Product documentation
In This Topic
    Action Discounts
    In This Topic

    Business value

    Action discounts are used to give customers, a group of customers or all customers a discount (on the main item) based on a Coupon code (via a discount percentage or amount) or in the form of supplementary items for a reduced price (via a discount percentage or amount). 

    The current functionality supports the following scenarios: 



    Parameters (DYSAPCParameters)

    Sales and marketing > Setup > Price and margin management parameters > tab Action discounts

    Field Description
    Action discounts enabled. When disabled form, fields and menu items are hidden on sales order and sales quotation.

    Category hierarchy (EcoResCategory)

    Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Category hierarchies 

    In this form category hierarchies can be setup. For action discounts this can be done too, including nodes, sub nodes and products linked. 

    Field Description
    Name Name of category hierarchy.
    Description Description of category hierarchy.
    Last modified date Last modified date
    Last modified by Last modified by

    Category hierarchy role associations

    Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Category hierarchy role associations

    In this form one (1) category hierarchy can be linked to the category hierarchy type for Action discounts.

    Field Description
    Category hierarchy type For action discounts the category hierarchy type ‘Action discount hierarchy’ is available.
    Category hierarchy Unique ID for the record in the database. The category hierarchy setup for action discounts can be filled in.

    Action discount customer price groups

    Sales and marketing > Setup > Prices and discounts > Action discounts > Action discount customer price groups

    In this form action discount customer prices groups can be set up. These price groups can be linked to a customer who get applied the action discounts.

    Field Description
    Price group Price group to link an action discount to a group of customers.
    Description Description of the price group

    Action discount coupons

    Sales and marketing > Setup > Prices and discounts > Action discounts > Action discount coupons

    This form can be used to set up coupon codes. These coupon codes can be linked to an action code and to a sales quotation/order. Only if equal the action discount is applicable.

    Field Description
    Coupon code Coupon code
    Description Description of the coupon code


    Sales and marketing > Customers > All customers > fast tab Sales order defaults

    Field Description
    Price group Price group to link an action discount to a group of customers.
    Coupon code Default Coupon code for the concerning customer.

    Actions discounts

    Sales and marketing > Prices and discounts > Action discounts

    In this form action discounts are set up. The form does have four parts. A general part where general information about the action code can be set up. A customer relation part where customers and customer groups can be set up. A lines part where category and (main)items can be set up. A supplementary items part where the supplementary category of items can be set up. Beside these four parts, there are also three buttons, Enable, Disable and Translations.


    Field Description
    Enable Enables action discount, to be used on the sales order and quotation. When enabling multiple validations are triggered*.
    Disable To disable action discount.
    Translations Text that can be added to action discount in multiple languages.

    *The following validations are triggered, when the Enable button is pressed:


    Field Description
    Action discount code Action discount code, depending on number sequence set up automatically generated or manually filled
    Description Description of action code
    Enabled Shows if the Action discount is enabled
    From date Action discount is applied from this date
    To date Action discount is applied to this date
    Coupon code Coupon code needed to get the action discount
    Discount message
    Multi select Determines whether it is allowed to manually select more than one supplementary item or only one in the dialog opened in the sales quotation or order. Supplementary items that are marked as "Auto add" are not taken into account.

    Customer relations

    Field Description
    Valid for Select one of the following options: table (one customer) group (action discount customer price group) or all (all customers)
    Account selection Select a customer (table) or action discount customer price group (group)


    Field Description
    Category Select a node from the action discount category hierarchy. 
    Product Select a product belonging to the selected category. Category will be filled, based on selected product. Product must always have a category. If none, error is given.
    Product variant Select a product variant belonging to the selected product.
    Unit Unit for which action code is applicable. Unit on sales order line or sales quotation line must be equal with the unit specified. If empty the action discount is applicable for all units in the sales quotation and order.
    Discount type Two options: discount amount or discount percentage.
    Percent Discount percentage applicable (only editable when supplementary item is selected and Discount type is Percent).
    Amount Discount amount applicable (only editable when supplementary item is selected and Discount type is Amount).

    Supplementary items

    Field Description
    Category Select a node from the action discount category hierarchy. 
    Product Select a product belonging to the selected category. Category will be filled, based on selected product. Product must always have a category. If none, error is given.
    Product variant Select a product variant belonging to the selected product.
    Unit Unit for which action code is applicable. Unit on sales order line or sales quotation line must be equal with the unit specified. If empty the action discount is applicable for all units in the sales quotation and order.
    Auto add Determines whether the supplementary item is automatically added to the sales order line or sales quotation line. If Yes the item is selected and automatically added to the sales order line or sales quotation line. For Auto add line the Product must be specified. In case of Product master, the Product variant must be specified. Auto add supplementary item are not taken into account for the "Multi select" parameter.
    Discount type Two options: discount amount or discount percentage.
    Percent Discount percentage applicable (only editable when supplementary item is selected and Discount type is Percent).
    Amount Discount amount applicable (only editable when supplementary item is selected and Discount type is Amount).
    Number of products Number of products (quantity) that will be added to the additional created lines.
    Max allowed quantity Determines the maximum quantity for the supplementary item that can be added to the sales order. This maximum is per Number of products.

    Sales origin

    Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales orders > Sales origin

    In this form set up can be done for action discounts in the situation that order lines are created from outside. 

    It is also possible to give a specific action discount code from outside. This action discount will be used instead of the action discount found based on standard search logic.

    Field Description
    Skip action discounts Do not perform action discount logic. When active no action discounts will be added to the sales quotation or sales order. This parameter also applies for sales orders or quotations with this sales origin for orders created within the system.
    Action discount integration Trigger auto-add action discounts when inserting lines from outside. When active supplementary items with auto-add is active will be added automatically when item is inserted from outside.

    Sales quotations

    Sales and marketing > Sales quotations > All quotations

    On the sales quotation header the field Coupon code is added. On the sales quotation line form the field Action discount code is added. 

    Sales orders

    Sales and marketing > Sales orders > All sales orders

    On the sales order header the field Coupon code is added. On the sales order line form the field Action discount code is added. 

    On the sales order lines (button ‘sales order line’) the option Action discount trace is added. With this trace the selected action discount code for the line is traced. The search logic of this trace is as follows:

    Procedure sales quotation and sales order


    A sales order is created and an item is added in the sales line for which an action discount is applicable. After saving the record a popup is displayed where supplementary items can be selected. After OK the supplementary items are added to the sales line and the discounts (amount or percentage) are added to the line. If more than one action discount is applicable, the first found is taken, based on the action discount code.


    In the case an update of the action discount is needed the button ‘Reset action discounts’ on the sales line can be used. In a reset the supplementary item lines are deleted, and the popup shows up again. Whether a supplementary item line may be deleted, is determined based on standard deleting logic. The button is only active for non-supplementary item lines and multiselect is not possible.

    In the case only the actual discounts need to be loaded to the sales lines, the button ‘Reset prices’ can be used. So, the supplementary item lines are not deleted.