Product documentation
Affiliations per delivery mode

Business value

In some cases companies have different sales prices for direct deliveries versus delivery from stock. For some companies there is also a price difference between goods that are taken by the customer from the shop or warehouse (pick up) or goods that are delivered to the customer by the company.

The feature Affiliations per delivery mode supports both cases. The mode of delivery on the order header will be used to determine which affiliations are added to the order.

This feature does not impact the code of the retail pricing engine. Only the way affiliations are added to a sales order or quotation is being influenced..

Since standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations always searches for the applicable prices and discounts using the affiliations (price groups) on the order- or quotation header the correct prices and discounts will be found.

In this feature settings have been added to the affilation can be setup for which type of mode of delivery they are applicable:

When an order is created all affiliations from the following sources are added

Then the system will remove the affiliations that are not applicable based on delivery method on the order header. This is driven by the parameter Delivery mode type on the mode of delivery. The ones that do not match with the settings on the affiliation will be removed.

When the delivery method is changed on the orderheader, quotation header, the system will execute the logic again. So all affiliations will be removed and according to the described logic added again.

As the price groups on the affiliations drive the prices and discounts on the order, it's now possible to make price lists and discounts specific for the mode of delivery.

It's also possbile to enabled all checkboxes on the affilation and link only one price group, in this way you can exclude one customer from this logic.


When affiliation have been added manually and the delivery method is changed, these need to be added again.


When feature is enabled, you can manually only add affiliations where the delivery mode type on the delivery mode is also set upon the affiliation.



Commerce parameters

Retail and Commerce > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Commerce parameters > Tab: DYS Retail

Field Description Remark
Affiliations per delivery mode This enabled the feature affiliations per delivery mode The parameter can only be enabled when on all affiliation at least one of the checkboxes Pick up, Delivery or Direct


On the affiliation three checkboxes have been added to control for which develivery mode they are applicable.

Based on the mode of delivery of the order header, affiliation will be removed from the order. The system will evaluate the Delivery mode type of the mode of delivery and it will remove those affiliations that do not have enabled the corresponding check box.

Retail and Commerce >  Customers > Affiliations

Field Description Remark
Pick up Valid for pick up mode of deliveries

When the Delivery mode type value on the mode of delivery is set to Pick up this affiliation will not be removed order


Valid for delivery mode of deliveries


Valid for direct delivery mode of deliveries

Create and add a corresponding price group to the affiliation, via the menu item Price groups on the affiliation.

Modes of delivery

Based on the mode of delivery of the order header, affiliations will be removed from the order. The system will evaluate the Delivery mode type of the mode of delivery and it will remove those affiliations that do not have enabled the corresponding check box.

Sales and marketing > Setup > Distribution > Modes of delivery

Field Description Remark
Delivery mode type

Pick up


Direct delivery

Call center affiliations

Retail and commerce > Channels > Call centers > Affiliations

In standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations there is no option to add affiliations to a call center. By setting up affilations on the call center it's now possible to setup 3 base price lists (one per Mode of delivery type) which are applicable for all customers without having to add those affiliations to all customers.

Based on the mode of delivery of the order header, affiliations will be removed from the order. The system will evaluate the Delivery mode type of the mode of delivery and it will remove those affiliations that do not have enabled the corresponding check box.

Customer affiliations

Accounts receivable  > Customers > Retail > Affiliations

Setup 3 base price lists (one per Mode of delivery type).

Based on the mode of delivery of the order header, affiliations will be removed from the order. The system will evaluate the Delivery mode type of the mode of delivery and it will remove those affiliations that do not have enabled the corresponding check box.

Price list and or discounts

Set up one or more price lists or discounts which relate to the corresponding Mode of delivery types and link the price groups of the corresponding affiliation.