Replenishment is an activity that basically adds no value to the product. When searching the best balance between optimal purchase quantities or production quantities and picking efficiency, replenishment from bulk locations to pick locations is often a necessary evil.
Efficient replenishment is facilitated to great extent by smart receipt and storage of bulk inventory. Therefor, the inbound process should be aligned too.
In many warehouses, items arrive on pallets or bulk packages, but are sold by case or by piece. So in a high bay warehouse, there is a considerable flow of replenishment between bulk locations and picking locations. Often, the picking locations are fixed, and the bulk locations are flexible.
Replenishment tends to be on the critical path in the warehouse:
Therefore, it makes sense to store the bulk as close as possible to the fixed picking location. If bulk inventory is stored exactly above the fixed picking location, this saves a considerable amount of replenishment time and cost, because the reach truck does not have to move horizontally when replenishing from bulk location to pick location.
Challenge in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations location directives: several put away strategies are available to determine an optimal put location. Especially if there are many replenishment activities, the distance between the dynamic bulk and the fixed pick location should be minimal. Theoretically, this could be set up standard with an almost endless definition of location directives, zones etc. The impact on maintainability and performance would be huge!
With Warehouse Management it is possible to store incoming goods on bulk locations in the same vertical location (same rack, same position) as the fixed picking location. Or as nearby the fixed picking location as possible.
Thus, replenish from bulk to pick can be executed optimally because the fork lift or reach truck does not have to move horizontally. This saves a lot of time and labor cost, especially for products with a high cubic velocity that need to be picked in less than pallet quantity from ground level.
Visibility of free locations, or locations that are already assigned as fixed location is added in Warehouse Management .
To prepare for peaks in picking activity, replenishment can be run based on minimum stock level (normal or high minimum) to maximum as defined on the fixed location of an item.
Transportation management > Planning > Dock appointment scheduling > Appointment scheduling
Improved user experience in the TMS appointment scheduling for faster arrival registration. The appointment scheduling screen can be used to register a planned appointment at the dock. This appointment can be related to an order. To enable fast entry of appointments, defaults can be set up in the parameters for:
Note that the appointment rule in the filter is inserted in a new appointment.
Setup Advanced warehousing parameters
Warehouse Management adds a data entity that allows the insert and update of a dock appointment for a
E.g. mass create open (tentative) dock slots through Excel, and allow to book (firm) a slot through an external source (Power app, etc.).
Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives
Warehouse Management adds a new and lean strategy that finds a suitable empty bulk location near the picking location, i.e. preferably in an upside down triangle shape above the picking location.
The new strategy in the location directive action “Free location nearby fixed location” combines:
Consider the following situation (racks A1 and A3 in front view), where the fixed (picking) location is situated in rack 3 in the middle (Loc A1-02). Bulk pallets (1) to (8) will be directed to the bold locations. The upside down triangle shape is visible.
Additional bulk pallets (9) to (16) will gradually fill up rack A1, and continu in neighbouring rack A3.
Field | Description | Remark |
6 - Bulk | Loc A1-61 (6) Loc A1-62 (5) Loc A1-63 (7) | Loc A3-61 (16) Loc A3-62 Loc A3-63 |
5 - Bulk |
Loc A1-51 (8) Loc A1-52 (4) Loc A1-53 (9) |
Loc A3-51 Loc A3-52 Loc A3-53 |
4 - Bulk |
Loc A1-41 (10) Loc A1-42 (3) Loc A1-43 (11) |
Loc A3-41 Loc A3-42 Loc A3-43 |
3 - Bulk |
Loc A1-31 (12) Loc A1-32 (2) Loc A1-33 (13) |
Loc A3-31 Loc A3-32 Loc A3-33 |
2- Bulk |
Loc A1-21 (14) Loc A1-22 (1) Loc A1-23 (15) |
Loc A3-21 Loc A3-22 Loc A3-23 |
1- Pick |
Loc A1-11 Loc A1-12 Loc A1-13 |
Loc A3-11 Loc A3-12 Loc A3-13 |
0 - Pick |
Loc A1-01 Loc A1-02 = fixed loc Loc A1-03 |
Loc A3-01 Loc A3-02 Loc A3-03 |
The standard checks and location directive query criteria are taken into account.
The strategy only considers the current aisle. In most cases, an aisle change of a reach truck is time consuming, so that should be avoided.
The maximum distance (number of racks up or down the aisle) that is evaluated by this strategy is specified in the warehouse zone group setup. Note that the zone group that contains the zone of the fixed location, is used to find this maximum number of racks. If the maximum distance is set to more than 10 racks, performance will be slower.
In many cases odd racks are on the left side and even racks on the right side of the aisle or opposite. Depending on the characteristics of the reach truck it is easy or difficult to replenish goods to the opposite side.
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Locations
On the locations, a new field ABC frequency is added. This field can be used to detect, e.g.
Display fields are added to provide quick information about current and incoming inventory on the location.
Standard WMS fields are added to the WHS location form.
Field | Description | Remark |
ABC frequency |
A locations are easily accessible and are generally suitable for fastmover storage. C locations are generally suitable for slow mover storage. |
Filter on C-items that have been assigned to an A-location as fixed location. Create a movement by template setup that finds a suitable A, B or C location based on the ABC frequency of the released product. Filter on inventory of C-items that occupies an A-location. From the location, create movement work to relocate these items to a C location. |
Incoming LP *) |
Open or in process put away work for this license plate exists and is heading for this location |
Item on location *) |
Currently, physical inventory of this item exists on the location |
Free location *) |
Display method, used to find a suitable fixed location for a new item in a limited range of locations. | |
Location is assigned as fixed location for this item |
Display method, used to avoid assigning a fixed location for a new item next to a look-a-like item. Use in a limited range of locations. |
Aisle |
Aisle can be used actively, incl. travel direction and aisle sequence |
Rack |
Rack number |
Shelf |
Shelf number (a.k.a. level or beam). Ground level is the lowest number |
Bin |
Bin number (a.k.a. position on the shelf, level or beam). |
*) On the form Locations, the user can switch on or off additional information that dynamically retrieves relevant information about the location.
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Fixed locations
The standard replenishment template lines can be set of for min max replenishment. However, if the minimum and maximum quantity on the fixed location varies per item, the required setup of one replenishment template line per item is enormous.
Therefor, on the fixed locations per released product and the fixed locations per product variant three fields are added to the form (and the data entity WHSFixedProductWarehouseLocationV2):
Field | Description | Remark |
Minimum quantity | Below this minimum quantity replenishment will be generated if in the periodic replenishment the parameter is set to Minimum from fixed location. |
High minimum |
Optional. Below this higher than minimum quantity, replenishment will be generated if in the periodic replenishment the parameter is set to Minimum from fixed location. |
Use to cram up locations before a peak period, even though the current inventory is above the normal minimum quantity. |
Maximum quantity |
The replenishment will aim for this level. |
Warehouse management > Replenishment > Replenishments
In the Replenishment dialog there are three options for the use of replenishment values:
Exact timing is a common challenge in replenishing to fixed locations:
High cubic velocity of an item (the cubic pick volume per period per item), in combination with a large number of less-than-pallet picks typically cause an even bigger challenge in replenishment. Especially when an item needs multiple replenishments per day, it might be better to replenish to dynamic picking locations in stead of replenishing the fixed location.
Warehouse Management streamlines the replenishment process:
Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Load line requirements
Warehouse management > Loads > All loads > Button: Requirements
An inbound or outbound sea container should be monitored in an efficient way. Container unloading must be prioritized if it contains items that are needed shortly. Container loading could be waiting until the last items are received in the warehouse. In some cases, it might speed up the process if the vendor will send the missing item via express carrier service.
Challenge in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is the overview: it is possible to monitor each line individually, and view the net requirements per load line. Warehouse Management adds a clear overview screen per inbound load and outbound load.
From the inbound load, the requirements, i.e. the planned destination for the load lines are displayed.
E.g. if an incoming container is lost on the sea, or an outbound load is being planned, it is important to see the MRP transactions related to this container (effects on sales orders, and dependencies on purchase orders).
In the upper fast tab, all planned receipt transactions (master planning transactions of type receipt) for the load lines are displayed, and the assigned quantity and first outbound ship date of any related requirement (issue transaction). Note that if the full quantity will be put on stock and is not linked to a requirement, there is no assigned quantity and no first assigned date.
In the lower fast tab, the demand requirements, i.e. all master planning transactions (receipt) with related issue transactions are displayed.
With the checkmark "Link requirement lines to receipt lines" switched on, the lower part only contains the demand requirments for the selected receipt transaction.
In a similar way, from the outbound load, the requirements, i.e. the planned sourcing for the load lines are displayed.
E.g. the outbound load is already planned via the load planning work bench, and several load lines will be supplied through open purchase order lines.
Field | Description | Remark |
Plan | Master plan |
Direction |
Inbound and / or outbound |
Link requirement lines to receipt lines |
Only display the requirement transactions for one selected load line |
Load ID |
Load |
Hoover over the load ID to view status, load reference number (container ID), carrier and service, extra info, voyage, vessel, volume and weight etc. |
Load shipped confirmation date |
Confirmed that the load was actually shipped on this date |
Estimated date and time of arrival |
Order type |
Sales order, Purchase order, Transfer order issue |
Order number |
Sales ID, Purchase ID, Transfer ID |
Item number |
Released product ID |
Warehouse |
Configuration, Size, Color, Style |
Product dimensions, can be displayed or hidden |
Quantity |
MRP planned increase or decrease of inventory |
Assigned quantity |
MRP planned demand that will be sourced by this load line |
Outbound: negative |
First date assigned |
MRP planned date on which the first demand is planned |
If this date is within a short period, prioritize the unloading of this inbound load |
On hand |
Current on hand inventory in this warehouse |
If the current on hand quantity is low, prioritize the unloading of this inbound load. |
Customer account |
Customer to which the quantity is assigned |
Outbound load only |
Customer group |
Customer group to which the quantity is assigned |
Outbound load only |
Requirement date |
Confirmed date, or requested date |
Delay (days) |
MRP calculation of the expected delay |
Reference |
Number |
Number of the reference order |
Warehouse mgt > Setup > Shipping > Vendor and warehouse address settings
For optimal flexibility and the benefits of the capabilities of WHS for internal warehouse replenishment, the best practice is to have few warehouses. E.g. if two physical warehouse buildings are on opposite sides of the street, it is generally a good decision to depict these two warehouse buildings as one administrative warehouse.
If the warehouse has a large size, there could be multiple gates or addresses to which a vendor should ship to.
Therefor, Warehouse Management adds functionality to select a deliver-to-address per vendor and warehouse. Only valid addresses for this warehouse or the site of the warehouse can be selected.
This address will be defaulted when a purchase order header is created or generated for this warehouse, and when a purchase order line is entered or generated for this warehouse, or when the warehouse is changed.
The deliver-to-address can be printed on the purchase order documents.
If no exception is specified, the standard address of the warehouse or site will apply.
Note that the standard header to line functionality is not changed.
In one location, two Euro pallets can be stored (double deep). The maximum weight on this location is 1400 kg, and usable height is 1.80 m.
The weight of the first, resp. second Euro pallet should not exceed 700 kg, and the pallet height should not exceed 1.80 m.
In the location profile, tab Container types, the maximum number of units can be specified (e.g. a specific location profile can be setup for a double deep location for two Euro pallets). Unfortunately, in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations the maximum weight and height are not checked per unit:
For put away of purchase orders, production orders, goods in transit orders and inventory movement by template, Warehouse Management can optionally validate the weight and the height of a single unit, specific for double deep, triple deep etc.
On the location profile, specify:
On the location stocking limits, tab container types, specify:
On the released product, physical dimensions, e.g. for the unit PL specify:
Inventory management > Periodic tasks > Bills of materials > Report as finished
Standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations in a WHS enabled warehouse does not work well with the most simple version of kitting, i.e. through a BOM journal. The main problem is that the locations can not be defaulted, and therefor it is not possible to post the journal in one go. After creation of the BOM journal in the form Report as finished, the user has to open a different form Bills of materials journals, find the right journal and enter the location for all components in the journal lines, and post the journal
In Warehouse Management , on the warehouse, a default BOM journal location can be set. Through the Report as finished form, enter an item and a warehouse and a quantity, and press OK.
The default location on the kit header and kit lines is retrieved automatically.
For kit assemby, enter a positive quantity. For disassembly, enter a negative quantity.
Suggested use: define one multi SKU, non-LP location per warehouse for kitting. Transfer the components to this location through replenishment, which can be executed by the mobile device. Use a PC or laptop for creating and posting the BOM journal.
Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > ASN lines
Through the packing structure of an inbound load, the SSCC and the content of the SSCC is visible per load.
However searching this information based on the SSCC and without knowing the load ID is less straightforward.
This Warehouse Management form displays the lines for all SSCCs (pallets/cases etc. notified on the Advanced Shipping Note from the vendor) on incoming purchase orders, and transfer orders. Main tables: WHSASNItem and WHSLoadLine.
Open ASN lines
Advanced filter:
Open ASN lines in process
Advanced filter:
Received ASN lines
Advanced filter:
The standard outbound ASN functionality is limited and does not support containers.
In Warehouse Management there is an option to switch on Extended ASN on the customer instead of Generate ASN.
The Extended ASN generation is triggered automatically when the shipment is confirmed, so you can not forget it.
If this is an intercompany customer, the Inbound ASN is generated in the receiving company.
The receiving warehouse must be WHS enabled.
The relevant load data is copied from the outbound load to the IC inbound load if possible.
The released item codes must be identical.
The ASN data for both the extended outbound ASN and IC inbound ASN is stored in WHSUOMStructure (ASN Pallets), and WHSASNItem (ASN lines).
Outbound work target LPs (type sales or crossdock) to the final shipping location are mapped to the inbound ASN pallets.
Related work lines (single SKU or mixed) before the first put line are mapped to ASN items.
Outbound containers IDs are mapped to the inbound ASN pallets.
Related container lines (single SKU or mixed) are mapped to ASN items.
Thus upon receipt you can scan the target LP barcode and receive the content of the pallet, and scan the container ID barcode and receive the lines in the container.
Note that there is no support for reversing the shipment confirmation.
Note that there can be pallet consolidation scenarios that are not supported.
Often it is necessary to move multiple items or serial numbers to a different location. When the standard function Create inventory movement is used (accessible from the location), you have to enter the columns Location and movement type code manually for each line.
Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > Physical on-hand inventory
If the warehouse and the location are switched on in Display dimensions, and a line is selected, the additional button Movement order opens the form to create an inventory movement work. With the additional dialog Update all lines, the location and movement type code can be filled at once.
This is useful when there are many serial numbers, items, batches etc. on the same location, e.g. a receipt location, and work must be created.