Product documentation
Repair Center Parameters

 Repair center - HSO > Setup > Repair center parameters

The parameters form contains the following tabs: General, Repair object, Repair call, Project integration, Hours as items, Hours via Revenue, Workshop locations, Colors, Advanced search and Number sequences.

Because of the integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations sales, work centers and the project module, many of the settings refer to setup from other modules.

Tab: General 

Field Description


Enter hours in 24 hour

Allows hours to be entered in HH:MM:SS format. Limits maximum number of hours per line to 24. Be aware of rounding, as actual time is stored in
decimal hours.

Init realisation from

Whether the budget should be copied to the related realisation fields as default or not.

Select objects by grid

When setting up a preventive maintenance schedule the objects can by default be selected by using the object hierarchy. In case of large contracts with
many objects it can be more convenient to display the objects in a grid. This tick box will change the view to display the objects in a grid.

Equipment list
Create Equipment list

When this check box is checked the items on a sales order that are setup as object items will be added to the equipment list of the customer when
posting the packing slip of the sales order.

Create objects from
equipment list

When this checkbox is set the system will apply the function as mentioned above and in addition the objects will directly be created.

Pre-payment line

Default line property used in case of working with pre-payment contracts.

Undo effectuation for

If a contract is extended while the last period is broken and effectuated, may the effectuation been undone?

Invoice project
Contract ID
Customer ID

This setting defines the creation of the invoice project related to the contracts. When set to ‘contract ID’ the invoice project will be equal to the
contract ID. When set to "customer ID" the invoice project will be equal to the customer ID.

Totals on page

Enter here the place the invoice totals must be printed on (Possibilities: the first page or the last page)

Cost price visit

When on an assignment a visit line is created, this amount (in MST) will be automatically used as cost price (the amount can be changed in the

Cost price per kilometer

In case a visit line is created on an assignment, the number of kilometers as registered on the contract, will be multiplied with this amount (MST) and
added as a variable part of the cost price.

Incidental Revenue
Default invoice project
for incidental revenue

When posting incidental revenue (in combination with the use of pre-payment contracts), the revenue will be posted to this project.

Maximum amount for
incidental revenue

Determines the maximum amount that can be posted as incidental revenue when working with pre-payment contracts. This will only be used when
a certain amount of the contract can’t be settled.

Default category ID

When posting incidental revenue (in combination with the use of pre-payment contracts), the revenue will be posted using this category.

Coverage prices
Fixed coverage price

This setting enforces the intersection as defined in the parameters as the most detailed allowed. More detailed prices definitions aren’t allowed and
ignored when determining the contract price.

Customer code

Default customer code criteria for contract prices. Options are Table, Group and All. I.e. When set to "Table" all the contract prices
(contract>setup>coverage prices) will be entered as customer specific prices.

Object code type

Default object type code criteria for contract prices. Options are Table, Group and All. I.e. When set to "Group" all the contract prices
(contract>setup>coverage prices) will be entered as object type specific prices. ‘Table’ will set the prices as object ID specific.

Tab: Repair object 

Equipment Defaults

Invoice project for idle objects

When a repair object is not covered by a contract, (created without a contract or after the ending of a contract) it will be linked to this invoice project. This is required since the time and material project generated by Repair Center require an invoice project. This makes it possible to register revisions / repairs for own account.

Workorder call type

When a repair object is not covered by a contract (idle object) this call type will be used as default.

Call status The default call status for idle objects
Invoice status idle objects

The default invoice status (line property) used for objects that aren’t included in a contract.

Warranty terms

Auto generate object warranty start date, when promoting contract proposals, Yes or No

Tab: Repair call 

Repair calls
Default project intergration

Default project integration for a repair call when not overruled by a more specific project integration setup. The project integration determines the default used project categories for postings and the line property (i.e. chargeable or non-chargeable).

Default sales order type

When "Item requirements" is selected it is possible to define a line property for each individual item line on the repair task. All the sales order types can be selected. "Item requirements" and "sales order" are most common and advised.

Default SLD

The Service Level Definition selected will be used as a default in case no SLD setting can be found on contract levels. Also this default SLD will be used for objects that aren’t included in a contract.

Create repair call
Require create form for repair call

Should the create form for repair calls pop up or not while creating a new repair call.

Auto fill call status on create

Assumes the first call status to be the default

Never: No call status will prompt
Editable: First call status will prompt and is editable
Read Only: First call status will prompt and is not editable

Warranty call assignment Determines how warranty calls should be made visible tot the end-user
None: Ignores the warranty end date of the in the repair call used repair object
Prompt: Asks the end user whether the warranty call type should be used. This is based on the warranty end date on the used repair object.
Auto: Automatically assigns the warranty call type to objects which are still under warranty.
Warranty call type

Call type that should be used in the case a repair object is still under warranty. Driven by the warranty end date on a repair object.

Warranty call status

The default used call status for warranty calls.

Warranty account type

Defines which object account relations will be used to determine the warranty.

Default line property

Defines the default line property used in case the a line (hours/items/revenue) is covered by warranty


Defines the default category used in case the a line (hours/items/revenue) is covered by warranty

Expand tab

When set the warranty tab in the repair call creation screen will automatically expand in case an object is covered by warranty.

Complaint call type

When a complaint call is created out of the sales order line, this call type will be automatically used (can be changed in the repair call).

Complaint call status

When a complaint call is created out of the sales order line, this call status will be automatically used (can be changed in the repair call).

Repair Tasks
Taskid sub mask

Determines the used mask for repair tasks. - ## means that a max of 99 repair tasks can be created for the same repair call.

Allow planning of proposed tasks

When this check box is set that repair tasks in the status "proposed" can be planned using the drag and drop option in the scheduling overview. When unchecked repair tasks can only be scheduled using drag and drop from the status confirmed.

Parts availability status
Parts availability check boxes

Based on these checkboxes it can be determined in which forms the parts availability icons should be displayed.

On the item line level in the repair task the actual parts availability status for that item + warehouse will be displayed. On the task header and/or call level the status icons of all the lines (for that task or call) will be taken and most pessimistic status will be shown.

Work orders
Work order call type

When a sales quotation is posted as a work order, a new call will be created using the call type, status and event code filled in here.

Work order call status

Used call type for the creation of a work order.

Event code Used event code for the creation of a work order.
Call timer
Minimum duration

The minimum duration in seconds for the call timer. I.e. when set to 30 it means that the call timer will only start registering after 30 seconds. The initial seconds will be added to the time registration. The call timer can be started from the ‘Repair call’ form. On employee level should be ticked on whether an employee can use the call timer functionality.


Rounding in seconds of the registered time. I.e. when set to 30 the registered time will be rounded per 30 seconds.

Mandatory start delay

Based on the Repair call setup the call timer can start automatically. The time in seconds mentioned will make sure that the auto start of the call timer will be delayed with the defined amount of seconds.

Aggration Level

Determines on which level the registered time will be posted

Repair Call: The project linked to the repair call will be used. If the repair call doesn’t have a project the call tracking project will be used.

Repair Object: The project of the repair object will be used. When no repair object is linked to the call the call tracking project will be used.

Call tracking project

Project that will be used when the registered time can’t be posted against the selection made in the aggregation field.


Project category of the type hours that will be used will posting the call timer time

Line Property

Line property of the type hours that will be used will posting the call timer time.

Tab: Project Integration

Project Integration


Default mask for sub-project creation 

Mask to be used as sub-project mask Use the hash sign (#) to specify a digit holder for the project sub number. Each repair call becomes a sub-project on the object; so reserve sufficient number of digits to catch all repair calls expected during the lifespan of the object.

Object Group

For every repair object a project is created. In this field the project group is selected to be used when creating a new project with the object. Advised is to work with a project group of the type "Time and Material".

Objectid follows ProjectId

By default the repair objects will get an ID based on the number sequence. When this field is ticked on the repair object ID will be the same as the project number related to the repair object. In order to make this work the repair object number sequence should be set to manual.

Project group repair calls

During creation of a sub-project for a repair call, whenever the call type does not specify any project group, the repair module defaults to the group setup here. Advised is to work with a project group of the type "Time and Material".

Call Id as subproject

When ticked on the call Id will become part of the project of the repair call. In order to make this work the project sub mask should be equal to the number sequence of the repair calls.

Hours category

Specify the default category to be used for hours forecasting and hour consumption journals.

Hours budget status

Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above hour budgets. The hour budget status will used in forecasting.

Hours invoice status

Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above hour transactions. The hours invoice status will be used in realisation.

Hours consumption journal

Specify the journal to be used for hours consumption postings from the service module.

Project category for items

Specify the default category to be used for item forecasting and item consumption.

Items invoice status

Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above item transactions.

Costs project category

Specify the default category to be used for costs forecasting and costs journals.

Costs invoice status

Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above cost transactions.

Cost journal

Specify the journal to be used for revenue postings from the Repair module.

Main Account

Default offset ledger account to be used during cost postings.

Traval project category

Specify the default category to be used for travel costs forecasting and travel costs journals.

Travel invoice status

Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above travel cost transactions.

Default visit tariff

Default visit tariff code that will be used when there is no visit tariff code defined on the repair objects or repair contracts.

Depreciation project category

Specify the default category to be used for depreciation forecasting and depreciation journals.

Depreciation invoice status

Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above depreciation (cost) transactions

Depreciation journal

Specify the journal to be used for depreciation postings from the repair module.

Main Account

Default offset ledger account to be used during depreciation (cost) postings.

Revenue project category

Specify the default category to be used for revenue forecasting and revenue journals.

Revenue invoice status

Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above revenue (cost) transactions

Revenue reversal invoice status

Specify the default invoice status to assign for reversed revenue (cost) transactions

Revenue Journal

Specify the journal to be used for revenue postings from the repair module.

Tab: Hours as Items

The tab page "Hours as items" identifies item from inventory that represents sales value for workshop hours. When identified here, they create hour lines from these item lines during the "work order" posting from the sales table.

As the sales price will then be invoiced from the item, a non-invoiceable category on the hour allows for just a cost price based on actual hour consumption. These are subsequently posted to the same project on task completion. Given a zero cost price for the hour’s item, you can create a fixed-price quotation, with proper hour cost registration.

Item number ItemID that represents hours (sales value)

Project category to be used for hour lines associated with the quoted hours (sales price zero) to account for the cost price of the above item.

Tab: Hours via revenue 

The tab page "Hours via revenue" identifies the items and the project categories that will be used in the conversion of hours to revenue in the repair task. Based on the setup as shown below it is possible to convert an hour registration to a revenue transaction. This will be done during the registration phase of a repair  task. During the registration of a repair task the hours on the hour tab will be copied (based on the line property as shown below) to the revenue tab. This in order to be able to separate the hour (cost) transaction from the revenue transaction. The item as entered below will only be used for its description and sales price.

Fixed Units

Specifies which system unit correspondents to the unit ‘hours'. The mentioned system unit i.e. ‘Hr’ will be used in the revenue transactions. This system unit should also be known on the items which are mentioned in the item number field.

Rounding Hours rounding unit
Hours line property

Line property which will trigger the conversion from hours to revenue on the repair task. Multiple line properties can be entered.

Item number

Item number that will be used in the revenue transaction for its description and sales price.

Hours category

On the hour line an hour category needs to be entered. To prevent a second selection after the hours are converted into a revenue line the hour categories can be linked to revenue categories. I.e. When on the hour tab of a repair task the hour category ‘Install’ is used the revenue category ‘Install-hrs’ will be used in the revenue transaction.

Revenue Category

On the revenue line an revenue category needs to be entered. To prevent a second selection after the revenue is converted into a revenue line the revenue categories can be linked to revenue categories. I.e. When on the revenue tab of a repair task the revenue category "Install" is used the revenue category ‘Install-hrs’ will be used in the revenue transaction.

Tab: Workshop locations


Select from the standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations warehouse and determine which of these warehouses can be used for the workshop repair process. Only the warehouses defined in the screen can be selected when setting up the event codes for the workshop repair process. (see also the event code and object type setup).


The description of the selected warehouse.

Tab: Colors

Job status
Color task status

Color to show for the task in the task overview screen and the lower part of the scheduling overview line with mentioned status

Tab: Advanced search

Here some of the parameter setup for Advanced search (Repair center - HSO > Setup > Advanced search) related to Repair Center is done.

Enabled By default Advanced search is disabled. To activate it, change this setting to the desired advanced search method (local or via Azure).
Update local search data
Category attribute group When enabled, search data is automatically generated whenever an attribute group is added/removed from a category node
Local search
When local search is activated, several parameters become available that are only applicable to Local search (and not Azure search).

Tab: Number sequences


Number sequence for object ID’s. Needs to be set to manual when object ID follows project ID is ticked on.

Service object pool id

Number sequence of the lines in the repair object pool.


Number sequence of the components. Advised is to NOT set this number sequence to continuous.

Call number

Number sequence of the repair calls.

Visit schedule

Number sequence of the visit schedules.

Interval schedule line id

Number sequence of the lines in the visit schedules of the type "interval".

Line ID

Number sequence of the lines in the visit schedules of the type "frequency".

Unique visit ID

Number sequence of the unique visits of the different visit schedules.

Operation number

Number sequence of the operations as used in the planned maintenance and repair tasks.

Repair Transaction ID

Number sequence of the Repair transaction ID’s.

Covered content ID

Number sequence of the covered content. This is a more technical number that is used in the background.


Number sequence of the Service Level Definition. Advised is to set this number sequence to manual so you can give the ID a logical description.

Session ID

The session ID is for the graphical object builder sessions.


Number sequence used for the version number of the severity configuration versions.


Number sequence used for the severity matrix questions.


Number sequence used for the severity matrix answers.

Contract template ID

Number sequence of the contract template ID’s. Advised is to set this number sequence to manual so you can give the ID a logical description.


Number sequence of repair contracts.

Coverage type

Number sequence of the coverage types. Advised is to set this number sequence to manual so you can give the ID a logical description.

Contract proposal ID

Number sequence used for the contract proposals, Advised is to start this number sequence with logical description, instead of the company name. 

Visit tariff journal ID

Number sequence of the visit tariff journals. These journals can be used to reassign prices to the visit tariff codes.