In standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations the rounding is applied after the line amount has been calculated. In a lot of companies net prices are calculated and communicated based on a base list price minus a discount.
E.g. Unit price of 99,99 minus a discount of 33,33% results into a net price of 66,66 per unit.
But when you sell 1000 units, standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will calculate a line amount of 66.663,33, while the customer expects a line amount of 66.660,00.
This can be achieved by enabling the parameter Net Price Rounding.
When this parameter is enabled customers will be able to print the net price per order unit on the invoices without having to worry about somebody manually verifying whether order quantity * net price per order unit will match the line amount printed on the invoice.
However when the feature Prices expressed in price unit of measure is used, customers often want to print the net price per price unit on the invoice. Also, regardless of the order unit chosen on the order lines, they want the line amount to be the same when the quantity in price unit is the same.
This can be achieved by enabling the parameter Line amount based on net price in price unit.
Unit conversion 1 pcs =3,6 m2
Inventory and order unit = pcs
Price unit = m2 and search agreements for Unit = price unit
Price in price unit 99,99 (=359.96 in order unit), minus a discount of 33,33% results in a net price per price unit of 66,66 per unit
But when you sell 1000 pcs or 3600 m2, standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will calculate a line amount of 239,988.00, while the customer expects a line amount of 239,976.00.
This works both for retail and non-retail sales order line amount calculations, for sales quotations and purchase orders.
Sales and marketing > Setup > Price and margin management parameters > General
Retail and commerce > Headquarters setup > > Price and margin management parameters > General
Field | Description |
Net Price Rounding | Rounds the net price per unit before the line amount calculation |
Line amount based on net price in price unit | The line amount is calculated based on the rounded net price in price unit, instead of the standard line amount calculation |
Sales and marketing > Setup > Price and margin management shared parameters > Intercompany
Retail and commerce > Headquarters setup > > Global Price and margin management shared parameters > Intercompany
Field | Description |
Net Price Rounding | Rounds the net price per unit before the line amount calculation |
Line amount based on net price in price unit | The line amount is calculated based on the rounded net price in price unit, instead of the standard line amount calculation |
For intercompany scenario's it's important that the system uses the same settings in both company's to prevent the calculation to become inconsistent on both sides. For this reason the two parameters need to be set on a global level. For non-intercompany scenario's the settings from the Price and management parameters will be used as these can be set differently per company.