Product documentation
Maintenance Management Setup

In this topic the basic set-up for Maintenance Management will be discussed.


Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Parameters

The parameter form contains the following items: General, Hours to purchase, Equipment, Work Order, Project intergraton, Colors, Advanced Search and Number Sequences.
Because of the integration with sales, resources and the project module in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , many of the settings refer to another moduls' setup.

Tab General 

Field Description
Enter hours in 24 hour format Allows hours to be entered in HH:MM:SS format. Limits maximum of hours per line to 24. Be aware of roundign, as actual time is stored in decimal hours.
Init realisation from estimate Whether the budget should be copied to the related realization fields as default or not.
Select equipment by Grid When setting up a preventive maintenance schedule, the equipment can by default be selected by using the equipment hierarchy. In case of large list with may equipment, it can be more convenient to display the equipment in a grid. This tick box will change the view to display the equipment in a grid.
Internal customer account For certain types of project, a customer account is needed. Since the equipment doesn't hold a customer account, this account will be used for all equipment created. This is only required for certain background features.
Interval schedule When this checkbox is ticked, it can use maintenance schedules of the type interval.
Frequency When this checkbox is ticked, it can use maintenance schedules of the type frequency. The schedule still needs to be setup and linked to equipment in order to rollout preventive maintenance.
Horizon This is the default horizon for used in the preventive maintenance schedule, we will limit the creation of forecasted lines based on this horizon. When creating a maintenance plan, this default can always be changed.
Skip first planned maintenance line The first workorder and task will be created based on the rollout startdate. When this isn't rewuired, you can check this tick box to skip the first workorder and task.
Auto-create next work order Automatically create the next work order when the current work order is closed.
Ignore double operations If ticked, more operations on one component are possible.
Totals on page Enter her the place the invoice totals must be printed on, first or last page.

Tab Hours to purchase

The tab hours to purchase setup is related to the purchase contract functionality. The purchase contract functionality is based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations purchase agreements. Since this oly supports purchasing of items and in maintenance management, it is required to also support the purchase of hours (service), an hour-to-item conversion is required.
Based on the settings, it is possible to convert an hour category used in the maintenance task into an item and an item category as defined in the parameters. Via the items defined, a check will be done whether a purchase contract exists or not. This will be checked when a purchase order is created from the task. During this purchase order creation, the system checks, based on the settings, whether there is a purchase contract for the hours. For the normal items this check will happen without an additional setup.

Field Description
Resource Select the applicable resource.
Hours category Select the hour category that needs to trigger the purchase contract functionality. Only for the hours categories mentioned the purchase contract check will take place
Item number Select an item that is related to this hour's category. I.e. when the hour category "design" is used, and a purchase order is created, the check will be done if whether item "x" is part of a purchase contract and link the purchase order to purchase contract.
Item Catergory Select the item that will be used in teh purchase orderline.

Tab Equipment

Field Description
Equipment Builder
Intitialize tree When checked, the equipment builder will open with all the equipment structures on the left-hand side of the equipment builder. When unchecked the left-hand side will open empty.
Equipment Defaults
Invoice project for idle equipment The project integration takes care of which default categories and line properties are used while creating transactions in maintenance management. This setting is used as a default in case more specific settings can't be found.
Work order type This is the default work order type that will be used when creating a new work order for equipment. This settings is only used when no more specific settings exists.
Work order status The default work order status for idle equipment, this field works in relation to the work order type.
Invoice status idle equipment Transactions posted in teh system needs to be based on a so-called line property/ In cas there is no more specific line property defined, this is the line property used as a default.

Tab Work order

Field Description
Default project intergration Default project intergration for a work order when not overruled by a more specific project integration setup. The project integration determines the default used project categories for postings and the line property (i.e. Internal or internal overtime).
Default sales order type When "item requirements" is selected, it is possible to define a line property for each individual item line on the work order task. All the sales orders can be selected. "Item requirements" and "Sales orders" are most common and advised.
Default SLD The Service Level Definition (SLD) determines which project integration should be used for a specific equipment (-type) in combination with a work order type.
Create work order
Require create form for work orders Should the "create form" for " Work order" pop up or not.
Auto fill wor orde status on create Assumes the first workorder status to be the default. Setting this option automatically slects it and hides the status field on the work order cretation form. 
Taskid submask Determines the used mask for work order tasks. -## means that a max of 99 workorders tasks can be created for the same work order.
Alow planning of proposed tasks When checked, it is possible to use the drag and drop functionality in traphical planning while the task is in the staus "proposted". When unchecked, drag and drop in the graphical planning is only supported as of the status "confirmed".
Create purchase requisitions When chekced, the option to create a purchase order (default behavior) from a maintenance task will be replaced by the option to create a purchase requisition.
Parts Availability status
Parts availability check boxes Base on these check boxes, it can be determined in which forms the parts availability icons should be displayed. The following parts availability icons are available / displayed.
On the item level in the service task, the actual parts availaility staus for that item & warehous will be displayed. On the task header and/ or call level the status icons of all the lines (for that task or call) will be taken and most pessimistic status will be shown.
Work order timer
Minimun duration The minimum duration in seconds for the workorder time. I.e. when set to 30, it means that the workorder timer will only start registering after 30 second. The initial seconds will be added to the time registration. The work order timer can be started from the work order form. On employee level should be ticked on whether an employee can use the work order timer functionality.
Rounding Rounding in seconds of the registered time. I.e. when set to 30, the registered time will be rounded per 30 seconds.
Mandatory start delay Based on the workorder setupp, the work order timer can start automatically. The time in seconds mentioned will make sure that the auto start of the work order timer will be deleayed with the defined number of seconds.
Aggregation level Detemines on which level the registered time will be posted.
Work order: The project linked to the work order will be used. If the workorder doens't hav a project the work order tracking project will be used.
Equipment: The project of the equipment will be used. When no equipment is linked to the workorder the workorder tracking project will be used. 
Work order tracking project Project that will be used when the registered tiem can't be posted against the selection made in the aggregation field.
Category Project category of the type hours that will be used will posting the work order timer time.
Line property Line property of the type hours that will be used will posting the work order timer time.
Equipment lookup
Show root level When checked the lookup of equiment, whil creating a work order, will on show the top-level equipment form the different structures
Start lookup in treeview When checked the lookup of, while creating a work order, will open with the tree view instead the grid view. When chekcing this box, the box above will be checked automatically.

Tab project integration

Field Description
Project Integration
Default mask for (call/ service order) sub order creation Mask to be used as sbu-project mask. Use the hash sign (#) to specify a digit holder for the project sub number. Each work order becomes a sub-project on the equipment; so, reserve enough digits to catch all work orders expecting during the lifespan of the equipment.
Equipment group For all equipment a project is created. In this field the project group is selected to be used when creating a new project with the equipment. Advised is to work with a project group of the type "internal". 
Equipment id follows project id By default, the equipment will get an ID based on teh number sequence. When this field is ticked, the equipment ID will be the same as the project number related to the equipment. In order to make this work the equipment number sequence should be set to manual. 
Project group work orders During creation of a sub-project for a work order, whenever the work order type does not specify any project group, the maintenance default is the group that has been seup here. Advised is to work with a project group of the type "time and material".Enter description here
Work order id as subproject When ticked on the work order id will become part of the project of the work order. In order to make this work the project sub mask should be equal to the number sequence of the workorders.
Hours category Specify the default category to be used for hours forecasting and hour consumption journals.
Hour budget status Specify the default budget status to assign with the above hour budgets. The hour budget status will used in forecasting.
Hours invoice status Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above hour transactions.
Hour consumption journal Specify the journal to be used for hour's consumption posings from the maintenance module.
Project category for items Specify the default category to be used for item forecasting and item consumption.
Items invoice status Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above item transactions.
Costs project category Specify the default category to be used for costs forecasting and costs journals.
Costs invoice status Specify the default invoice status to assign withe the above costs transactions.
Cost journal Specify the journal to be used for revenue postings from the maintenance module.
Main account Default offset ledger account to be used during cost postings.

Tab Colors

In the Colors tab, you can select the colors for the different job statuses of the service task in the overview and in the scheduling overview.

Tab Number Sequence

Set up for the different number sequences used in Maintenance Management. Number sewuence for equipment ID's needs to be set to "manual", when the "Equipment ID follows project ID" parameter is checked

Maintenance plans

Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Maintenance plans

The maintenance plan for can be used to create maintenance plans for specific equipment based on pre-defined maintenance schedules. When setting up a maintenance schedule to one or multiple pieces of equipment. Base on the rollout start date a list with planned maintenance lines will be created.

Field Description
Maintenance plan The ID of the maintence plan. This ID is based on the number sequence as defined in the parameters.
Rollout start date This is the date as of which the schedule should be rollout out. This date will also be used as the date for the first preventive maintenance order. If a rollout start date is chosen in the past, the system will automaticlly create the first planned maintenance line on today's date.
Horizon The horizon of the maintenace plan, the value that is added defaulted from the parameters The maintenance tasks will be forecasted based on the horizon. I.e. if the maintenance planhas a horizon of 365 days, it means that only a forecast is created for the coming year. (As off the rollout start date).
Maintenance Schedule Select the maintenance schedule that is used as a basis for this maintenance plan.
Auto When you don't want to select a maintenance plan manually, you can set this tick box. This will only work when the maintenance Schedule selection is setup correctly.
Maintenance plan type Ther are two types of maintenance plans.
Static: When the plan is of the type static, the proposed dates of the maintenance tasks will stay the same as defined in the maintenance plan.
Dynamic: When the plan is of the type dynamic, the proposed date of the next maintenance task will be updated based on the realization date of the previous maintenance task. I.e. when you normally do maintenance every first of the month and one of the tasks is realized on the third of the month, the next maintenance task will be proposed based on this realized date and therfore will also be on the third of the month.

Tab General

Field Description
Maintenance plan The ID of the maintenance plan. This ID is based on the number sequence as defined in the parameters
Active content id The ID of the active content. This content ID is automatically created for an equipment structure.
Schedule Setup
Auto When you don't want to select a maintenance plan manually, you can set this tick box. This only works, when the maintenance schedule selection is set up correctly
Maintenance Schedule Select the maintenance schedule that is used as a basis for this maintenance plan.
Rollout start date This is the data as of which the schedule should be rollout out. This date will also be used as a th edate for the first preventive maintenance order.
Margin days late When (re)scheduling a maintenance task in the graphical planning, a popup will appear when the task is scheduled later that the allowed margin. This popup is shown to indicate that the scheduled date is outside the normal allowed bandwidth.
Margin days early When (re)scheduling a maintenance task in the graphical planning, a popup will appear when the task is scheduled earlier that the allowed margin. This popup is shown to indicate that the scheduled date is outside the normal allowed bandwidth.
Work order type Dropdown to selet the work order type to be used for the creation of the maintenance work order.
Work order status Drop down for the work order status. This field is related to the field above. The status selected will be the status in which work orders for preventive maintenance is created. 
End date An end date can be entered to identify that the maintenance plan should no longer create maintenance tasks after this date.
Maintenance plan The ID of the maintenance plan. This ID is based on the number sequence as defined in the parameters
Status A maintenance plan can have one of teh following statuses:
Active: The plan is active and maintenance tasks can be created
Inactive: The maintenance plan is stopped, and no maintenance tasks can be created.
Suspended: The plan is supended, and no maintenance tasks can be created. The maintenance task that fall in the period that the maintenance plan suspended will be skipped.
Horizon The horizon of the maintenace plan, the value that is added is defaulted from the parameters. The maintenance tasks will be forecasted based on the horizon. I.e. if the maintenance plan has a horizon of 365 days it means that only a forecast is created for the coming year. (as off the rollout start date).

Tab Equipment selection

In the screen equipment selection you need to link the appropriate equipment to the maintenance plan. Per equipment a separate work order and task will be created when creating the planned maintenance lines.

Tab setup forecast

When applicable you can link a specific calendar to the maintenance plan. This can i.e. be used in case you want to make sure that certain maintenance is only proposed on Mondays. Base on the selected calendar or days, you can make only certain days of the week are used for this maintenance plan.

Field Description
Visit length
Minimum visit time Determine the minimum duration of the maintenance task. If the task is shorter than the minimum, the system will try to combine maintenance task(s) with this maintenance plan. 
Maximum visit time Determine the maximum duration of the maintenance task. If the task is longer than the maximum the system will try to split the maintenance task within this maintenance plan.
Calendar Select teh calendar used for this maintenance plan. Based on the calendar and / or the selected days, the days used for the planned maintenance can be limited. If no, calendar is selected, the system will basically use a 24/7 calendar.


Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Event codes

Eventcodes identify work packages. The base table doen't define the actual content, as this may differ per equipment type; it only defines the common set of workpackages. This ensures that each equipment type uses the same code for the same work, and thus you can compare work packages between equipment types. This allows you to forecast time consumption per equipment type more accurately and identify the most efficient equipment type for specific work packages.
The eventcodes can have a specific doucment title, which allows the event code to be translated int other languages as well.

Field Description
Event code Unique identification for a package of work.
Event Description Extended description for the eventcode
Title on documents Thtile to be used on single task work order with this event code.
Exclude form mobile field service Determines if the eventocde can be used in Mobile Field Service
Follow-up task status First status when creating a task with this eventcode.

Tab document titles

Field Description
Language Language id for this title
Title on documents Actual language title for the event code. I.e. When the customer lives in the USA, the description as mentioned will be printed on the documents, instead of the default description of the event code.

Tab equipment types

Field Description
Equipment type Equipment type this event may occur on.
Estimated duration Estimated time needed to complete the work.
BOM Bill Of Material. Parts list for this combination of equipment type and workspace. The items which are part of this BOM can be selected on the individual work order task.
Resource required Required skill for the combination of the eventcode and the equipment type. Based on the work center selection set up, the skills can be matched with resource(group) in order to be able to forecast the work on the appropriate resource(group).

Purchase contracts


This page is under construction, more information will appear soon.

Project Integration

Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Project integration

Maintenance Management is closely intergrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Project management and accounting module. I.e. each equipment also becomes a project and each work order may crate a sub-project. This creates a history and financial position per equipment and per activity at the same time.
Posting to the project module may be influenced by equipment type and work order types.

Field Description
Project integration ID Unique code for identification of project posting profile
Description Description of the project integration ID.
Hours category Specify the default category to be used for hours forecasting and hour consumption journals.
Hour budget status Specify the default invoice status to assign with the above hour budgets. The hour budget status will used in forecasting.
Hours invoice status Specify the default invoice status to assign with the hours category and hours budget status.
Project category for items Specify the default category to be used for item forecasting and item consumption.
Items invoice status Specify the default invoice status to assign with the project item transactions.
#Validate project categories Determin which service category can be used for items if ticked, all catergories can be chosen, otherwise only the applicable project categories.
Costs project category Specify the default category to be used for costs forecasting and costs journals.
Costs invoice status Specify the default invoice status to assign with the project category cost transaction.

Transaction texts

Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Transaction texts

The transaction text can be used to determine the text that should be printed in four different types of transactions. These transactions are:
Service/ Absence caption: Used in the grapical scheduling overview. The defined text will be shown in the scheduled task.
Service/ Absence tooltip: Used in teh graphical scheduling overview. The defined text will be show as a tooltip when hovering ove a scheduled activity with your mouse.

Field Description
TransTxtType The type of transaction for which you want tot setup the text. Only the three options as mentioned are availalble
Selection key The selection key can be used to make the transaction text more specific. This selection key can i.e. be the revenue category, the visit tariff code or the coverage type.
Language The language can be used as an additional selection key. By entering a language, your text will only be used for that language. When the language field is empty, the text will be used for all languages.
Text The text that will appear on the transaction. When selecting the field, the end user will see in the lower part of the screen the relevant options. These options vary per type and can be entered as %1, %2, etc. 

Form setup

Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Form setup

Conform the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations functionality specific settings regarding forms and printing can be done by using the form setup settings

Tab General

Field Description
Item number
Item number in forms Determines which items ar visible on the forms. Options: Our, yours, Both.
Amount and Salestax Not applicable for Maintenance Management

Tab Quotation, tab Sales confirmation, tab task confirmation, tab work order, tab task registrations

Field Description
Layout Select the paper format for the current report.

Planned service types

Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Planned service types



Service Level Definition

Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Service Level definition

A Service level Definition (SLD) is a centralized definition that contains several work order type related settings. Although the setup allows multiple SLD's for Maintenance Management only one is required. Only for a potential integration with Service Management, is allowed to setup more SLD's. For Maintenance Management the SLD's needs to be defined in the parameters.
The SLD combines the setup of allowed work order types and project integration, for specific equipment (types) using a table/ group/ all relation. For the specific selection a (defalult) work order type can be defined as well as specific project intergration. This project integration can help defaulting project categories for costing posting. This can i.e. make sure that the breakdown costs are posted on different categories as the preventive maintenance cost.

Field Description
SLD ID Unique ID to identify the SLD ID. This ID will be visible on the work order type SLD setup.
Description Description of the SLD ID
Block not listed work order types When ticked it won't be possbile to use other work order type than defined in teh setup of this SLD.
Equipment code type Select one from dropdown, table, group or all
Equipment relation Select either equipment ID when chosen "Table", equipment type when chosen "group" or none if the line applies to all. The selected project integration and coverage will be active for the selected equipment relation.
Work order type Select the work order type that should be used for the selected equipment relation and project integration relation.
Project intergration ID Select the project integration that should be used for the selected equipment relation and work order type combination.
Default work order type Tick on when this work order type in the previous colomn the default work order type for the selected equipment relation should be.
SLD ID Shows the SLD ID as defined in teh top of the form.
LineNo Identifies line number of the line you have selected in teh lines tab.
Default wor order type Reflects whether this line is marked as a default work order type.
Milestone recording
Milestone Selection her a workorder status from the work type of the selected line. This workorder status will be used for mile stone recording. When a work order status is marked for milestone recordign, you will be able to track whether the order status was handled on tim in comparison with the deadline date/ time configured for the status. When milestone recordign is active, the milestone registration will be captured on the work order in the tab SLA Milestone.
Record Determine whether the first of the last time you select the status will be used to capture the SLD time. I.e. when set to "first", the first time you select this status will create a new record on the SLD Milestone tab of the work order.