Product documentation
Time slots

Business Value

Time slots are costs added to a sales quotation or sales order for delivering the goods in a specific time fence. Time slots are added to the sales order and sales quotation, based on ‘Time slots code’ of the concerning orders. Time slots can be used to replace the regular Order costs, or as an additional fee above the Order cost.




Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > tab Sales order optimizer

Field Description
Time slots enabled When enabled, Time slots fields are visible and functionality is working.
Split order costs Split order costs and Time slots into separate lines. If set to No, the applicable Time slot will overrule (be used instead of) the order costs. If set to Yes, the Time slot will be additionally added, next to the regular order costs.

Time slots

Accounts receivable > Setup > Order costs > Time slots

In this form Time slot codes can be set up, with the begin and end time.

Field Description
Time Slot Code Unique identification of the Time slot code as a name of the time fence
From From time of the day, that Time slot is applicable
To Till time of the day, that Time slot is applicable

Order costs

Accounts receivable > Setup > Order costs > Order costs

In this form order costs can be set up. Layout of this form depends on how orders costs are added to the orders: as a service item or as an additional charge. Depending on the parameter setting fields are visible or hidden. For more details see the documentation of Order cost functionality.

Field Description
Time Slot Code Unique identification of the Time slot code as a name of the time fence
Order costs

Order costs amount or percentage added for the service item (unit price) or the additional charge (charges value).

Service item Service item used to add to sales quotation or sales order. Only visible when parameter “Order costs as service item or additional charges” is on Service item.
Apply discounts Apply discounts to service item. Should discounts also apply to the service item. Only visible when parameter “Order costs as service item or additional charges” is on Service item.
Additional costs charges code Additional costs charges code. Only visible when parameter “Order costs as service item or additional charges” is on Additional charges.
Keep Only visible when parameter “Order costs as service item or additional charges” is on Additional charges.
Sales tax group Sales tax group. Only visible when parameter “Order costs as service item or additional charges” is on Additional charges.
Item sales tax group Item sales tax group. Only visible when parameter “Order costs as service item or additional charges” is on Additional charges.
Category The category can be Fixed or Percent. This determines if the charge is a fixed value or a percentage. Only visible when parameter “Order costs as service item or additional charges” is on Additional charges.


Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers > fast tab Miscellaneous details

In this form the default Time slot code can be set up for the concerning customer.

Field Description
Time Slot Code Time slot code applied to customer.