deliver to country


    To location

    To location (put location of the work)


    To name


    To state

    Deliver to state


    To street

    Deliver to street


    To zip / postal code

    Deliver to zip code


    To zone ID




    User ID



    Load from warehouse



    Gross weight, summarized item gross weight and container tare weight


    Work center location

    Work center location ID


    Work ID

    Work ID


    Work order type

    Sales order, Raw material picking, Transfer issue, Purchase put away, etc.


    Work quantity


    Work template

    Work template code



    Additional fields and display methods 

    Field Description Remark
    Container number Sequence number of the container within this shipment


    E.g. to print "Package 2/5" via ZPL code 

    Number of containers

    Total number of containers within this shipment


    Bar code

    The (scannable) barcode stored on the sales line or purchase line. For purchase lines, the barcode must be active for printing


    Country name from

    Name of the origin country


    Country name to

    Name of the destination country


    External item ID

    Salesline external item ID


    Net weight

    Net weight of the goods, i.e. without the tare weight, without the empty container weight


    Carrier service code

    Service code, second part of the mode of delivery



    Depot number for this carrier for this zip code range



    Route for this carrier for this zip code range


    Contact number/address

    Phone number of the delivery address


    Lot ID

    Inventory transaction ID


    From streetnumber

    House number of the from address


    To streetnumber

    House number of the to address


    From building complement

    Building complement of the from address (house number addition)


    To building complement

    Building complement of the to address (house number addition)


    Customer reference

    Customer reference


    External order number

    Customer's order number or requisition number


    Load ID

    Load ID (collection of 1 or more shipments) (display method)


    Load - extra info

    Load - Extra information (display method)



    Dock location of the load (dock appointment or final shipping location)


    Stop number

    Stop number of the shipment


    Sales name

    Sales name on the sales order, initialized with customer name


    Cluster position

    Cluster position of the work. E.g. when ship labels are printed with a work line step after the last pick line, and the worker must add the physical label to the correct position on the trolley


    To warehouse

    Destination warehouse ID (transfer orders only)


    Delivery name

    Delivery name of the sales order header, else filled with To name


    Filter code 1..10

    Product filter code 1..10

    Requested ship date

    Production order: requested ship date of the sales line that is supplied through this production order (directly or via a transfer order)


    Confirmed ship date

    Production order: confirmed ship date of the sales line that is supplied through this production order (directly or via a transfer order)






    Production order: density




    Pick up in store / local delivery by store (supplied and labeled from DC) / Production for sales line

    The Marked by ... methods below can be used on the label document routing layout when a transfer order is shipped from the DC to a local warehouse, and the transfer order receipt is 1:1 marked by a local sales order.

    Also on a production order finished goods put away label, these Marked by information can be printed on the label.

    Marked by name

    Related sales order name


    Marked by street

    Related sales line street  


    Marked by street nr

    Related sales line street number


    Marked by building

    Related sales line building complement


    Marked by zip code

    Related sales line zip code


    Marked by city

    Related sales line city


    Marked by country

    Related sales line country


    Marked by customer reference

    Related sales line reference


    Marked by customer requisition

    Related sales line requisition


    Marked by mode of delivery

    Related sales line mode of delivery


    Marked by ship date

    Related sales line confirmed or else requested ship date


    Marked by receipt date

    Related sales line confirmed or else requested receipt date


    Marked by sales order

    Sales order ID that is supplied though this order (directly or via a transfer order)



    Intercompany order information

    Scenario: original sales order is in a commercial company, intercompany sales orders in a logistics company, intercompany-2 sales orders in a production company. Print the correct original order information on the production order labels.

    The following methods on both WHSLicensePlateLabel and ProdTable can retrieve the data when used in a ZPL layout. Only available if the configuration key Small warehousing is active.

    Original sales order

    IC original sales order ID


    Original customer name

    IC original sales order name 


    Original customer reference

    IC original customer reference


    Original customer requisition 

    IC original customer requisition


    Original export reason

    IC original sales order export reason


    Original ship date

    IC original sales line confirmed ship date, else requested ship date


    Original to street

    IC original destination street


    Original to street number

    IC original destination street number


    Original to building compliment

    IC original destination building complement


    Original to zip code 

    IC original destination zip code


    Original to city

    IC original destination city


    Original to country

    IC original destination country


    Location details

    (IC) sales line location details 



    Content list on ZPL label


    Prerequisite feature: Enhanced license plate label layouts (active by default)

    To print a column with a list of items on the work label or the ship label, these display methods can be included in the ZPL.

    For each column, the start position ^FO and the box size ^FB must be defined.

    The elements in each column are separated by \& which is translated into a line break.

    The viewer does not support the list unfortunately, but the result is visible by copying the actual ZPL code to the web page.


    Field Description Remark
    Item list

    Work label: items on the pick work lines for the current target LP

    Ship label: items on the container lines 


    Item name list

    Product names of the items on the item list


    Quantity list

    Quantities for the items on the item list


    Unit list

    Units for the items on the item list


    Barcode list

    Only filled if there is a related sales line with a barcode


    External item list

    Only filled if there is a related sales line with an external item code



    Example ZPL:





    ^FDItem number\&$DYSDWAItemList()$^FS








    Different label layouts depending on the order line data: The fields in the license plate label can be used in the document routing query which determines the label layout and destination printer. Remember to tick "Run query" on the form Document routing. In the query join, use the lot ID to make a table join from "License Plate Label" to "Inventory transactions originator" to "Relationship between ... and the inventory transactions originator" to the Sales line, Purchase line or Production BOM line.



    Note that for raw material picking, due to limitations in the standard query framework, you can not join from the Production BOM line to the Production order itself. So it is not possible to print a certain label layout for raw material if the production pool is XYZ. Advice is to use any field in the production BOM line, e.g. Position.


    Custom label layout

    Display methods

    Custom ZPL labels can be based on many standard tables. Warehouse Management adds a set of useful display methods. The expression including the both $ signs can be used in the ZPL layout.


    Production orders (ProdTable)

    Field Description Remark
    Height Production order: Height $ProdTable_1.DYSDWAProdHeightStr()$


    Production order: Width



    Production order: Depth



    Production order: Density


    Default production quantity 

    Quantity per label (full)


    Last label quantity

    Quantity on the last (not full) label


    Filter code 1..10

    Released product: WHS filter code 1..10

    $ProdTable_1.DYSDWAFilterCode1()$ .. $ProdTable_1.DYSDWAFilterCode10()$ 

    Number of labels full

    Number of labels with full default production quantity



    Cross dock labels

    Purchase line with reference to sales line / transfer order issue / production material

    Scenario: a sales order contains 7 lines:

    In the coverage group of the purchase-to-order items, specify coverage code = Requirement. This will establish a direct link between sales order line and purchase order line.

    When the first purchase order line that serves this sales order is received:

    For the second, third, fourth, fifth purchase order line for this sales order:


    In a similar scenario, the purchased components and raw materials for a production order, or the purchased products for an outbound transfer order can be crossdocked to one location per production order / transfer order.


    When a cross docking template is set up, cross docking work is created instead of purchase work. If cross dock labels are set up as well, the label contains the address of the sales order or the address of the warehouse to which the goods must be transfered.  


    Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouses

    When the parameter Print cross dock labels is activated on the warehouse, cross dock labels can be printed for purchase order lines that are directly related to e.g. sales order lines.

    The parameter Block release until cross docked will prevent automatic release of the sales order line until the connected line is put away (i.e. the put away work is closed).


    Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items

    If "Print label" is switched on in the mobile device menu item, and there is a reference order line (e.g. the purchase order line has a reference to a sales order line), the label will contain the cross dock information like sales order, customer, delivery address etc.


    In the mobile device menu item for purchase receiving, switch on "Print label". The printed label is stored in the License plate labels, and the license plate label is used to find other cross dock items for the same sales order.


    Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives (Purchase put)

    The item to be cross docked can be directed to a location in the cross dock zone.


    Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives (Sales pick)

    The item that was cross docked can be picked from the location in the cross dock zone.


    Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Document routing 

    Specify a document routing layout for sales orders. This will be used when the cross dock label is printed.


    Cross docking labels can only be printed if there is a direct relation from the purchase line to a reference order, e.g. a sales line. This link is established when the purchase order is created from the sales order, or when the type of the coverage group is Requirement. In the sales pick location directives, the strategy Cross docking for linked orders automatically takes into account related order lines (with a reference) only, so there is no need to specify this in the query of the location directive headers. 


    Purchase line with reference to transfer line

    Scenario: the item is purchased in the central warehouse, and then transfered to a subsidiary warehouse.

    When receiving the item in the central warehouse, in stead of a purchase put away label, a transfer label with transfer order number must be printed.

    A label is generated similar to the purchase put away label, but the work order type is Transfer issue, the order number is the transfer order number and the lot id is the reference lot (the transfer order shipment lot id).

    Setup a document routing for Transfer issue, and corresponding document routing layout.   


    Purchase line with reference to production BOM line

    Scenario: when the BOM line type is vendor, and the production order is estimated, the raw material is purchased for this specific production order.

    Upon receipt, in stead of a purchase put away label, a production raw material pick label with the production order must be printed.

    A label is generated similar to the purchase put away label, but the work order type is Raw material picking, the order number is the production order number and the lot id is the reference lot (the production BOM line lot id).

    Setup a document routing for Raw material picking, and corresponding document routing layout.



    Cross dock labels from transfer receipt to sales order or production BOM are not supported because there is no direct reference from the transfer receipt line to a reference order.


    Pick label printing

    In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations wave label printing the labels will be printed when processing the wave, before the picking process is started. So the picker will take a physical strip of labels into the warehouse. 


    Therefor Warehouse Management adds the functionality to print a label during the picking process, on a printer that is mounted on the reachtruck or trolley or similar.

    The functionality uses the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations document routing framework for license plate label printing.


    Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouses

    When the parameter Print pick labels is activated on the warehouse, pick labels can be printed for

    When the parameter Deferred pick label printing is activated on the warehouse, the worker does not have to wait for the physical label to be printed, but can proceed with the next pick line immediately, while pick labels are printed for the previous line.


    The pick labels can be printed upon completion of the work line for Sales order picking, Transfer issue picking, Raw material picking, Finished goods put away and Co/by products put away. If a finished goods put away label is printed, or raw material is picked to serve a production order that has a reference to a sales order, the sales order information can be printed on the label. 



    Warehouse management > Document routing > Pick label print policy

    The pick label print defines for which work template lines one or more labels are printed. Print pick labels must be switched on at the warehouse. 

    Field Description Remark
    Line number Defines the search sequence for the label print policy The first found valid line applies

    Work template details

    Reference to a work template line

    Select a pick work template line for sales orders, transfer order issue, raw material picking  

    Code 1

    Product filter code 1

    If filled, this setup is only used for released products with this code 1

    Code 2

    Product filter code 2

    If filled, this setup is only used for released products with this code 2

    Code 3

    Product filter code 3

    If filled, this setup is only used for released products with this code 3

    Code 4

    Product filter code 4

    If filled, this setup is only used for released products with this code 4

    Pick label policy

    Maximum number of labels

    If filled with a value > 0, and the number of labels per work line would be exceed this, the extra labels are not printed.

    This is to avoid printing massive qty of labels due to an error in the setup.

    Number sequence

    The SSCC number sequence, or an internal number sequence for the label

    Transportation number sequence setup is used that includes the calculation of a check digit

    Use container ID as label ID 

    If 1 label per work line is printed, the label ID on the license plate label can be set equal to the container ID

    When printing a picking label during picking, table WHSLicensePlateLabel.LabelId can be filled with the container ID. This is mainly relevant if the container ID is already filled with the track and trace in the put-to-wall process (setting on the outbound sorting template). Thus, the same label layout (document routing layout) can be used for shipping labels and pick labels that are printed in a sorted inventory picking scenario. 


    On the pick label the field handling quantity reflects the quantity for this label.


    In case of a shortpick, the authorized worker may opt for reallocation. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will cancel or reduce the current work line, cancel the upcoming put line, and create a new work line for the same item on an alternative location. This new work line has no reference to the original work template line, but the pick label can still be printed automatically for the new work line. 


    Advised setup for the Transportation number sequence SSCC (Serialized Shipping Container Code):

    Transportation management > Setup > Engines > Generic engines

    Create an engine for calculation of the CheckDigit.

    Field Description Remark
    Generic engine CheckDigit


    Check digit

    Engine type

    Check digit



    Engine assembly


    Engine class


    This is logic is used for check digit calculation in SSCC codes

    Source type


    Transportation management > Setup > Carriers

    Create a number sequence for SSCC or PostNL 15 characters code or PostNL 13 characters code or internal 7 digits.

    Field Description Remark
    Number sequence SSCC 00+18 digits  /  PostNL 15 characters  /  PostNL 13 characters  /  Internal 6+1 digits

    Nr sequence type

    Enter description here

    Enter remark here


    Serialized Shipping Container Code  /  PostNL15  /  PostNL13  /  Internal 6+1

    Number sequence type

    Pro number

    Pro number and SSCC use the same logic

    Check digit



    Example: 0038712345  /  3STOPE  /  3STOPE  /  [empty]



    Start sequence

    Example: 10000000  /  10000000  /  100000  /  100000

    End sequence

    Example: 20000000  /  99999999  /  999999  /  999999

    9 digits max!

    Next sequence

    Example: 10000001  /  10000001  /  100001  / 100001

    Threshold sequence

    Example: 19999000  /  99999000  /  999000  /  999000

    When this number is reached, the system starts to warn each time a new number is generated


    17  /  16  /  12  /  12

    For internal numbering, this should be 8 or more

    In case an SSCC number is required per shipment, link this Pro number sequence to a carrier. The Pro number will be assigned when the shipment is created for this carrier.

    In case an SSCC number is required per pick label, link this Pro number sequence to the pick label print policy for the applicable work template line.



    Be aware that there are some known issues with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations standard TMS number series. In many cases the field Length must have a higher value than you expect. This could even cause a duplicate value error (in table WHSLicensePlateLabel) upon picking a line on the mobile device, or completing the work on the PC ! Especially the field Next sequence must be as many digits as the end sequence, because the checkdigit calculation goes wrong if you start with next sequence 1. Advice for internal numbering is to set up a length of 8 or more. 


    Reprint license plate label

    Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Reprint license plate label

    The mobile device menu items include an activity code to reprint a label. The functionality can be used on a mobile device, and by scanning the license plate ID, the label can be reprinted to the same printer as before. Technically the label information is handled again by the document routing. 

    In standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations it is not possible to:

    The Warehouse Management  PC function Reprint license plate label can be used to reprint one or more labels in an efficient flow. Use a wireless or wired USB scanner and have a ZPL printer installed near the PC.

    Optionally, the user ID which was stamped on the original license plate label, can be changed to a new user ID. This allows the printing of the label on a different printer, with a different layout. Specify an additional document routing setting for the new user ID, with the applicable printer and document routing layout.


    Field Description Remark
    Set new user ID Change the user ID on the License plate label?  Fields like (Mobile) user ID on the license plate label can be used for filtering in the document routing


    User ID

    This new user will be set on the license plate label.

    Select an existing mobile device user ID.

    Label ID

    This license plate ID, container ID or label ID will be retrieved, and the label will be printed according to the document routing settings for the new user (if applicable).


    Clean up license plate labels

    Warehouse management > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Clean up license plate labels

    As described above, license plate labels can be generated from various processes. Name and address information is stored on the license plate labels. The clean up functionality can, after a number of days, and only if the sales order is invoiced:

    Field Description Remark
    Number of days to keep names and addresses for sales labels When number > 0, replace name, street and number, reference and phone with a dot. Invoiced sales orders only. GDPR requires that personal data is not stored longer than needed for the intended purpose. E.g. 30 days after invoicing the sales order, replace the names and addresses and contact person data on on the label with a dot.

    Number of days to keep

    When number > 0, remove the license plate labels. Invoiced sales orders only.

    E.g. 90 days after invoicing, the license plate labels for a sales order can be deleted.


    Work audit template custom methods

    Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Work audit template lines update

    On the setup of mobile device menu items that handle work it is possible to specifiy a work audit template. This functionality is a standard frame work that allows to record extra information upon receipt and put away processes, or when executing existing work.

    The data is stored in the Work audit capture data. There is no validation on the entered value, so the mobile device menu label must be self explaining to the worker.


    Print license plate label must be activated on the mobile device menu item or on the work template line. If this option is not possible (e.g. for Movement by template), start with the AWHSInsertLabel. Document routing incl. layouts must be setup.


    In Warehouse Management  extra custom methods are available to update and print a generated license plate:

    Field Description Remark
    Audit trigger field This field from the work table is displayed on the mobile device E.g. TargetLicensePlateId

    Audit trigger event



    Capture data


    Updates the field handling quantity (WHSLicensePlateLabel.InventQty)


    Updates the field label format (WHSLicensePlateLabel.LabelFormat)

    E.g. Mobile device menu label = "Size 3 or 4"


    Insert a label for a quantity on a non LP location

    For mobile device menu items that do not have the option Print label. Hence there is no record in License plate label. This custom method only creates a record. Print the label with AWHSPrintLabels method


    Triggers n times the print command for the current label according to the document routing setup

    To avoid unintended waste of labels, the maximum is n = 100 labels


    Suggested use:

    Receipt labels: upon mobile receipt, the required number of labels and the optimal size can depend on the actual packing appearance. A4 label on a pallet, A3 label on a carton, A2 label on small boxes etc. The worker can decide on the mobile device the required set of labels. Create a work audit template while capturing data with the methods:

    Link the mobile device menu item to this work audit template.


    Reprint product labels: execute a movement by template in the mobile device, and set the qty per label, the format and the number of labels. Create a work audit template with the methods: 

    Link the mobile device menu item to this work audit template.