Warehouse Management (WHS) contains extensive functionality for warehousing operations and logistics. Yet it can seem like an overkill for a small warehouse, especially when there is no strict separation of business functions, and the picking process is triggered by printed pick lists.
E.g. the customer visits the small warehouse, and the employee who enters the sales order will also print the pick list, register the pick list and print the packing slip.
When the warehouse or a part of it is setup as a self service warehouse, the picking process is often executed by the customer.
But when the goods are stored on high locations, are dangerous or heavy, or the customer needs a large quantity etc.
In the latter case, the formal warehouse picking process including scanning with the mobile device, is required.
Challenges in :
Difficult to handle the hybrid situation of a small warehouse where many products can be collected by the customer, but typically the larger and heavier products and larger quantities need to be picked by the warehouse staff.
Release to warehouse from the sales order does not reserve automatically (unless the item model group allows negative physical inventory). The focus of WHS is picking with mobile devices. Support for paper pick lists is limited. Pick list printing is always optional, but never part of a process. Pick lists can be printed multiple times which induces the risk of double pick lists running in the warehouse.
In case there are multiple pick lists for one sales order (e.g. indoor warehouse and outside area), the employee has to go through several sales lines to register the pick lists.
On the mobile device, the actual picked quantity can be entered. However: on the PC, changing the actual picked quantity is only possible by entering the quantity that was not picked. The standard cancellation screen is error prone.
The completion of a pick list on the PC requires 5 steps.
If the small warehouse is in a subsidiairy legal entity, the data in the original sales order in the sales legal entity is not easily accessible or printable.
Small Warehouse Optimization enables:
This module can be used in combination with Order Entry Optimization and / or Advanced Warehouse Management .
In the appendix, the advised setup for small warehouses is explained.
Often this sales order line must be shipped with a reference to the actual installation location or additional information.
In the sales order line, tab General the field Location details (100 characters) is added, together with a display method Location details (orig. sales). Enter information on where the item must be installed (room, machine, etc.).
Field | Description | Remark |
Location details | Information regarding the installation location of the sales order line, any reference for the customer etc. |
Location details (orig. sales) |
Display method for the location details on the IC original sales order line |
This display method is also visible in production orders |
Intercompany scenario: a sales order line in the commercial company is purchase at the logistical company and produced at the production company.
The information from the original sales order is visble from intercompany sourcing orders too and can be printed on the ZPL labels.
If the warehouse is a self service warehouse or hybrid warehouse, set the reserve when released from sales order to "Pick now lines only".
The customer has finished self service picking and brings the goods to the desk. At the desk the physically picked items are entered in the sales order lines.
The customer comes to the desk and asks if the warehouse staff can pick the goods from the locations.
This can be useful for large, heavy items, items stored in high racks that must be picked in a formal way with mobile devices. Also when the customer orders by phone and will pickup the goods later that day, the picking work must be executed beforehand in a formal way by the warehouse staff.
Field | Description | Remark |
Sales header Pick now |
Default for Pick now on the sales lines. Only editable if the warehouse on the sales header has Pick now functionality enabled (i.e. reserve when released to warehouse = Pick now lines only). Changing Pick now on the header will not update existing sales lines. |
Sales line Pick now |
Reserve and release to warehouse. Only editable when Pick now functionality is enabled on the sales line warehouse. |
The “Pick now” button on sales lines will change all selected sales lines that are still open to Pick now = yes.
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Tab Warehouse > Button Release to warehouse
Applies to the button on the sales order screen.
Standard warehouse
Location is not filled on the sales line, unless the user enters the location manually. In that case, no load line is created upon release to warehouse, and a message is displayed.
Self service warehouse (pick now lines only)
For sales lines for which the warehouse is set to “Pick now lines only”:
If Pick now is no, the location on the sales line is filled automatically. Upon release to warehouse these lines will not be reserved and the message that the load line can not be created is skipped.
If Pick now is yes, the location on the sales lines is blanked automatically. Upon release to warehouse these lines will be
reserved automatically and released to the warehouse.
When the sales order is released to warehouse. On the wave template it is possible to switch on automatic printing.
If necessary, it is possible to print the pick list again with the button on the work or the wave.
The pick list report (Shipping pick list for wave) is optimized in Warehouse Management :
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Tab Warehouse management > Button Work details
Register one (or more) pick list(s) from sales order header: on the sales header a button work details allows to open all works that contain work lines for this sales order:
Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders > Tab Warehouse management > Button Work details > Button Complete
Warehouse managament > Work > All work
With the complete button, the work can be completed at once (in stead of 5 steps). Note that if additional data should be entered during the picking process, this is only possible through the mobile process. Examples of additional data are: the source license plate, custom work steps, automatic printing.
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse setup > Warehouses
Some fields are added to the warehouse setup.
Field | Description | Remark |
Complete work one step | When completing the work, auto execute the validate step with the default warehouse management mobile user. In case the validation fails (e.g. when a source LP has to be selected), complete one step is not possible. |
If the work contains multiple pick put pairs, and "Stop transaction" is set on one of the work lines, the completion will proceed until the work line where "stop transaction" is switched on. |
Reserve when released from sales order |
Sales location |
If “Pick now” is editable on the sales line, but switched off: the sales line location is filled automatically, and the warehouse management process is disabled. |
Use a location without LP tracking! |
Use fixed location as sales location |
Use most recent fixed location for released product variant or released product as sales location. If no fixed location is found, fall back to the default Sales location in the previous field. |
Fill sales return location |
If pick now is active on the sales line with a negative sales quantity, the fixed location is filled automatically, and the warehouse management process is disabled. If no fixed location found, fall back to default Sales location field. |
Use fixed locations without LP tracking! |
Set location upon release |
The location will be set on the sales line, upon the release of the sales order to the warehouse. Except for pick now lines. |
Warehouse management > Setup > Wave setup > Wave templates
Field | Description | Remark |
Automate pick list print | Print the pick list automatically when processing the wave? The printer can be specified in the Warehouse management parameters, Print management setup, shipping pick list for wave. |
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse management parameters > Print management > Print management setup > Tree > Documents > Shipping pick list for wave
Select the report name: DYSSWHWhsPickListShipping.Report
It is possible to specify a printer per warehouse, etc. by adding multiple layouts (right mouse click, new). On the layout set the criteria (right mouse click, new, condition, button select).
Scenario: original sales order is in a commercial company, intercompany sales orders in a logistics company, intercompany-2 sales orders in a production company. Print the correct original order information on the production order labels.
The following methods on both WHSLicensePlateLabel and ProdTable can retrieve the data when used in a ZPL layout.
Original sales order |
IC original sales order ID |
$DYSSWHOrigSalesId()$ |
Original customer name |
IC original sales order name |
$DYSSWHOrigSalesName()$ |
Original customer reference |
IC original customer reference |
$DYSSWHOrigCustReference()$ |
Original customer requisition |
IC original customer requisition |
$DYSSWHOrigCustReq()$ |
Original export reason |
IC original sales order export reason |
$DYSSWHOrigExportReason()$ |
Original ship date |
IC original sales line confirmed ship date, else requested ship date |
$DYSSWHOrigConfirmedDlv()$ |
Original to street |
IC original destination street |
$DYSSWHOrigToStreet()$ |
Original to street number |
IC original destination street number |
$DYSSWHToStreetNumber()$ |
Original to building compliment |
IC original destination building complement |
$DYSSWHToBuildingCompliment()$ |
Original to zip code |
IC original destination zip code |
$DYSSWHToZipCode()$ |
Original to city |
IC original destination city |
$DYSSWHToCity()$ |
Original to country |
IC original destination country |
$DYSSWHToCOuntry()$ |
Location details |
(IC) sales line location details |
$DYSSWHLocationDetails()$ |
For use in DataVerse and export purposes there is a data entity for the display methods: DYSSWHLicensePlateLabelEntity that combines data from the license plate labels including the methods above, and physical dimensions and filter codes from the item data.
This chapter gives some hints for a minimal required setup.
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Location types
Define the purpose of the location.
Field | Description | Remark |
Recv | Receiving |
Store |
Store |
Self service part of the small warehouse |
Bulk |
Bulk |
Restricted locations from which no self service is allowed |
Baydoor |
Baydoor |
User |
Mobile user location type |
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Location formats
Define the naming of the location codes. E.g. format Standard with line 1 = Aisle (length 1), Line 2 = Rack (length 2).
Generate locations with the wizard.
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Location profiles
Define the behaviour of stock, and the physical dimensions on the location. Setup location profiles and location types 1:1.
Field | Description | Remark |
RECV | Receiving | Yes / Recv |
Store |
No / Store |
Bulk |
No / Bulk |
Baydoor |
Yes / Baydoor |
Mobile user location type |
Yes / User |
Warehouse management > Setup > Worker
A warehouse worker is specified as a (Warehouse) User ID which is linked to worker (employee). At least one default warehouse worker is required.
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse management parameters
Field | Description | Remark |
User location profile | USER |
Final shipping location type |
Baydoor |
Default work user ID |
RFgen |
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouses
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Locations
A typical setup of locations in a small warehouse:
Field | Description | Remark |
A01..Z99 or similar |
RFgen, .. |
For each allowed warehouse worker combination, a location with the worker ID is auto-inserted for that warehouse |
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Warehouses
After the locations are created, complete the warehouse setup.
Field | Description | Remark |
Receiving location | RECV |
Reserve if released from sales order |
Pick now lines only |
Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Fixed locations
Optional. The fixed location for a product can be used as default location on the sales line, e.g. if the items in the self service area of the warehouse have one fixed location per item.
Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave templates
Define a wave template, type shipping, for the warehouse.
Field | Description | Remark |
Automate wave creation | Yes |
Assign to open waves |
No |
Create a new wave for each sales order |
Process wave at release to warehouse |
Yes |
Generate pick work immediately |
Automate wave release |
Yes |
Allow the work to be executed |
Automate pick list print |
Yes |
If paper picklists are needed. The printed picklist is a practical trigger and identifier, especially if there is no continuing picking activity in a small warehouse. |
Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Work templates
Define a work template with one pick and one put step. In Edit query, sorting, setup e.g. Shipment ID, (location) sort code.
Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives
Type Pick
Specify the locations from which the goods should be picked. In most situations, the pick location directive will only apply to the part of the warehouse that is not used for self service. In the location directive action, specify only locations with profile BULK. Allow split and sort inventory by ascending physical date will consume the older stock first.
Warning: if also self service locations (location profile STORE) are included in the query, be aware that customers might have put something in the basket that is not taken to the desk yet, or there might be stock differences typically in the self service area.
Type Put single SKU
In the location directive action query, specify only location BAYDOOR.
Type Put multi SKU
For technical reasons, always create a single and a multi SKU put location directive. In the location directive action query, specify only location BAYDOOR.
Procedure: The inbound process should be as simple and fast as possible, thus allowing inventory in a small warehouse to be up to date, and avoid the need for negative stock allowance.
Scan the incoming LP on the mobile, and minimize the other steps.
Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items
Setup the easiest way for LP receiving (with automatic put away).
Field | Description | Remark |
Mode | Work |
Use existing work |
No |
Display inventory status |
No |
Work creation process |
License plate receiving and put away |
Display disposition code |
No |
Print label |
No |
Usually not needed, because the LP label is only needed for put away to a non-LP controlled location. |
Override license plate during put |
No |
Group put away |
No |
Audit template ID |
Empty |
Work confirmation setup - Put |
Optionally for self service items: Auto-confirm = yes |
After the LP is scanned, the items are immediately available on the location. This requires that the employee knows by heart where the items should be stored. Typically for items in the self service store locations. |
The packing structure is auto-generated when the transfer order shipment is confirmed at the central warehouse. Use the before mentioned mobile device menu item LP receiving.
Purchase order > Load planning work bench > Loads > Button Ship and receive > Receive Packing structure
Standard: enter a receiving packing structure manually (based on the mailed vendor packing slip), or import the ASN (Advanced Shipment Note).
Automatic creation of a receiving packing structure is not supported in standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations . The outbound ASN from the shipping company can not be imported 1:1 into the receiving packing structure of the receiving company.
Insert a structure manually, or automate this via customization.
Feature | Introduced in version |
10042.24120900 |
Feature | Introduced in version |
10036.60.500 |
Feature | Introduced in version |
10033.57.400 |