Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives
In the bottom form part, the location directive actions with an appropriate strategy can be set up.
A new strategy is added to the standard put away strategies: Free location nearby fixed location.
When the user selects put away strategy “Free location nearby fixed location”, and presses Edit query, a different table is shown: “Temporarily table location priorities”. This is the set of locations with the search priority that are feasible based on:
In the query, the user can optionally limit the locations, e.g. restrict to a location profile, location type, level and / or zone.
The standard checks, e.g. on free location volume and allowed maximum weight are also executed.
The strategy can only be selected for work type Put.
For performance reasons, the location search priorities on the two diagonal lines left and right of the fixed location, are equal. So one might expect a location 1 position to the right on level 4, but Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations could select 2 positions to the left on level 5 that has the same search priority.
Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives
Select work order type Replenishment. In the bottom part, in the location directive action strategy specify "Free location without incoming work".
Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Dashboard template
One or more dashboard templates can be set up, e.g. one dashboard template per warehouse, or one dashboard that provides an overview over multiple warehouses, or one dashboard that gives a detailed overview of all remaining outbound activities.
For each dashboard template, the content of one to twenty columns can be defined.
Each column can include one or more combinations of warehouses and work classes.
Field | Description | Remark |
Work overview template ID |
Unique code for the work overview. |
Setup multiple dashboard templates, e.g. a code per warehouse, or multiple warehouse, or specific code for all outbound work. |
Description |
Show work |
The default information that is displayed in this dashboard template. Use the radio button on the dashboard to switch to a different view. |
Column number |
User defined column 1..20. Note that the columns To be released, Packing, Total and Estimated end time are always displayed. |
Description |
Enter a short description of the column name, e.g. Putaway, Repl, Count, Pick |
Warehouse |
Warehouse that is included in the calculation for this dashboard cell |
Work class ID |
Work class that is included in the calculation for this dashboard cell, e.g. for the column Pick, enter the work classes Sales, SO pick and TransfOut |
Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Work classes
Extra settings per work class.
Field | Description | Remark |
ABC calculation | ABC calculation active? Advised setup: only activate picking related work classes. | ABC classification |
Remain locked by user |
If set, and the worker cancels the work where the last closed line has type pick, the user lock remains on the work. This prevents others from getting this work system directed in case of erroneous cancellation. Emergency unlock via PC. |
On the work details, the button Reset user will blank the locked user after the user remained locked when cancelling the work. |
Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Average cost per work class
Average cost per resource per hour. Valid for this combination of work class and warehouse. For small value added logistics activities, like customer specific stickering, cutting or sawing material, define a specific work template that uses a specific work class.
Field | Description | Remark |
Warehouse | Warehouse |
Work class ID |
Work class |
Average cost per work class |
Average cost per hour for one resource executing work in this work class and warehouse. Used in Advanced Warehouse Management workspace, tab Worker productivity |
Workspace Warehouse Management |
Warehouse management > Setup > Cycle counting > Cycle count plans
On the cycle count plan, a new field Work class ID is added.
If this field is empty, the standard cycle count work class ID from the warehouse management parameters is used.
If this field is filled, and a cycle count plan is processed which creates open cycle count work, this work class ID will be filled on the created cycle count work lines.
Thus, guided cycle counting work within a cycle counting plan can easily be separated per mobile device menu item. E.g. if the ground pick locations can be counted without specific equipment, but the higher locations can only be counted with a reach truck, create two different cycle count plans with separate work class ID. For system directed mobile counting, create two separate mobile device menu items, one for each cycle count work class. On the warehouse dashboard, the different types of open counting work can be displayed in separate columns.
Field | Description | Remark |
Work class ID | Standard work class identfication for cycle counting | Suggestion: use a separate work class for counting work on locations that require a reach truck. |
Warehouse management > Setup > Cycle counting > Cycle count thresholds
On the cycle count threshold, a new field work class ID is added. Thus, guided cycle counting work that is generated below the threshold can easily be separated per mobile device menu item.
If this field is empty, the standard cycle count work class ID from the warehouse management parameters is used.
If this field is filled, and a cycle count threshold triggers new cycle count work, this work class ID will be filled on the created cycle count work lines.
If the counting work is not processed immediately, expensive products or regulated items must be counted by authorized people only, and higher locations can only be counted with a reach truck. Create different cycle thresholds with separate work class ID. For system directed mobile counting, create separate mobile device menu items, one for each cycle count work class. On the warehouse dashboard, the different types of open counting work can be displayed in separate columns.
Field | Description | Remark |
Work class ID | Standard work class identification for cycle counting | Suggestion: use a separate work class for counting expensive or regulated products. |
Warehouse management > Setup > Labor standards
Warehouse Management enables the calculation of estimated times for cycle counting. The estimated times are visible in the dashboard, and in the analytical work space. Labor standards for cycle counting must be set up for Work type Count. A comparison between estimated and actual counting times is visible in the Advanced Warehouse Management work space.
For work order type, Cycle counting, it is possible to define labor standard lines for work type Count. E.g. if counting takes 2 minutes per location, labor measurement type Transactions, estimated work per hour 30.00.
Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave process methods
A new wave process method optimizeRoute is added when the methods are regenerated.
Field | Description | Remark |
optimizeRoute | After the work is created, this wave process method applies two different heuristics (Largest Gap and Aisle by Aisle) and selects the best sequence, i.e. the shortest travel distance. |
Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave templates
Add the step optimizeRoute as last step to the work template.
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Cluster profiles
Extra fields will be deprecated end of 2024:
Field | Description | Remark |
System directed | Paperless cluster picking. Assign a cluster by the system. | In the mobile device menu item, specify that existing work is Directed by Cluster picking. If system directed is switched on for the linked cluster profile, the worker gets new cluster picking work automatically on the mobile device. |
Optimize pick route |
The optimal route of clustered multiple works can be different from the optimal routes of the separate works. This optimization recalculates the work line field sort code. |
The field "sortCode" must be setup as sorting criteria. This field determines the sequence in which the work lines are presented to the mobile device worker. |
If this sorting is not setup, it is not possible to add works to a cluster on the PC. |
Use standard system directed cluster picking instead.
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items
If the connected Cluster profile is System directed, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will assign a cluster to the mobile device user.
It is possible to see a summary info screen on the mobile device when starting the cluster.
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items > Work confirmation setup
In the work confirmation setup, it is also possible to enforce confirmation of the product in cluster picking. Standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations does not support product confirmation in cluster picking.
Warehouse management > Setup > Packing > Dangerous goods
For each combination of UN class and packing group, setup a dangerous goods ID. The ID is generated automatically based on UN number + packing group, but can be overridden.
Field | Description | Remark |
UN number | UN number incl. characters UN | E.g. UN 1266 |
Packing group |
Group for packing |
E.g. I = high danger, II = medium danger, III = low danger |
Dangerous goods ID |
Combination of UN number and packing group |
E.g. UN 1266 II |
Class |
ADR hazard class |
E.g. 1 = explosives, 2 = gases, 3 = flammable liquids, 4 = flammable solids, 5 = oxidizing substances, 6 = toxic and infectious substances, 7 = radioactive material, 8 = corrosives, 9 = misc. dangerous goods |
Classification code |
ADR subdivision |
Hazard / remarks |
Hazard identification number |
E.g. 33 = highly flammable liquid |
Labels |
Applicable hazard labels |
E.g. 3 = flammable liquid |
Point factor |
Number of ADR points per inventory unit |
Proper shipping name |
If needed with the technical name in brackets |
Special provisions |
Numeric codes of provisions that have to be met |
E.g. carriage prohibitions, exemptions from requirements, explanations concerning classification, additional labelling or marking conditions. |
Text 1 |
Default text |
E.g. UN1238, METHYL CHLOROFORM, environmentally hazardous, 6.1 (3,8), I, (C/D) |
Text 2 |
Alternative text, or additional text |
Transport category |
Transport category that determines the multiplier for ADR point calculations |
E.g. 1 = multiplier 50, 1* = multiplier 20, 2 = multiplier 3, 3 = multiplier 1. Information purpose only. The ADR point calculation is based on the field point factor. |
Tunnel code |
Tunnel restriction code |
E.g. (D/E) |
CAS number |
Chemical Abstracts Service number |
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Warehouse app field names
Create default setup. This will insert the new field name "AWHS - Extra text".
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Warehouse app field priority
If there is an existing setup of assigned fields, make a screenshot of the current setup.
Create default setup. This will insert the field name "AWHS - Extra text" as priority 15.
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu list
With the new data inquiries, the number of mobile device menu items tends to be large, and their position in the menu structure is not always transparant.
The new mobile device menu list displays an overview with
In this form the user can easily filter on a mobile device menu item and see in which menus this is included, and directly go to the mobile device steps that are adjusted.
Warehouse management > Setup > Packing > Packing profile
Field | Description | Remark |
Container ID from carrier |
Use container ID number sequence specified on the carrier. If no number sequence is defined, the container ID is taken from the Warehouse management parameters. |
Setup a TMS number sequence, and define this number sequence for container IDs on the carrier. |
Multi container close |
Applies to packing station, button Containers |
Sort packing lines |
By default sort the packing lines in the packing station in this sequence |
Filter scanned LP |
When switched on and a target LP / tote is scanned on the packing station,only display the packing lines for this LP, not for the other target LPs |
Use this if the shipment is picked from vaious warehouse zones, and will packed per zone, and consolidation of packages is done later in the process. |
Warehouse management > Setup > Containers > Container packing policies
Field | Description | Remark |
Print label | Determines if a label must be printed upon closing the container on the packing station. | The shipping label is stored as license plate label and can be printed on a ZPL printer through document routing. |
Use container ID as label ID |
If a label is printed, keep the container ID as label ID |
When printing a shipping label in the packing station, table WHSLicensePlateLabel.LabelId can be filled with the track and trace label ID. According to the same logic as the pick label print policy. |
User ID mandatory |
In the packing station the user ID must be filled before closing a container. |
The user ID will be stored on the license plate label, can be printed and can be used for selection in the document routing. This setting is only possible if the shipping label is printed. |
Close multiple containers |
On the packing station, through the button Containers all open containers can be closed in one step, with or without automatic gross weight calculation |
Multi-select option instead of the Close container dialog. This speeds up the container closing process. Only possible when manifest does not apply. |
If there are multiple physical packing stations and multiple packing workers that can use all these stations, there are two scenarios:
Warehouse management > Setup > Containers > Container types
Scenario: for transportation purposes and ASN information to the customer, it is often needed to register not only the weight but also the height of a (mixed) pallet that is packed on a packing station.
Field | Description | Remark |
Enter container height | When closing a container of this type, the height can be entered (optionally or mandatory) in the closing dialog |
Warehouse management > Setup > Packing
In the standard functionality for put to wall, the worker has to scan a position and a license plate. This license plate is then used as container and cannot be re-used anymore! Therefor plastic totes with fixes license plates are not supported.
In Warehouse Management the license plate and container ID can be generated, based on the internal number sequence or the carrier container number sequence.
Field | Description | Remark |
Generate container ID | Generate container ID upon position assignment | In the outbound sorting position assignment, the license plate is inserted automatically. When the position is closed, a container with the same ID is generated. |
Container ID from carrier |
Use container number sequence specified on the carrier. If no number sequence is defined, the number sequence is taken from the Warehouse management parameters |
Described in Labels |
Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Work templates : Sorted inventory picking work
After the position is closed, sorted inventory picking work can automatically be generated per container ID. When this work exists, the worker can physically pack and label the carton.
In the work template, line 2 use the work line custom step DYSDWAValidateSortPosition to validate that the goods are taken from the correct position.
Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Pick label print policy
To print the shipping label with destination address, shipment data and weight, setup a pick label print policy for the work template for sorted inventory picking - line 1.
One label per work line. Advice is to switch on Use container ID as label ID.
Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Document routing and layout
Define a document routing for work order type Sales or Transfer issue to print the shipping label in the layout of the carrier.
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu item
In Warehouse Management a mobile device lookup "Ready for packing" type Indirect - Data inquiry based on the work table
(WHSWorkTable: Work status = Open, Work order type = Sorted inventory picking) shows all "Pack from wall" work including relevant information like sort position, volume, gross weight, number of items and longest length.
Create a mobile device menu item type Work - existing, system directed "Pack from wall".
Product information management > Products > Released products > Fast tab Warehouse
Extra fields and standard fields with a specific function in Warehouse Management :
Field | Description | Remark |
Dangerous goods ID | Dangerous goods ID that identifies the combination of UN number and packing group. E.g. UN 1266 II | Dangerous goods |
Dangerous goods unit |
If filled, the inventory quantity will be converted to liter or kg. E.g. for a 750 ml bottle, in the unit conversions (inter-class), specify that 1 each = 0.75 liter. If the point factor on the dangerous goods ID is 3.00, e.g. 8 bottles will be converted into 6 liter, and this accounts for 18 points. |
Dangerous goods |
Picks per period |
Number of picks per period. Period length is defined in the warehouse management parameters. |
ABC classification |
ABC frequency |
ABC class based on number of pick transactions |
ABC classification |
ABC volume |
ABC class based on cubic velocity (volume) |
ABC classification |
ABC weight |
ABC class based on total picked weight |
ABC classification |
Quantity per pallet space |
Number of inventory units per pallet space used to forecast the number of required pallet spaces. E.g. if 50 eaches are stored on 1 pallet, enter 50. If 50 eaches are stored on a half pallet, enter 25. |
Work space Warehouse Management |
Pack size category ID |
Indication of physical characteristics. In Warehouse Management on the work headers, the different pack size categories are summarized. E.g. work with odd size items can easily excluded when the optimal cluster picking candidates . |
Work list, cluster picking |
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse management parameters
Extra fields and existing fields with a specific function in Advanced Warehouse Management :
Field | Description | Remark |
LPs: Enable license plate validation | Should a check be performed when a new LP is scanned (to avoid scanning e.g. an item barcode instead of a LP) | Create new LP on mobile device and PC |
LPs: Minimum licenseplate length |
New license plates ar not allowed if shorter than this length |
Create new LP on mobile device and PC |
LPs: Maximum licenseplate length |
New license plates ar not allowed if longer than this length |
Create new LP on mobile device and PC |
Work: Dashboard refresh time (minutes) |
Time in minutes for automatic refresh in the warehouse dashboard. If not filled, refresh manually. |
Work: ABC classification period length |
Period length in the ABC classification (days) Used for determining the average number number of picks per period. The period for an item cannot start before the very first pick transaction. If no value is entered, the whole selected time frame will be regarded as one period. |
Advised: 30 days |
Mobile device: note type |
Notes of this type are displayed in the AWHS extra text on the mobile device |
Setup the default app field and app field prios |
Release sales orders: Backorder (later than confirmed) |
Priority for releasing late shipments |
Release to warehouse strategy |
Release sales orders: Backorder (at least 1 packing slip) |
Priority for backorders |
Release to warehouse strategy |
Release sales orders: (on time) |
Priority for orders that are on time |
Release to warehouse strategy |
Print management: Print labels to screen |
Press the button Default generation URL http://api.labelary.com/v1/printers/8dpmm/labels/8x6/0/ |
Display ZPL label on screen |
LP label setup: Customer requisition |
Customer requisition field mapping on license plate label |
Customer requisition and or customer reference on the sales order can be printed |
LP label setup: Account name |
Account name field mapping on license plate label |
Contact person name or customer name can be printed |
LP label setup: Account name (work labels) |
Account name field mapping on license plate label generated from a print work line |
Customer name or contact person name can be printed |
Master planning > Setup > Master planning parameters
Extra fields:
Field | Description | Remark |
Days demand forecast - actual free space |
The demand forecast date may be on the first of the month, but the actual sales orders during that month will create empty pallet places gradually. This setting assumes that locations remain occupied for a number of days, e.g. for 15 days on average. Best practice: half the forecast period bucket |
Work space Warehouse Management |
Master plan for pallet space forecast |
Based on the net requirements for this master plan, the required space forecast can be analyzed. |
Work space Warehouse Management |
Warehouse management > Setup > Shipping > Shipping carriers
Field | Description | Remark |
Container ID number sequence |
Nummer sequence will be used on the packing station for this shipping carrier on the shipment when this is activated on the packing profile |
This refers to the TMS number sequence which includes a check digit. Setup is explained in the section Labels |
Transport management > Setup > Advanced warehousing parameters
Defaults can be specified for the appointment type, appointment status reference type and the maximum status for purchase orders to be displayed in the lookup.
Field | Description | Remark |
Display purchase orders until status | Purchase order status that determines which purchase orders are shown in the lookup | E.g. open order |
Appointment status |
Default appointment status |
E.g. firmed |
Reference type |
Default reference type |
E.g. purchase order |
In order to be able to export and import data related to this module the following data entities have been added/modified:
Field | Description | Remark |
Advanced Warehousing parameters | DYSDWAAWHSParametersEntity |
Cross aisle |
DYSDWACrossAisleEntity |
Dangerous goods |
DYSDWADangerousGoodsTableEntity |
Location layout |
DYSDWALocationLayoutEntity |
Warehouse ABC classification overview |
DYSDWAABCClassificationOverviewEntity |
Shipment dangerous goods |
DYSDWADangerousGoodsShipmentTableEntity |
Warehouse blocks |
DYSDWAInventLocationBlockEntity |
Warehouse zone group setup |
DYSDWAZoneGroupEntity |
Work heuristic results |
DYSDWAWorkHeuristicEntity |
Work overview template |
DYSDWAWorkOverviewTemplateEntity |
Work overview template classes per column |
DYSDWAWorkOverviewClassesEntity |
Work overview template column |
DYSDWAWorkOverviewColumnEntity |
Work sub aisles |
DYSDWAWorkSubAislesEntity |
Average cost per work class |
DYSDWABIAvgWorkClassCostEntity |
Carrier zipcode range |
DYSDWACarrierZipCodeEntity |
After a new installation of the solution the data entities need to be refreshed to add the new data entities.
Work spaces > Data management > Tile Framework parameters > Form Data import / export framework parameters > Tab Entity settings > Button Refresh entity list
Field | Description | Remark |
Cycle counting plans | WHSCycleCountingPlanEntity |
Cycle counting thresholds |
WHSCycleCountingThresholdEntity |
Sales order lines |
SalesOrderLineEntity |
Sales orders |
SalesOrderHeaderEntity |
Warehouse cluster profiles |
WHSWarehouseClusterProfileEntity |
Warehouse management parameters |
WHSWarehouseManagementParametersEntity |
Wave template |
WHSWarehouseWaveTemplateEntity |
On existing entities that have been modified, the target mappings need to be refreshed.
Work spaces > Data management > Tile Data entities > Form Target entities > Button Modify target mapping > Generate mapping
Warehouse management > Periodic tasks > License plate labels cleanup
Described in Labels. Section License plate labels cleanup.
Warehouse management > Periodic tasks > Load / unload appointments cleanup
Described in Load / unload appointments.
Warehouse management > Periodic tasks > Shipment statistics cleanup
Described in Shipment staging status.