Product documentation
Advanced Warehouse Management - Outbound planning

Business value

Maximize customer satisfaction on delivery performance and still save on shipping and transport? The following common scenario can be a challenge in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations .

To maximize the number of DIFOT (delivered in-full, on-time) shipments, and to prioritize backorders, Warehouse Management  includes automatic functionality to allocate scarce inventory in a smarter way.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations perfectly shows the lines to be picked for a separate shipment, however it lacks overall visibility of all lines in a wave. Warehouse Management adds extra visibility.  


In a warehouse, often 60% of the labor hours or more is used for picking activities. So a considerable costs can be saved by reducing the travel distance per picking route. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations always uses a default picking sequence through the warehouse.

Warehouse Management adds new pick line sequence heuristics (mathematic rules of thumb) to find a shorter picking route through the aisles of the warehouse, both for single pick lists and for cluster pick lists. This can easily save 10-20% of the picking time.


As stated above, in a warehouse, the larger part of labor hours is used for picking activities. So a lot of travel time and a lot of costs can be saved by combining multiple picking lists.
Assumption for cluster picking is that the size of pick bin (tote) can be determined upfront, so bins will not be full before the cluster picking is finished. In practice, the physical dimensions and / or weight of all items should be defined in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . Only include works in a cluster that do not exceed a certain weight or volume.
In case one of the bins is full during cluster picking though, the user can pass and cancel the cluster, and the cluster has to be broken on the PC

Challenge in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is that there is no way to prepare clusters, other than printing each work header and scanning work headers that appear to be an efficient combination.

Warehouse Management has a paperless process that enables warehouse work preparation and clustering in an efficient way, and auto-directs the cluster to the picker on the floor.


Release to warehouse strategy

Warehouse management > Release to warehouse > Automatic release of sales orders

In the Automatic release to warehouse dialog Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has these options:

Challenge in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations :

Warehouse Management optimizes maximum DIFOT against minimum shipment costs. New parameters are added to the automatic release of sales orders dialog. This enables smart allocation of inventory.


Yes/No slider “Use release priorities”

When use release priorities, open sales orders within the selection of records to include are divided into:

Field Description Remark

Backorders (at least 1 packing slip)

Packing slip exists

Order is released partially

All open lines are reserved physically

Packing slip exists

Order is released partially

Some but no all open lines are reserved physically

Backorders (later than confirmed, no packing slip)

Sales orders (on time)

Which category should be prioritized when assigning free inventory?

The new Release priorities functionality allows to discern for each before mentioned groups between “in full” deliveries and partial deliveries.

If this functionality is used, some standard settings in the release dialog are enforced:


Yes/No slider “Deliver remaining quantity complete”
In the automatic release sales orders screen, select which of the above backorder situations should be released to warehouse when fully reserved.

Warehouse Management will now start with the selected category of orders with the highest priority (1) as set in the warehouse parameters, and tries to reserve the whole order.

Yes/No slider “Deliver remaining quantity partial”
In case the remaining quantity of an order can not be reserved completely, select in which of the backorder situations, delivery of the partial quantity should take place though.


Suggested use of release priorities

In the warehouse management parameters, define the relative priorities of back orders and on-time sales orders.

Automatic release of sales orders can be setup as a batch process, or multiple batch processes running at different times of the day with different settings.

In a warehouse, there is often a daily schedule. Example:

Field Description Remark
  7:00 -   7:30 Cycle counting   7:00  Generate cycle count plan

  7:30 -   9:00

Transfer order picking

  7:30  Automatic release of transfer orders

  9:00 -   9:30


  9:00  Replenishment Min/Max

  9:30 - 11:00

Sales order picking wave 1

11:00 - 12:30

Sales order picking wave 2

13:00 - 14:30

Sales order picking wave 3

14:30 - 16:00

Sales order picking wave 4

16:00 - 17:00

Truck loading

16:00 - 17:00


16:00  Replenishment Min/Max

  7:30 - 14:00


No unstored receipts allowed at wave processing (9:30. 11:00, 13:00 and 14:30)


To achieve the best DIFOT (deliver in full on time), the highest percentage of lines delivered on time, efficient shipment of backorders, against minimal transport costs, for the example above, the following setup is advised:

Before 14:30: completely shippable orders and backorders that can be shipped in full

With the release priorities it is possible to setup automatic release of sales orders to warehouse at 9:30 for wave 1, at 11:00 for wave 2, at 13:00 for wave 3. In these waves, only orders should be picked that are already completely shippable. This is to avoid partial shipping with extra transport costs, even if the customer has no fullfillment requirement.

After 14:30 Completely shippable (back)orders and partially shippable orders that are on time 

Automatic release of sales orders to warehouse at 14:30 for wave 4:


Load line overview (shipment line overview)

Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Load line overview

On the wave screen, one can easily see the shipments, but Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations does not provide a total overview of wave lines nor work lines.
Warehouse Management adds two important screens to be able to see what is in a wave in a glance. Note that load lines and shipment lines are basically the same.

In the Warehouse Management Load line overview, the load lines (or shipment lines) can be filtered on expected zone group, wave, shipment, load, order number, item, item search name, quantity, unit, code 1 – 4, package class ID, pack size, physical dimension group

To get a quick overview of the content of a wave, before it is processed the form Load line overview can be opened from the wave as well.

Suggested use of the Load line overview: even before the wave processed is over multiple loads (both inbound and outbound), the Warehouse Management Load line overview provides information about the nature of items, weight, volume, dangerous goods, filter codes etc. This information might be important for timely preparing dangerous goods provisions, arranging transport etc.


When release to warehouse generates a shipment and adds the shipment to the wave, but the wave is not processed yet, the load lines are already displayed in the Load line overview (even though the load itself will be generated later).  


When loads are created through the load planning workbench, the load lines will not be displayed in the Load line overview until the load is released to warehouse and the shipment is generated.


Work line overview

Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Work line overview

In the Warehouse Management Work line overview, the work lines can be filtered on expected zone group, wave, shipment, load, order number, work type, work status, zone ID, location, item, item search name, work quantity, remaining quantity, unit, estimated time, actual time, code 1 – 4, package class ID, pack size, physical dimension group, work class.

To get a quick overview of the content of all work within a wave, after it is processed the form Work line overview can be opened from the wave as well.

Suggested use: get a filterable overview, e.g. when there is a problem with a specific item, just filter all open work lines to avoid shipping. Or detect any problems that certain workers might have had while picking specific products.


Picking route optimization

If the wave process steps for the current wave template include picking route optimization, and the wave gets processed, after the work is created Warehouse Management will check whether an alternative sorting of the work lines will result in a shorter travel distance. Two heuristics are evaluated:

Field Description Remark
None Standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations : most used sorting of lines within a work

Usually set up a sorting per location sortcode in the work template, Edit query, temporary work transaction sort code.

In the cluster profile, setup sorting per sort code.

Each aisle should have a sequence number. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations generates the default sort codes (Inventory management > Periodic > Locations.

Largest gap

Heuristic tries to avoid travelling through parts of an aisle where no pick actions are needed. This heuristic tends to use the cross aisles as much as possible.

Aisle by aisle

If an aisle can only be traversed in one direction, this aisle should be part of a warehouse zone group where route optimization is not active.


For a detailed description of the heuristics please refer to the interactive warehouse of prof. K.J. Roodbergen.


Setup warehouse

Warehouse zone groups

Warehouse zone group setup

Warehouse cross aisles

Warehouse blocks



Location layout

Warehouse management > Work > All work > Button Location layout

Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Route optimization > Location layout

For the selected warehouse zone group a schematic graphical representation of the warehouse blocksaisles and cross aisles is visible.

If picking route optimzation is used, the location layout can be opened from the work, and the locations of this work are displayed with colored cells.


Work heuristic results

Warehouse management > Work > All work > Button Work heuristic results

Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Route optimization > Work heuristic results

Per work the outcomes of the applied heuristics are stored. The best alternative is selected automatically. If picking route optimization is used, the work heuristic results can be opened from the work.


Work header aggregated information

Warehouse management > Work > All work

Extra fields with aggregated information are added to the work header. Useful for automatic selection of optimal cluster candidates, or filtering and sorting on the mobile device in work lists.

Field Description Remark
Cluster ID Cluster of combined work headers 

Multiple work headers can be added to a cluster. If the cluster is full, the next cluster is created automatically.

The cluster can be system directed or user directed. In the latter case, it is needed to print a ticket (not part of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations nor Warehouse Management ) with a cluster ID.


Number of pick lines in the work

A low number of pick lines typically qualifies for clustering. With system directed picking, it makes sense to start with the longest pick lists, and finish with short pick lists. This avoids the situation that at the end of the wave, only few long pick lists remain, even if multiple warehouse workers are available. 


Gross weight of all items in the work

If specified, the weight of the work line unit is used, else the inventory unit weight is multiplied by the inventory quantity. A low weight typically qualifies for clustering.


Gross volume of all items in the work

If specified, the volume of the work line unit is used, else the inventory unit volume is multiplied by the inventory quantity. A low volume typically qualifies for clustering.


Largest gross item size in this work

Maximum gross height, width or depth of the longest item in this work. If specific sizes exist for the work line unit, these are taken into account too. Used to avoid odd size materials in the cluster.

Avg. distance

Average distance between two pick lines (total distance divided by the number of picks)

Depending on the situation, multiple works with a long average distance may qualify for clustering together.


Distinct zones in this work

Space separated distinct zones. Works with picks in the same zone combinations typically qualify for clustering

Zone group

Distinct zone groups in this work

Space separated distinct zone groups. Works with picks in the same zone group typically qualify for clustering

Package size

Distinct package size category IDs in this work

Space separated distinct package size category IDs. E.g. combine similar package sizes in one cluster.


Customer, vendor, or transfer warehouse 

Field can be used for clustering, and for system grouping on the mobile device.
The customer account is also added on production order related work when there is a reference from the production order to a sales order line. E.g. created a work list that is filtered on a specific account.

Start location

Location of the first line of this work

Field is not visible in the form work, but can be used for sorting and in data inquiry lists on the mobile device. To scan all LPs from one location in random sequence, switch on Locate LP on the work template, break the work per location and use a mobile device process with validated user directed work, and determine the scope by scanning the start location of the work.


These fields are available for most work types, incl. Sales picking work, Purchase put away work, Cross docking work and Packed container picking work. 

The aggregated fields are filled automatically when the work is created. The fields are not synchronized afterwards, e.g. when a work is split or inventory with existing work reservation was moved etc.

Setup released products with physical dimensions (length, width, height, volume, weight), and a package size category.

No further setup required.


Mixed LP picking - Locate LP

Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Work templates

Purpose: if a mixed license plate exists for the same destination, it should be sufficient to scan only the mixed LP code, without the need to scan individual products on that mixed license plate. Standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has only limmited functionality for mixed LP picking.

Though there are constraints and restrictions, through Warehouse Management mixed LP cross dock and pick is now available for many use cases.



Disclaimer: whether the mixed license plate picking functionality will be suitable on a project depends on the specific situation with many input variables, and it might require a different setup. If your scenario is not covered, please contact us for detailed information. Not covered mixed LP picking scenarios will be handled as paid change requests, not as bugs! Be aware that a change request will not always be granted to be solved in the standard Warehouse Management .


Unblock or block multiple work headers

Warehouse management > Work > All work > Button Block or unblock work

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations   allows to release all work within a wave automatically or by hand. Individual work can be unblocked or blocked, and in the past Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations did not enable this work blocking or unblocking for multiple selected work headers.

Similar functionality was added in Warehouse Management before, but is now part of standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations .


Copy address note to sales header

Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters

On the Accounts receivable parameters, specify whether address notes must be copied to the sales header. Set up the address note type that is copied.

Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers > Fast tab: Addresses > More options: Advanced > Paperclip

On the address, it is possible to attach a simle note. When the sales order address is entered or changed, the applicable address note is retrieved from the address. This note is copied to the shipment automatically. The information is visible on the shipment and can be displayed on the packing station (in the Warehouse management parameters, set the same document type for packing station texts).


Automatic shipment carrier selection rule

In standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , the mode of delivery (which can be a combination of carrier and carrier service) can be defaulted from the customer address or the customer. On the sales order (line), this default can be overridden. However, the system does not advise a carrier and service based on the totals and the geographical area.


The Warehouse Management automatic shipment carrier selection rule can be used in a wide variety. Examples:

Note that in theory it is possible to set up the TMS module, but this is generally an overkill on one hand, and on the other hand still does not comply with daily requirements.

Release sales orders or transfer orders to warehouse through one of these functions:

At the moment the wave is processed, and the functionality is activated on the wave template through the new wave process method "Automatic carrier selection rule":

The automatic shipment carrier selection rule updates the carrier and service


If the load already exists prior to wave processing, and this load contains multiple shipments, the automatic carrier selection does not apply. This situation could occur if a processed wave is cancelled and multiple shipments are manually added to one load, and then the wave is re-processed again.



Wave process method

Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave process methods

Regenerate methods. This will insert a.o. the method DYSDWAAutoCarrierSelectWaveStepMethod.


Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave templates

Add the method DYSDWAAutoCarrierSelectWaveStepMethod - Auto carrier select to the wave template, immediately after the validateWave, and before the postLoads


Shipment carrier selection rule

Warehouse management > Setup > Release to warehouse > Shipment carrier selection rule

In this form the setup is defined for which ranges of volume, gross weight, sales value etc. in combination with the geographic location of the delivery address a certain carrier must be selected. Optionally, the setup can depend on the shipment consolidation policy.

For easy setup, the button Copy will insert a duplicate of the current setting at the end of the list.  


Constraint validation

Optionally, the constraints for the carrier and service can be validated. If there is a restriction, the next rule will be evaluated. Use this functionality e.g. to exclude a carrier when the shipment contains flammable items, or when a customer does not accept certain carriers on his yard, or when there is a road restriction at a customer for large vehicle carriers etc.  


Field Description Remark
Line Line number The selection rules are evaluated from the lowest line number onwards. The carrier and service of the first valid rule are updated on shipment


Warehouse (optional)

If not filled, the rule applies to all warehouses

Shipment consolidation policy

Shipment consolidation policy (optional)

If not filled, the rule applies to all consolidation policies. Note that shipment consolidation policies can be switched on through feature management.

Min. volume

Minimum gross volume of shipment

In the calculation, nesting is not taken into account

Max. volume

Maximum gross volume of shipment

In the calculation, nesting is not taken into account

Min. weight

Minimum gross weight of shipment

In the calculcation, tare weight of packing materials used on the packing station is not taken into account 

Max. weight

Maximum gross weight of shipment

In the calculcation, tare weight of packing materials used on the packing station is not taken into account

Item weight limit

If a limit >0 is set, the shipment should not contain items with a higher gross weight.

Many carriers do not accept too heavy packages, or an extra fee / fine is applied

Min. value

Minimum sales value 

Not calculated for transfer orders

Max. value

Maximum sales value

Not calculated fro transfer orders. Beyond certain sales values, the insured value requires a different carrier service

Longest from

Length of longest item in this shipment: minimum

Longest to

Length of longest item in this shipment: maximum

Many carriers accept goods upto a certain size

Min. girth

Minimum girth for an item in this shipment

Girth = longest length + circumference

Max. girth

Maximum girth for an item in this shipment

Girth = longest length + circumference. Many carriers only ship items beyond a certain girth as odd-size shipments with a specific carrier service


Country of delivery address (optional)

If not filled, the rule applies to all countries


State of delivery address (optional)

If not filled, the rule applies to all states (in the specifed country)

Zipcode range from

Zipcode range from

Zipcode range to

Zipcode range to

If not filled, the rule applies to all zipcodes

Shipping carrier

Shipping carrier for shipment and load

New value gets updated on the load and shipment. Exception: multi-shipment loads

Carrier service

Carrier service for shipment and load

New value gets updated on the load and shipment. Exception: multi-shipment loads

Update sales line

Update carrier and service and deliver mode on sales line

The sales line can be updated. Can be used as information and e.g. for posting packing slips per mode of delivery. Note that in case of partial sales line shipping the value gets updated again for each shipment. Transfer order lines are never updated.


Check carrier constraints: if restricted items exist in the shipment, or if there is a restriction for this customer, this carrier selection rule does not apply

Validation is for the combination of carrier and service, and if restricted dates are set, the shipment's pick up date must be within the effective period. The fields Mode, Transportation method and Hub are not evaluated.


See Also