Product documentation
Repair Center Repair Calls

Repair calls 

Repair center - HSO >Setup > Calls 

Any repair activity usually starts with creating a repair call. With the help of the repair and/or helpdesk search screens, all necessary information to create a call can be found, such as the customer and the repair object. From the repair call, one or more repair tasks are created to forecast, plan and register the actual work on the repair object.

The repair call is used to track and follow-up on reapir activities using service level and service level agreements (SLA) milestone registration.
Based on the call and service level definition (which are linked to the repair object), the repair transactions are defaulted and include the appropriate information for invoicing.



Call types

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Call types 

A call type is the entity that is used to define what type of repair is needed. Typical examples could be repair, inspection, complaint, etc.

A call type is mandatory when creating a new repair call. It is possible to define conditions for which call type(s) are allowed. A call type can also hold all the steps (call statuses) that are needed to resolve the repair call from beginning to end. With the assignment of the call type, the created call will adopt all statuses and settings as defined for that type.

Field Description
Call type Unique identifier for the call type. This ID will be visible in multiple forms, so a logical name is advised.
Description Description of the call type.
Auto post WIP When enabled, work in progress transactions will be posted automatically (if used) once the call is closed. This is only applicable for non-invoicable lines since the work in progress transactions of invoicable lines will be posted while posting the invoice.
Mandatory call tracking Besides registering hours on a service task, it is also possible to keep track of the time spent directly on the service call. This can be done via the call timer buttons on the service call list page and the service call details screen. When this option is enabled, the call timer will start automatically if the call timer functionality is also activated for the employee working on the call.
Supress visit transaction Only applicable when also using the Mobile Field Service solution. When enabled the visit transaction created in the mobile device won't update the transaction in Repair Center.
Allow idle object When enabled, this call type can be used for all reapir objects, even those without a (repair) contract.
Automatic invoice project

Create invoice project automatically for this repair call type if no contract is specified. 

A check will be done first whether or not an invoice project is specified (based on the customer ID available), if this is not the case, an invoice project will be created based on the customer ID.

Auto visitline

The repair task linked to this call type can have visit lines (travel) added to it. When this setting is enabled, a visit transaction is created automatically for every workorder. It will be added when a repair task is created.

Active contract required

When enabled, this call type can only be used for objects that have an active contract.

Plan term (time) The (default) time defined here, will be used to calculate the required start time of the repair task, based on the SLA reference time of the repair call.
Plan term (days)

The (default) amount of days defined here, will calculate the required start date of the repair task, based on the SLA reference days of the repair call.

Calendar The calendar defined here is used for the deadlines defined in this call type. The working time in the calendar in combination with the deadline time of a call status, determines the actual SLA date/time for a repair call of this type. When the calendar field is blank, the working time will be set to 24 hours a day.
Project group When a repair task is created from a repair call, this project group will be used to create a sub-project in the project module. This project group is usually of the time and material type. When this field is left blank, the project group of the parameters is used.
Default event code When adding a repair task to a repair call of this type, the selected eventcode can be used as default. When blank, the event code always needs to be selected from the pull down menu on the repair task.
Exclude from mobile field service Only applicable when using the Mobile Field Service (MFS) solution. This default task priority will be shown in the agenda in the mobile device and is for information purposes only.
Time zone source The SLA of the call type is linked to the selected calendar. With the selection of the tim zone source it is possible to determine whose time zone should be used to determine the actual deadline date/time for a call. There are 2 options:
Customer: The time zone of the customer will be used.
User: The time zone of the user will be used.

When this checkbox is enabled the severity matrix is used during the creation of a new repair task.

When this checkbox is disabled, a default severity can be selected - see below. When this checkbox is disabled and no default severity is set up, the severity option is not available when creating a new call.

Default severity Select a default severity for this service task. This option is only available when the checkbox 'mandatory' is disabled. When the 'mandatory' setting is disabled and no default severity is set up, the severity option is not available when creating a new call.
Line number Manually entered number for sorting during status lookup. Recommended is to start with larger intervals to cater for inserts later on.
Call type Automatically filled in based on the selected call type in the top part of the screen.
Call status Description of the call status
Deadline days Determines the Service Level Agreement (SLA) together with the deadline time. The effective deadline date/time is calculated from the repair call SLA date/time. I.e. if the deadline days is set to 1, it means that the deadline of this call staus will be 1 day after the call was created (SLA reference time).
Deadline time Detemines the Service Level Agreement (SLA) together with the deadline days. The effective deadline date/time is calculated from the repair call SLA date/time. I.e. if the deadline time is set to 8, and the deadline days is set to 1, it means that the deadline of this call status will be 1 day and 8 hours after the call was created (SLA reference time).
Sub status Group or person responsible for the next progress, e.g. employee or customer.
Ref. time Average time consumed for this status. Usually indirect time, not registered anywhere. Could be in the second range. As each status is assigned, reference time is accumulated in the call history. This produces information on call handling overhead.
Action delta type

The action as used on the repair call can be entered manually or can be calculated based on the deadline date/time.
Backward from deadline: The defined time in the action days/time delta is deducted from the calculated deadline to determine the action time.

Forward from status change: The defined time in the action days/time delta is added to the moment of the call status change to determine the action date/time. 
Forward from SLA reference: The defined time in the action days/time delta is calculated from the SLA reference time, similar to the calculation time of the deadline.

Action delta days Determines the amount of days for the calculation of the action date/time
Action time delta Determines the amount of time (in hours) for the calculation of the action date/time.
Allow status All settings as described here, need to be defined per call status.
Complaint code required The complaint code value is needed before the status may be assigned. This makes the complaint code a mandatory field for this status.
Cause code required The cause code value is needed before the status may be assigned. This makes the cause code a mandatory field for this status.
Solution code required The solution code value is needed before the status may be assigned. This makes the solution code a mandatory field for this status.
Use quantity counter setting required The Use quantity counter value is needed before the status may be assigned. This ensures counter values are mandatory fields.
Notify Defines if an email should be sent as notification. This option is only available for those sub-statuses Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has an email address for. Only applicable if email is set for customer, vendor and employee. The email address is taken from the contact person if one is chosen.
Close call
Close call

For closing a call there are three status options:

No close allowed: The call remains open and can't be closed while assigned this status

Closed allowed: The call may be closed using the close button, if all conditions for the close are met. Meaning all mandatory fields are filled and all repair tasks have the status ready. The same button may later be used to re-open the call.

Automatic close: As soon as this status is assigned, checks are performed to see if all conditions for the close are met. Meaning that when all mandatory fields are filled and all repair tasks have the status ready, the call will be closed automatically. The call may later be re-opened manually.

Show close dialog When this tickbox is enables, a close dialog will appear while closing the call. In the close dialog the complaint, cause and solution code can be entered as well as the solution text.
Solution code required on close Defines if the solution code value is needed before closing the call. This makes the solution code a mandatory field for this status.
Reopen call status Defines the call status that is used when a repair call is re-opened.
Close call status Defines the call status that is used when a repair call is closed. This only works if the 'close call' field is set to 'closed allowed'. When using the button in status X during the closing of the call, the status will automatically be changed to this defined close call status.
Color code

The defined color is used for the repair tasks linked to a repair call of this type. The color is shown in the scheduling overview.

The idea is that the color can help you in identifying the type of scheduled job quickly.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Service level agreements

The SLA ID's are ID's that can be used in the call type SLA setup. Each deviation of the standard SLA as defined on the service call type setup needs to be linked to a priority.

Field Description
SLA Unique ID to indentify the SLA. This SLA will be visible on the call type SLA setup.
Description Description of the Service Level Agreement.

Call type SLA

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Call type SLA

For each call type it is possible to set up different call type SLA's. This setup is not mandatory. The setup allows for changing calendar, deadline- and action times for the same call type, depending on the selected object, contract and severity. This allows the company to assign higher priority and enforce quicker reaction times for calls for certain specific objects or object ypes, specific contracts or contract types, or calls with a higher degree of severity. Combinations of those settings are possible to allow for very detailed SLA's.

Field Description
Call type SLA Most of the fields in this form are for information only. Only Description, Calendar, Severity and Plan terms are editable.
Details For information only
Lines See lines

Complaint, Cause and Solution code

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Complaint codes

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Cause codes

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Solution codes

In order to make use of statistics codes functionality, the complaint, cause and solution code setups need to be completed. These codes are used to register a complaint, cause and solution for every repair call. A repair call allows for one complaint code, one cause code and one solution code each. These codes are typically used for problem analysis, reporting and inquiry purposes.

Using complaint, cause and solution codes is optional per default and is not required to start using Repair Center call functionality. However, if wanted these codes can be set as mandatory before allowing status changes, making the functionality mandatory

Field Description
Code Unique ID or code for the complaint, cause or solution code
Description Description of the complaint, cause or solution code

Diagnostic tree

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Diagnostic tree

The set up of complaint, cause and solution codes, can be made dependent on object types.

The first step is defining the highest level of the diagnostic tree. After that (a selection of) the complaint codes can be attached to the tree. For each complaint code, the relevant cause codes can be linked. And for each cause code the relevant solution codes can be linked, thus creating the tree.

Field Description
Diagnostic tree
Tree ID Unique ID for diagnostic tree
Description Description of the diagnostic tree
Object types
Object types Overview of object types which can be selected for this tree
Used by object types Overview of object types where the tree can be used
Diagnostic tree
Delete node Button to delete the tree
Cause, solution codes Depending on selection left, cause or solution code which you can add to the tree

Standard solution texts

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Standard solution texts

For a lot of cases the solution to a certain problem might be the same. To prevent retyping the solutions repeatedly it is possible to define standard solution texts. These texts can be selected while closing the repair task with the close dialog screen. When selecting the code in the close dialog screen the related text is copied to the solution field of the repair call.

Field Description
Standard solution texts
Sort code Unique ID for solution text
Standard text Solution text for the sort code

Automatic call status update

Repair center - HSO > Setup > Calls > Automatic call status update

Though not a mandatory setup, the automatic call status update is considered to be one of the key features in Repair Center to automate the repair call business process. It is designed to automatically update the status of a repair call based on the status of its related task(s) and their item transaction movements.

Field Description
Update trigger

The call status update can be triggerd by the following 3 options:

  • Packing slip posting: when this option is selected, the call status is automatically updated once the packing slip is posted for all item transactions
  • Task status change: when this option is selected, the call status is updated by the task status change
  • Reserved physical: when this option is selected, the call status is updated once all item lines are physically reserved

    Usually the Task status change is used in Repair processes

Priority When a repair call has multiple repair tasks, the priority of the different call status changes will determine the new call status
Call type Select from the repair call type main table for which call type this call staus update is applicable
Status Select for which repair call status the trigger is applicable. The repair status can be selected from the repair call type main table and is filtered based on the selected call type.
Event code When required, the call status change can also be limited by an event code. The event code can be selected from the event code main table.
New call status Select the repair call status for new calls, based on the defined trigger. The repair status can be selected from the repair call main table and is filtered based on the selected call type.
MFS Status Option only available when Mobile Field Service is used