Product documentation
Advanced Warehouse Management - Warehouse and location setup


Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouses

Extra settings are added to the warehouse form.

Field Description Remark
Complete work one step Complete the work on the PC in one step, without separate validation? 

ABC calculation active

Include the transactions in this warehouse in the warehouse ABC classification?

ABC calculation

Print pick labels

Print pick labels when picking, according to the pick label print policy?

Pick label printing

Deferred pick label print

Pick label will be printed asynchronously. After completing the pick line, the warehouse worker can proceed to the next work line. In the mean time, the pick label will be generated and printed.

Pick label printing

Print cross dock label

If Print label is active on the mobile device menu item, and there is a reference order line (e.g. the purchase order line has a reference to a sales order line), the label will contain the cross dock information like sales order, customer, delivery address etc.

Cross docking

Block release until cross docked

Block release of the sales order when one or more sales lines refer to a purchase order line with open or in progress put away work.

Cross docking

Average transactions per hour

Average pick or pack transactions per hour is used to estimate the total amount of labor hours before the wave is processed. Also used in the work space.   

Average inbound transactions per hour

Used in the work space

Storage cost per pallet per period

Used in the work space

Default BOM journal location

This location is defaulted when a BOM journal line is inserted. Use this for kit (dis)assembly through Report as finished


Warehouse physical layout

The standard warehouse zone groups, zones, aisles are used for: 


Advice: setup one or more zone groups per warehouse. Do not use the same zone group for multiple warehouses.

The zone group is meant as a group of physical zones in a warehouse. The location type should reflect the purpose of the locations.

Although it is possible to setup a zone group Bulk that can be used to identify a group of zones in multiple warehouses, the advice is to use a specific zone group only within one warehouse. Instead, create a location type Bulk which can be linked to one or more location profiles and can be used in multiple warehouses throughout the company.


Warehouse zone groups

Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouse zone groups

Note that a standard zone group can be used in multiple warehouses. Typically, zone groups are used for: different physical sections of a warehouse, different temperature or humidity areas, outdoor vs. indoor etc. 



Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Zones

Define the standard zones per zone group.



Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouses > Button group View > Inventory aisles

Define Inventory aisles (standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations WMS I). Set the checkmark “Descending” if the aisle is travelled in descending rack number sequence. The aisle numbering should be continuous (not 100, 200, 300 etc), because this is used for calculating the travel distance in the picking route optimization. The put away strategy "find free location near fixed location" only takes into account locations within the same aisle.


Cross aisles

Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Cross aisles

Used for picking route optimization and a visual warehouse location layout. Define the cross aisles, and the last rack number before each cross aisle. The front aisle before the racks does not need to be specified.

Field Description Remark
Warehouse Warehouse

Zone group ID

Zone group, typically a part of the warehouse with a consistent layout

Cross aisle

ID of the cross aisle


Last rack before this cross aisle

E.g. 16 for X1, and 32 for X2


Warehouse blocks

Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouse blocks

Used for picking route optimization and a visual warehouse location layout. Define the blocks between the cross aisles, and the first and the last rack number of each block.

Field Description Remark
Warehouse Warehouse

Zone group ID

Zone group, typically a part of the warehouse with a consistent layout


ID of the block

First rack

First rack of the block

E.g. 1 for Front, and 17 for Rear

Last rack

Last rack of the block

E.g. 16 for Front, and 32 for Rear


Warehouse zone group setup

Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouse zone group setup

Define detailed warehouse settings per zone group. 

Field Description Remark
Warehouse Warehouse

Zone group ID

Zone group 

E.g. a hall or section within a warehouse.

Average transactions per hour

Work is not created yet, so the location is also unknown. Assumption is that the item will be picked from the first zone group where available inventory is found.

Average rack width

Aisle length / number of racks. If racks are odd=left, even=right (or opposite) the average width should be entered as half the physical width.

Max number of racks back / forth

Search for a free location withinnracks from the fixed location

Both odd and even racks

Route optimization

Zone group optimization sequence

Specify average picking or packing transactions per hour (outbound) per warehouse zone group (part of a warehouse). Used for estimating the required labor for waves in the warehouse dasboard before these are processed. At this moment, the precise picking location is not known yet. Therefor the warehouse zone group from which an item will probably be picked is based on the zone group of the first-found location where the item is on hand.

To view the estimated hours for the packing stations, define a separate warehouse zone group with at least one warehouse zone. Include the packing locations in that zone.


Location formats

Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Location formats

Define Location formats (naming convention of the location), and set the extra field segment type (aisle, rack, level/shelf or bin).

A rack usually contains all locations between two standing poles, a level is a shelf or a horizontal beam, a bin is a position on the shelf or beam.

Field Description Remark
Segment type Aisle, Rack, Level or bin 

When using the location setup wizard, based on the seqment type of the location format, the (WMS 1 fields) aisle, rack, level and bin are filled on the location record.


Location stocking limits

Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Location stocking limits

Tab Container types. In standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , when a location stocking limit is entered like: 2 Euro pallets fit a this location profile, the maximum weight and maximum height of the location profile is ignored.

Therefor, in Warehouse Management on the stocking limits for the container types, extra options are added to validate also the weight and the height as specified in the location profile.

Field Description Remark
Validate weight Validate that the weight of 1 unit does not exceed the maximum weight of the location profile divided by the number of units Double deep storage. The gross weight of the unit (e.g. pallet) should not exceed 50% of the maximum location weight.

Validate height

Validate that the height of 1 unit does not exceed the usable location height of the location profile

Double deep storage. Assumption: width and depth are fixed for a specific unit and fit in this location profile    



Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Locations

Extra fields and standard fields with a specific function in Warehouse Management :

Field Description Remark
ABC frequency

Frequency based ABC code. Based on the proximity and accessibility of a location, it is possible to manually assign an A, B or C code. It is possible to detect which C items are assigned to fixed A locations. Or C items that are currently stored on A locations etc.

ABC classification


Aisle ID 


Rack number


Shelf number (level, beam)

Find free location near fixed


Bin or position on a shelf or beam

Find free location near fixed


The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Location set up wizard has a hardcoded aisle “- -“, but in Warehouse Management the additional segment type setting on the location format can automatically fill the fields rack, level/shelf and bin through the wizard.

For each location, the aisle ID, the rack number and rack level (= shelf) and position on the shelf should be specified, because the new strategy is designed to work by aisle, and searches in an optimal way both vertically and horizontally.

In Warehouse Management the form locations displays the existing standard WMS fields Aisle, Rack Shelf, Bin that are not visible in standard WHS. The lowest shelf should have the lowest number. It is possible to skip level numbers, but this can have influence on the precise search priority.
The WHS location setup wizard in Warehouse Management takes into account the segment types aisle, rack number, level and position. Missing aisles are auto created. Alphanumerical rack IDs, level IDs, bin IDs are auto-converted into digits (A=1, B=2 etc.).



If lower locations are less wide than higher bulk locations, the horizontal position numbers of lower locations should be aligned with the horizontal position numbers of the higher locations.

Often, on floor level, there are more neighboring locations (e.g. 6 positions or bins) in a rack than on the higher levels (e.g. 3 positions).In that case, on the floor locations, number the 6 neighboring positions 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3. This will give the best results for the put away strategy "find free location near fixed location".


Sort code of locations

Inventory management > Periodic > Locations > Sort codes

Update sort codes of locations, i.e. automatically set the default travel sequence through the locations in the warehouse (standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations ).

On the location form, the fields aisle, rack, level/shelf and bin can be changed manually. In that case, rerun the sort code calculation.

Go to Warehouse management, Setup, Work, Work templates. In the query, specify that the field sortCode is used within the sorting criteria. 


Fixed location setup

Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Fixed locations

Within the warehouse, only the most recent fixed location per item or item variant is taken into account by this strategy. Older fixed locations are likely to be phased out, so it makes no sense to put away bulk inventory near an old fixed location.

The fixed location per item or variant can be accessed with a button from the released items, ribbon tab inventory.


See Also

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Warehouse Management