Product documentation
Price and Margin Management - Walkthrough


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In this Walkthrough we like to show how the features of solution could be used. These walkthrough's are just examples to give a global overview. More detailed explanation of the parameters and fields can be found in the other topics, which can be accessed via the hyperlinks.

The examples provided in this walkthrough are based on the default demo data which Microsoft provides in the demo VM. A demo VM can be created very easily via LCS.

All examples are created in company USRT.


Each business process depends on the previous one as we will reuse the data that we create or modify in each example. Be sure to execute all steps in the correct order.



In this walkthrough you will setup all necessary parameters and base data.


Business Processes

Create base sales price list based on price list of a new vendor

This walkthrough explains what setup is needed to create a base sales price list where the sales price is calculated automatically based on the price list of the vendor and the costing structure that you have defined for these items.


Purchase the goods

This walkthrough shows the effect of the costing structure to the cost price of the item and the effect on the ledger postings when purchasing the goods.


Sell the goods

This walkthrough shows the effect of the coverage structure to the sales price of the item and the effect on the ledger postings when selling the goods.