An equipment is one of the most important entities in the Maintenance Management module; on the equipment actual (maintenance) work is performed. The Maintenance Management module provides an efficient way to create an equipment the way that is needed in your business.
Using the Graphical Equipment builder, equipment and components can be created by selectin and adding Equipment types, component types, items, etc. to create an equipment tree. The creation of the tree will automatically create new equipment and components which can be used throughout Maintenance Management.
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Equipment > Graphical equipment builder
Field | Description |
Equipment builder |
Templates | Shows templates to create a new equipment |
Components | Shows only the components which can be used for the selected equipment type |
Meter type | Shows the compnetns with a meter type. |
Equipment types | Shows the equipment types to create a new equipment |
Equipment | Shows all the created equipment |
Items | Shows items that can be used to create an equipment. |
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Equipment > All equipment
Field | Description |
Ribbon Equipment |
New | |
Workorder | Create a newe work order for the selected equipment. |
Details | |
View/ Compare | Opens a deatilsform of the selected equipment |
Advanced Search | |
Search | Opens a search form for searching in the equipment |
Meters | |
Enter primary reading | Enter primary reading to the selected equipment. Only possible if a meter is entered for the selected equipment. |
Meters | Opens meter form. In this form it is possible to delete or add a meter the selected equipment. |
Meter change | Enter a meter change to the selected equipment. Only possible if a meter is entered for the selected equipment. |
Ribbon Manage | |
Maintenance note | Add a not for maintenance to the selected equipment |
Equipment in equipment pool | List of all equipment in the same equipment pool. |
Resource Requirements | Add or change resource requirements to the selected equipment. |
Equipment log | Enter description here |
Equipment type | Opens the equipment type form |
All workorders | Opens a grid with all the workorders for the selected equipment |
Open workorders | Opens a grid with alle the open workorders for the selected equipment. |
Structure | Opens the equipment structure |
Planned Maintenance | Opens the planned maintenance overview. |
Setup | |
Images | Opens the added image for the selected equipment. It is also possible to add/ change/ remove the image in this form. |
Attributes | Enter description here |
Add to category | Add the selected equipment to a category. |
Categories | Overview of the categories which the selected equipment is added to. |
Select fixed asset | Add the selected equipment to a fixed asset. |
Status | |
Suspend | Suspend the selected equipment |
Unsuspend | Unsuspend the selected equipment |
Deactivate | Deactivate the selected equipment. |
Ribbon Control | |
Transactions | |
Items | Not applicable |
Hours | Not applicable |
Expenses | Not applicable |
Finance |
Cockpitview | Overview of the costs of the selected equipment |
Project statements | Overview of the project statements of the selected equipment |
Asset | Overview of the related asset of the selected equipment |
Ribbon General | |
Relations | |
Active content | Overview of the active content of the selected equipment |
Equipment context | Context overview from the selected equipment. |
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Equipment > Active equipment
Overview of all the active equipment
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Equipment > Suspended equipment
Overview of all the suspended equipment
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Equipment > Decommissioned equipment
Overview of all the decommissioned equipment
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Equipment >Equipment search
Advanced search engine for equipment