Product documentation
Customer object in trade agreements

When the parameter X is enabled it will be possible to use Customer Objects within sales and purchase trade agreements.

The trade agreements fields Party code type and Account selection have been extended to support the Customer Objects. When the customer object is added to the order header the system will also evaluate the trade agreements of the selected object. When a customer object is removed from the order, the prices and discounts are recalculated.

When the system start searching for valid agreements it will start at the most specific combination. In standard it starts with Table, then Group and then All. When a Customer object is selected it will first find the Customer object as it's more specific than customer.

In some cases the object specific price or discount should always be applied even when the price is higher or the discount lower than the regular agreements. This can be achieved by disabling the Find next checkbox on the agreements.

See also the Default settings for Find next with which you can control the default value of Find next when creating new agreements for the Customer object.

Sales trade agreements

When the one of the sales relations is selected, the lookup of the Account selection for Party code type Customer object will show all customer objects.


When using Commerce:

  • Customer objects within trade agreements are not supported.
  • It is possible to use customer objects within the Call center functionality of Commerce by using an affiliation on the customer object.
  • Within Ecommerce/On-line channels and E/Mpos customer objects are not supported at all.


Purchase trade agreements

When the one of the purchase relations is selected, the lookup of the Account selection for Party code type Customer object will only show those customer objects on which a vendor has been added as an additional relation.


Price and margin management parameters

Retail > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Price and margin management parameters > Trade agreements

Sales and marking > Setup > Price and margin management parameters > Trade agreements

Field Description
Enable Customer object pricing

When this parameter is enabled, the option Customer object will become visible in the trade agreement field Party code type. And on the Activate price / discount forms the Customer object parameter becomes visible for activation.

Activate (Purch)

Procurement and sourcing > Setup > Prices and discounts > Activate price / discount

Activate for which combinations the customer object needs to be evaluated when the price discount logic is executed on purchase orders

Activate (Sales)

Sales and marketing > Setup > Prices and discounts > Activate price / discount

Activate for which combinations the customer object needs to be evaluated when the price discount logic is executed on sales orders and quotations

Update order lines (Purch)

Procurement and sourcing > Setup > Procurement and sourcing parameters > tab:  General > Update order lines > Customer object

Enable the parameter for Customer object to Update Unit price, Discount, Discount percent in order lines when change of Customer object in the order header.

Update order line (Sales)

Accounts receivable  > Setup  > Accounts receivable parameters > tab: Updates > Update order lines or Update quotation lines > Customer object

Enable the parameter for Customer object to Update Unit price, Discount, Discount percent in order lines when change of Customer object in the order header.